1、国际标准刊号 ISSN 1006-8899 国内统一刊号 CN11-3665/J邮发代号 2-228 定价(国内)33.00元(国外)12.00美元(港台)8.00美元2023-06美詹姆斯惠斯勒 蓝与银的夜曲:切尔西 布面油彩 50.160.6厘米 1871 英国泰特美术馆藏文化和旅游部主管中国艺术研究院主办月刊总第334期 北大中文核心期刊RCCSE中国权威学术期刊(A+)学人档案高罗佩时代人物李明久本期名家宋光智案边点滴甘而可谈漆器艺术创作朱彝尊与王士祯的合像考从钱维城回部四果卷看乾隆帝平定回部的意义惠斯勒与罗斯金之争:形式、意义的完成参与还是工具?模特希弗南与惠斯勒的艺术创作实验研究给
2、孩子的美术史,如何写?How to Write a History of Art forChildren?Scholar Archive:Robert Hans van GulikTimes Figure:Li MingjiuMaster of the Issue:Song GuangzhiRandom Thoughts:Gan Erke on the Art of Lacquerware CreationA Study on the Joint Portrait of Zhu Yizun and Wang ShizhenThe Significance of Emperor Qianlongs Pacification of the Hui People as Seen in Qian Weichengs“Hui Peoples Four Outcomes”ScrollThe Dispute Between Whistler and Ruskin:The Completion of Form and MeaningParticipation or Tool?-A Study on the Artistic Creation Exper-iment of Model Joanna Hiffernan and James McNeill Whistler062023