1、turing industry from 2010 to 2020 The research found that,manufacturing digital transformation has signifi-cant impact on labor income share It does not support the view that digital transformation inhibits labor factorincome and thus worsens factor income distribution The role of digital transforma
2、tion in increasing labor in-come share is mainly through wage effects rather than employment effects at present That is,digital transfor-mation promotes the improvement of labor productivity of manufacturing enterprises,but not the job growthThere are industrial structure level heterogeneity,industr
3、y heterogeneity and firm heterogeneity in the relation-ship between digital transformation and labor income share For regions with a high level of industrial struc-ture,non-technology-intensive industries and enterprises with low capital intensity,digital transformation has astronger effect on incre
4、asing labor income share In addition,digital transformation has a stronger positive im-pact on the labor income share of high-skilled firms,the digital transformation of the manufacturing sectorshows escalation rather than polarization for skills demand Therefore,we should pay attention to the dynam
5、icadaptation of labor skills and emerging digital technologies to improve the income distribution in thedigital ageKey words:digital transformation;factor income distribution;labor income share;factor endowment;es-calation 责任编辑:张红产经评论2023 年主要选题参考1 产业经济领域重大理论与实践问题2 国际区域贸易趋势与产业链重构3 双循环新发展格局与产业网络4 产业创新与转型升级5 平台经济竞争与垄断问题研究6 互联网框架下城乡产业竞争与协作7 企业数字化转型与高质量发展8 产业发展与中国式现代化9 海洋经济与产业发展10 粤港澳大湾区产业经济研究11 华侨华人与产业发展431