1、第 18 卷 第 2 期2023 年 3 月大 气 与 环 境 光 学 学 报JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL OPTICSVol.18 No.2Mar.2023光合抑制法水质毒性检测中藻类培养光合抑制法水质毒性检测中藻类培养光照与温度实验分析光照与温度实验分析陈金计 1,3,殷高方 1,3*,赵南京 1,3*,张小玲 2,甘婷婷 1,陈 敏 1,亓培龙 1,丁志超 1,谷梦园 1,王 翔 1,董 鸣 1,华 卉 1,王 璐 1(1 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所,中国科学院环境光学与技术重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031;
2、2 安徽大学物质科学与信息技术研究院信息材料与智能感知安徽省实验室,安徽 合肥 230039;3 合肥学院生物食品与环境学院,安徽 合肥 230601)摘要:浮游藻类作为单细胞生物,其光合活性外界胁迫作用响应灵敏,是水质综合毒性检测的良好受试生物,因此认识受试藻种光合活性状态对温度和光照等主要环境因子的响应规律,掌握有效控制受试藻种光合活性状态和浓度的培养条件,对水质综合毒性检测至关重要。以模式受试生物蛋白核小球藻为研究对象,研究了不同温度梯度和光照强度下蛋白核小球藻光合活性变化规律。研究结果显示:蛋白核小球藻在不同梯度光照下,藻种光合活性和藻种浓度的变化非常明显。低光照下(75 E、125
3、E)藻种平均光合活性在0.60左右但藻种浓度基本不增加;中光照下(175、225、300、375 E)藻种平均光合活性在0.57左右且此时藻种浓度有明显增加,其中,实验最佳光照为375 E;高光照下(475 E和600 E)藻种平均光合活性低于0.56(初始活性),会对藻种的生长状态产生胁迫。不同梯度温度下藻种光合活性和藻种浓度也有明显变化,中低温下(5、15、25)藻种平均光合活性在0.59左右且藻种浓度随着温度的升高而增加,最佳温度为25;高温下(30、35、40)藻种光合活性迅速下降直至失活。研究结果表明可以通过控制光照和温度来控制浮游藻类的光合活性和生长速度,为在线水质综合毒性测量仪提
4、供标准的受试藻样培养方式,从而给便携式水质综合毒性测量仪的研发奠定基础。关 键 词:浮游藻类;光合活性;叶绿素荧光;环境因子中 图 分 类 号:X853 文 献 标 识 码:A 文章编号:1673-6141(2023)02-133-008Experimental analysis of illumination and temperature of algae culture in water toxicity detection by photosynthesis inhibition methodCHEN Jinji 1,3,YIN Gaofang 1,3*,ZHAO Nanjing 1,
5、3*,ZHANG Xiaoling 2,GAN Tingting 1,CHEN Min 1,QI Peilong 1,DING Zhichao 1,GU Mengyuan 1,WANG Xiang 1,DONG Ming 1,HUA Hui 1,WANG Lu 1(1 Key Laboratory of Environmental Optics and Technology,Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,HFIPS,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-6141.2023.02.005基金项目:安徽省科技重大专项(20200
6、3a07020007),安徽省杰出青年科学基金项目(1908085J23),国家自然科学基金项目(61875207、61805254、62005001),中科院仪器设备功能开发技术创新项目(Y93H3g1251)作者简介:陈金计(1996-),安徽合肥人,硕士研究生,主要从事浮游藻类光生物反应器在线测控技术研究。E-mail:导师简介:殷高方(1979-),安徽安庆人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事水体生态/生物光学检测新方法与新技术研究工作。E-mail: 赵南京(1976-),安徽砀山人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事环境污染光学与光谱学监测新技术与方法研究。E-mail:收稿日期
7、:2021-04-07;修改日期:2021-06-03*通信作者。大 气 与 环 境 光 学 学 报18 卷Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230031,China;2 Anhui Laboratory of Information Materials and Intelligent Perception,Institute of Material Science and Information Technology,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China;3 College of Biological Food and En
8、vironment,Hefei University,Hefei 230601,China)AbstracAbstract t:Planktonic algae are single-celled organisms,and their photosynthetic activity responds sensitively to external stress,so they are good test organisms for the comprehensive toxicity test of water quality.Obtaining the response law of th
9、e photosynthetic activity state of the tested algae species to the main environmental factors such as temperature and light,and mastering the culture conditions that effectively control the photosynthetic activity state and concentration of the tested algae species are essential for the comprehensiv
10、e toxicity detection of water quality.Taking the model test organism Chlorella pyrenoidosa as the research object,the changes of photosynthetic activity of Chlorella pyrenoidosa under different temperature gradients and light intensities were studied in this work.The results show that the changes of
11、 photosynthetic activity and concentration of the algae species under different gradient illuminations are very obvious.Under low light(75 E,125 E),the average photosynthetic activity of algae species is about 0.60 while the concentration of algae species basically does not increase.Under medium lig
12、ht(175,225,300,375 E),the average photosynthetic activity of algae species is around 0.57 and the concentration of algae species has increased significantly at this time.Among them,the best lighting for the experiment is 375 E.Under high light(475 E and 600 E),the average photosynthetic activity of
13、the algae species is lower than 0.56(initial activity),which can stress the growth state of the algae species.It is also shown that the photosynthetic activity and concentration of algae species also changes significantly under different gradient temperatures.At medium and low temperatures(5,15,25 C
14、),the average photosynthetic activity of algae species is about 0.59,the concentration of algae species increases with the increase of temperature,and the best temperature is 25 C.Under high temperature(30,35,40 C),the photosynthetic activity of the algae species declines rapidly until inactivation.
15、It is indicated that the photosynthetic activity and growth rate of planktonic algae can be controlled by controlling light and temperature,which can provide a standard method for cultivating the tested algae samples for a online water quality comprehensive toxicity meter,thereby laying a foundation
16、 for the development of the portable water quality comprehensive toxicity meter.K Keyey wordswords:planktonic algae;photosynthetic activity;chlorophyll fluorescence;environmental factors0 引 言浮游藻类个体小、繁殖快、对污染物响应灵敏,是检测水质综合毒性的理想受试生物1,2。藻类光合活性可以反映藻细胞的 生长潜力,常被用来表征自然水体综合毒性,反映水环境污染程度。已有研究表明藻类光合活性参数Fv/Fm对污染物毒性响应稳定且敏感3。但对毒性测试进行深入研究时47,发现利用藻类光合活性进行毒性测试在一定程度上受到受试藻种的初始光合活性和浓度的影响,而光照和温度是影响受试134第 2 期陈金计,等:光合抑制法水质毒性检测中藻类培养光照与温度实验分析藻类初始状态的主要因素。此外,作为毒性受试对象,受试浮游藻类样品需要保持适当的浓度和较高的光合活性8。因此,获得藻类生长环境因子,尤其是光照强度和温度等主要环境因