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1、热词新重庆Buzzwords:New Chongqing建设现代化新重庆、六个显著提升、亩均论英雄、整体智治、争先创优赛马比拼、做好“土特产”文章、把屁股端端地坐在老百姓的这一面、城市大脑这些出现在政府工作报告中的热词,直入心坎,勾勒出新重庆更美好的明天。Building a modernized new Chongqing,significant improvements in six aspects,performance assessment per unit of land;comprehensive smart governance,motivation,competition,an

2、d incentive mechanisms,making the most of local specialties,always pursuing the interests of the people,city brain These buzzwords appearing in the government work report have left us with a deep impression and outlined a better tomorrow for a new Chongqing.建设现代化新重庆“新”在全面贯彻落实习近平总书记殷殷嘱托上取得的新成效,“新”在以中

3、国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴进程中作出的新贡献,“新”在国家高质量发展版图中争创的新地位,“新”在人民群众对更加幸福美好生活有实实在在的新感受,“新”在深入推进新时代党的建设新的伟大工程中展现的新气象。What does it mean by a“new”Chongqing?They are new achievements made in implementing General Secretary Xi Jinpings important instructions to Chongqing in full,new contributions to advancing the rej

4、uvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization,new roles in pursuing Chinas high-quality development,new tangible benefits for creating a happier and better life for our residents,and new momentum in advancing the great new project of Party building in the new

5、era.Building a Modernized New Chongqing亩均论英雄Performance Assessment per Unit of Land办好双城经济圈全球投资推介会等重大活动,提升“投资重庆”招商品牌显示度、影响力。坚持“亩均论英雄”,完善规划、能耗、环境、投资强度、亩产税收等标准,优化提升园区服务功能和管理效能,增强园区综合效益。We will stage major activities such as the global investment promotional event for Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Reg

6、ion and improve the visibility and brand influence of the“Investing in Chongqing”project.We will assess the performance generated by a mu of land(mu,a Chinese unit of area;1 mu 666.67 m2),improve the standards for planning,energy consumption,environment,investment intensity,and taxation of revenue p

7、er mu of land,optimize services and management efficiency for industrial parks,and enhance the comprehensive performances.制度型开放奋力抓好高水平对外开放,更好融入国内国际双循环。统筹商品要素流动型开放和制度型开放,培育内陆开放新优势。We will redouble efforts in promoting high-quality opening up and better integrating into the domestic and international

8、circulations.We will coordinate the opening up based on flows of goods and factors of production and the opening up based on rules and related institutions to foster the new advantages of inland opening-up.Institutional Opening-upThe World and Chongqing 15Politics&Economy/政经We will enhance the compr

9、ehensive smart governance,efficiency,and coordination,and foster all-in-one digitized and synchronized scenarios that integrate smart communication,thorough implementation,and supervision of government work.注 重 整 体 智治、高 效 协同,优化完 善“渝 快办”“渝快政”,推进跨部门数据共享、流程再造、业务协同,打造政令一键智达、执行一贯到底、监督一屏掌控等数字化协同工作场景。整体智治C

10、omprehensive Smart Governance争先创优赛马比拼注重实干争先、闭环落实,坚持问题导向、清单管理,建立争先创优赛马比拼机制、服务企业服务群众服务基层机制、班子运行评估和群众口碑评价机制、最佳实践分析和典型问题案例复盘机制,健全“谋划决策执行反馈”的工作闭环,完善“项目化实施+专班化推进”运作方式,以钉钉子精神干出一批有辨识度、有影响力的标志性成果。We will take the initiative,work for practical results,and see through the implementation in a problem-oriented a

11、nd list-based manner.We will establish motivation,competition,and incentive mechanism,service mechanism for companies,people,and communities,assessment mechanism for leadership teams,review mechanism by residents,and analysis and review mechanism for best practices and representative problems.The cl

12、ose loop of“planning,decision-making,implementation,and feedback”will be improved.A project-based,taskforce-led implementation method will be adopted.Thus,we will work for a number of visible and influential signature outcomes.Motivation,Competition,and Incentive Mechanism六个显著提升Objectives are detail

13、ed and quantified as“Significant Improvement in Six Aspects”in the next five years:1.Significantly Improving the Economic Strength2.Significantly Improving Strengths in Science and Education3.Significantly Improving the Composite Strength of Chongqing4.Significantly Improving Ecological Conservation

14、5.Significantly Improving Social Governance6.Significantly Improving Living StandardsSignificant Improvement in Six Aspects细化量化未来五年“六个显著提升”的目标任务:(一)推动经济实力显著提升。(二)推动科教实力显著提升。(三)推动城市综合实力显著提升。(四)推动生态文明建设水平显著提升。(五)推动社会治理水平显著提升。(六)推动人民生活水平显著提升。做好“土特产”文章推动乡村产业全链条升级。落实产业帮扶政策,做好“土特产”文章,向开发农业多种功能、挖掘乡村多元价值要效益

15、,向一二三产业融合发展要效益。We will promote upgrading across the entire rural industry chain.By implementing industry support policies and making the most of local specialties,we can develop the multiple functions of agriculture,tap the diversified value of rural areas,and benefit from the integrated development

16、 of primary,secondary,and tertiary industries.Making the Most of Local Specialties16 The World and Chongqing 站稳人民立场 守好百姓之心人民政府根植人民、服务人民,政府前面的“人民”二字重于泰山。我们要站稳人民立场、守好百姓之心,加快建设为民政府、法治政府、效能政府、数字政府、廉洁政府,以赶考的清醒当好“三个务必”的答卷人。把屁股端端地坐在老百姓的这一面人民群众是团结奋斗的力量源泉。要把屁股端端地坐在老百姓的这一面,始终同人民群众一道拼、一块干、一起奋斗,共同创造新时代新征程新重庆更加美好的明天。奋进者姿态 创造性张力狠抓效能建设,让革新立新、担当实干蔚然成风。保持奋进者姿态、创造性张力,高质高效抓工作、促落实。城市大脑推逬数字化変革。以数字政府建设为牵引,构建多跨协同工作机制,完善高速泛在网络和公共数据资源管理平台、数字重庆云算力平台、数字重庆算法平台,迭代升级“城市大脑”,构建协同高效的数字化履职能力体系。来源/华龙网 整理/刘丁睿The peoples government


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