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1、参考文献:1 田方,黄瑾.高质量早期教育成效何以延续?OECD 国家早期教育和保育课程框架的特征分析及启示 J.中国教育学刊,2020,(5):28-32.2 李洪玉,戴仰祖.学前儿童核心素养内涵及其指标体系探究评 高质量的幼儿教育:儿童早期的教与学 J.中国教育学刊,2021,(9):137.3 莫景祺.扎实推进三科统编教材推行使用工作的若干思考J.基础教育课程,2022(Z1):62-68.4 李化侠.从教材建设作为国家事权的高度推进三科统编教材使用 J.课程.教材.教法,2021,41(6):73-74.5 余宏亮.统编教材是体现国家事权的核心载体 J.中小学教材教学,2021,(7):

2、1.6 曹宏斌,刘伟燕.对统编版三科新教材的认识和思考 J.课程教材教学研究(教育研究),2020,(Z5):13-15.7 吕玉刚.抓好统编三科教材使用落实立德树人根本任务 J.课程.教材.教法,2020,40(10):4-7.Research on Educational Practice of Assisting the Implementationof State-compiled Textbooks for Three Subjects from the Perspectiveof Curriculum Transition between Kindergarten and Elem

3、entary SchoolDONG Ai-xia(School of Education,Hulunbuir University,Hulunbuir,Inner Mongolia,021008)Abstract:By using the research method of literature and logical analysis,this paper probes into the educational practiceof assisting the implementation of state-compiled textbooks for three subjects fro

4、m the perspective of curriculum transition be-tween kindergarten and elementary school.According to the research,the quality orientation centered on clear values,collabo-rative curriculum and the penetration of overall subject knowledge is the ontological feature of the educational practice in thetr

5、ansition stage between kindergarten and elementary school in the world in the new era.However,the core meaning of theimplementation of the state-compiled textbooks for three subjects in primary and secondary schools in China is embodied inthe following three aspects:the creative inheritance of the t

6、raditional virtues of the Chinese nation,the presentation of theintegration of socialist core values and reality,and the overall grasp and advocacy of the idea of a community with a shared fu-ture for mankind.This paper proposes some strategies of assisting the implementation of state-compiled textb

7、ooks for threesubjects from the perspective of curriculum transition between kindergarten and elementary school.The strategies are as fol-lows:Firstly,the system construction should be further improved to facilitate the coordination between the preparation of ba-sic literacy and the zero starting po

8、int of primary school;Secondly,the field education should be emphasized and the in-teractive method should be strengthened so that children can experience the core concept of the state-compiled textbooks forthree subjects.Thirdly,the interaction among kindergartens,families,primary schools and commu

9、nities should be strengthenedto promote the understanding of related functional departments of childrens learning toward the concept of state-compiled text-books for three subjects.Key words:curriculum transition between kindergarten and elementary school;assisting;state-compiled three-subjecttextbo

10、oks;educational practice内容中应体现的理念,给予具体的内容定位与要义深化和突出,进而促成多方联合在幼小衔接阶段来渗透落实与推进统编三科教材的核心要义,以此来获得更加广泛的联动效应。敬 告 读 者为贯彻落实国家深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案“支持建设高质量教学研究类学术期刊,鼓励高校学报向教学研究倾斜”的精神要求,集宁师范学院学报 编辑部深化改革,不断探索,积极向“教育教学研究”类学报转型发展。学报期刊现开设“教育研究”“教学研究”“课程改革研究”等教育教学类专栏和相关基础学科研究栏目,欢迎广大教育工作者积极投稿。作者投稿时,请务必登录集宁师范学院学报唯一网站(http:/)投稿,我刊不收版面费。所投论文作者信息必须齐全(包括出生年月、专业技术职称、学历、通讯方式、邮寄地址),论文格式规范(包括摘要、关键词、参考文献、注释、准确的英文翻译)。本刊不接受一稿多投,因作者一稿多投所引起的纠纷,由作者本人承担,本刊概不负责。集宁师范学院学报 编辑部23


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