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2、otographyElie HoneinSPOTLIGHT ON INFLUENCE54 Connect,Then Lead Most of us try to demonstrate competence above all inABOVEthe workplace,but research suggests that the way to influence-and to lead-is toJessica Snowbegin with warmth.Amy J.C.Cuddy,Matthew Kohut,and John Neffinger252(+1)Dots2011,acrylic
3、on62 The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents A study of change initiativespanel,14x 18at the UKs National Health Service reveals what helps some leaders succeed attransforming their workplaces.Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro7o How Experts Gain Influence Four competencies can help functional
4、expertsand groups in any organization compete for top managements limited time andattention.Anette Mikes,Matthew Hall,and Yuval MilloHBR.ORG76 The Uses(and Abuses)of Influence Persuasion works by appealing to certainFour thingsdeeply rooted human responses,and leaders who understand those responses andgreat influenc-play to them in authentic ways can significantly elevate the probability of success.ers do hbr.org/Social scientist Robert Cialdini,interviewed by Sarah Cliffereal-influenceJuly-August 2013 Harvard Business Review 3