1、“我在重庆过新年”在渝国际专家新春联欢会面向全球直播Spending Chinese New Year in ChongqingNew Year Gala for International Experts in Chongqing Held With Global Livestreaming1月21日除夕夜,2023在渝国际专家新春联欢会在重庆嘉陵江索道博物馆举行。本次活动由重庆市文化和旅游发展委员会、重庆市科学技术局和重庆市人民政府外事办公室主办,邀请国际专家、艺术家、企业家等在渝共度新春。本次活动的主题是“我在重庆过新年”,于除夕夜22时30分通过iChongqing平台进行全球英文直播
2、。本场直播以重庆两江四岸为背景,向全球观众呈现精彩的文化艺术和非遗民俗表演,同时多机位、多角度,全景展示两江四岸迎新春灯光秀和焰火秀。重庆国际文旅之窗Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture&Tourism(WICT)Feeling Chongqing/渝阅By Yang Yan/The World and Chongqing Photo by Tang Anbing/The World and Chongqing文/本刊记者 杨艳 图/本刊记者 唐安冰首届重庆都市艺术节“新时代 新征程 新重庆”光影无人机表演。On the
3、 Chinese New Years Eve of January 21st,the 2023 New Year Cala for International Experts in Chongqing was held at the Jialing River Cableway Museum.Hosted by the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Commission,Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau,and Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Munici
4、pal Peoples Government,this activity invited international experts,artists,and entrepreneurs to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Chongqing.The theme of this activity is spending Chinese New Year in Chongqing,which was globally livestreamed in English via the iChongqing platform.With the scenery of
5、the two rivers and four banks as the background,this gala presented to audiences worldwide an exciting feast of cultural,artistic,and intangible cultural heritage folklore performances.In the meantime,a panorama of the light and fireworks show surrounding the two rivers and four banks was livestream
6、ed with cameras from different angles.44 The World and Chongqing 文化和旅游部驻埃及、巴黎、东京、哥本哈根、卢森堡、马来西亚、墨西哥、新加坡、雅典等国的文化中心官方社交媒体账号同步转播,让全球观众感受文化艺术与重庆都市风景的深度融合。活动现场,双语主持人与熊猫人偶一道,带领与会嘉宾和屏幕前的观众开启“寻香之旅”,参与包汤圆、包饺子、烫火锅等春节民俗活动,感受写春联、画年画、剪窗花等非遗文化。伴随着优美的小提琴曲新春乐和钢琴曲最后的行板 左手独奏曲,新年的钟声敲响,与会嘉宾隔江欣赏除夕夜的无人机、光影秀和焰火表演。这是首届重庆都市艺
7、术节的跨年焰火表演,在主城区长江与嘉陵江两江交汇附近区域以跨年整点焰火的形式辞旧迎新,燃放时间约20分钟,营造欢乐祥和、喜庆热烈的节日氛围。波光粼粼的江面倒映着鳞次栉比的高楼,再配以绚丽夺目的焰火,形成重庆独特的“山、水、城、天”为一体的都市夜景,烘托新时代大气、大美的重庆都市新形象。焰火表演结束后,重庆芭蕾舞团准备了精彩的芭蕾舞表演熊猫宝宝与兔子贝贝,在喜气洋洋的热烈氛围中,与会嘉宾向全球观众拜年,送上兔年祝福。“我在重庆过新年”在渝国际专家新春联欢会。图片/活动主办方提供The culture centers of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and T
8、ourism in Eygpt,Paris,Tokyo,Copenhagen,Luxembourg,Malaysia,Mexico,Singapore,and Athens also livestreamed this activity on their official social media accounts,enabling audiences all over the world to have a taste of this gala integrating culture,art,and Chongqings urban scenery.On the site,the bilin
9、gual host together with a panda character performer led the on-site guests and audiences online before the screens into a journey toward wonders,enjoying folk activities in Spring Festival such as making glutinous rice balls,dumplings,having hotpot,and experiencing intangible cultural heritage cultu
10、re like writing Spring Festival couplets,drawing new year paintings,and making paper-cuts.With a beautiful violin pieceNew Year Greetings and a piano pieceAndante Finale op.13 for the Left Hand playing,the bell for the New Year rang and the guests enjoyed the drone performance,light shows,and firewo
11、rks show across the river.This is the first fireworks show celebrating New Years Eve of Chongqings urban arts festival.Near the juncture of the Yangtze River and Jialing River,a 20-minute fireworks show was presented at 24:00 exactly to usher in the new year,creating a joyful,harmonious,auspicious,a
12、nd festive atmosphere.The lights of skyscrapers reflected in the gleaming water together with the dazzling fireworks perfectly illustrated Chongqings unique night scene,which includes mountains,rivers,city,and the sky,as well as Chongqings new image in the New Era that is inclusive and beautiful.Aft
13、er the fireworks show,Chongqing Ballet Theater performed an amazing dancethe Panda Baby and the Rabbit Beibei.In a festive atmosphere,the guests sent best wishes to the global audience for a Happy Rabbit New Year.首届重庆都市艺术节“新时代 新征程 新重庆”光影焰火表演。The World and Chongqing 45兔年春节重庆文旅“开门红”Feeling Chongqing/渝
14、阅兔年新春,洪崖洞民俗风貌区游人如织。重庆文旅经济迎来新年“开门红”,春节文旅消费呈现强劲复苏、显著回暖的良好态势。1月21日,市文化旅游系统认真贯彻落实文化和旅游部、市委和市政府有关假日工作部署,首届重庆都市艺术节“新时代 新征程 新重庆”光影无人机焰火表演,吸引上百万市民游客现场感受最温暖的节日祝福,并通过各媒体平台形成春节线上传播热点。节日期间,全市各主要剧场和演艺新空间上演精彩演出陪市民观众过大年。Promising Start for Chongqings Culture and Tourism in the Spring Festival of the Year of Rabbit
15、Chongqings cultural and tourism economy has witnessed a remarkable recovery at the start of the new year,with a strong rebound in consumption.On January 21,the light-drones-fireworks performance of the first Chongqing Urban Arts Festival themed New Era,New Journey,New Chongqing was held following th
16、e decisions and plans for Spring Festival Holidays issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Chongqing Government.The performance attracted more than one million residents,becoming a focal topic on social media.During the Spring Festival Holiday,performances were available in major theaters and new performing arts spaces for residents to enjoy.46 The World and Chongqing 榜 单 驴妈妈旅游网发布数据显示国内长线游十大目的地重庆位居全国第四 同程旅行数据显示重庆位居全国第四 马蜂窝发布数据显示搜索“攻略”热度最高的目的地重庆