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1、 1253 2022 年第 24 卷第 12 期(总第 230 期)基金项目 2020 年国家药品监督管理局委托事项立项项目(项目编号:NMPA2020;项目名称:执业药师继续教育管理体制、实施模式与政策体系研究)作者简介李朝辉,女,硕士,副主任医师,研究方向:药事管理,合理用药。E-mail:582567962 管理与实践执业药师继续教育实施情况的调查分析李朝辉,周玥,张婷婷(国家药品监督管理局执业药师资格认证中心,北京 100061)摘要 目的:对全国各省(自治区、直辖市)执业药师继续教育实施情况进行调研分析,为加强执业药师继续教育,持续提升执业药师专业素质提供参考。方法:采用问卷调研、数

2、据分析、文献查阅等方式,对 2021 年全国各省(自治区、直辖市)执业药师继续教育实施情况进行调研,收集开展执业药师继续教育的管理机构、专业科目施教机构、课程设置、学习方式、培训人数等基本情况并进行分析;收集 药品监督管理统计年度报告(2020 年)发布的 2017 年 12 月至 2020 年 12 月期间全国执业药师注册数据,重点选取执业药师注册执业领域、执业类别、学历分布等数据进行统计分析。结果:2021 年,全国 31 个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团中,执业药师继续教育管理机构中省级药监局占比 31 25%,医药行业协会/学会占比 50 00%;专业科目施教机构有 3 家及以

3、上的占 50.00%;按执业药师执业领域、执业类别和执业药师学历层次分别设置继续教育专业科目课程的占62.50%;学习方式以网授为主,辅以面授或函授方式的占 56.25%;全国共有 88.5 万名执业药师参加继续教育。截至2020 年12月底,全国执业药师累计在有效期内注册人数为 594 154 人,注册于药品生产、批发、零售企业、医疗机构和其他领域的占比分别为 0.66%、5.78%、91.10%、2.44%、0.02%;执业类别为药学、中药学、药学与中药学的占比分别为 48.78%、47.70%、3.52%;学历为大专和中专的占比85.64%。结论:管理部门可依据执业药师执业领域、执业类别

4、、学历分布情况,开展分类分层继续教育培训;科学设计、创新培训方式方法,加强考核,保证执业药师继续教育质量,提升执业药师专业能力和素质,服务公众合理用药。关键词 执业药师;继续教育;药学;专业能力;考核和评估 中图分类号 95 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1009 0959(2022)12 1253 05Investigation and Analysis of the Implementation of ContinuingEducation for Licensed PharmacistsLI Zhaohui,ZHOU Yue,ZHANG Tingting(Certification Cent

5、er for Licensed Pharmacist of National Medical Products Administration,Beijing 100061,China)Abstract Objective:To investigate and analyze the implementation situation of continuing education for licensed pharmacists in eachprovince of China,so as to provide reference for strengthening continuing edu

6、cation for licensed pharmacists and continuously improvingprofessional quality of licensed pharmacists.Methods:By means of questionnaire survey,data analysis and literature review,the imple-mentation situation of continuing education for licensed pharmacists of each province in 2021 was investigated

7、.The basic information onmanagement institutions,teaching institutions for professional subjects,curriculum settings,training forms and the number of trainees ofcontinuing education for licensed pharmacists were collected and analyzed.The licensed pharmacists registration data from December 2017to D

8、ecember 2020 released in the Drug Supervision Annual Statistical eport(2020)were collected,and the data of licensed pharmacistspracticing field,practicing category and education level were statistically analyzed.esults:In 2021,among the management agencies ofcontinuing education for licensed pharmac

9、ists,provincial drug regulatory departments accounted for 31.25%and pharmaceutical industryassociations/societies accounted for 50.00%In 50.00%of the provinces,there are three or more teaching institutions providing continu-ing education for licensed pharmacists.62.50%of the continuing education cou

10、rses were set according to the practicing field,practicingcategory and educational level of licensed pharmacists.The training form of the continuing education for licensed pharmacists was mainlyonline teaching,and 56.25%were assisted by face-to-face or correspondence teaching.A total of 885 000 lice

11、nsed pharmacists participa-ted in the continuing education.By the end of December 2020,a total of 594 154 licensed pharmacists were registered within the validityperiod Licensed pharmacists registered in the feild of drug production,wholesale,retail,medical institutions and other fields accounted 12

12、54 2022 Volume 24 No.12(Serial No.230)for 0.66%,5.78%,91.10%,2.44%and 0.02%,respectively.Licensed pharmacists registered in the practicing category of pharma-cy,Chinese medicine,pharmacy and Chinese medicine accounted for 48.78%,47.70%and 3.52%,respectively.85.64%of the li-censed pharmacists had col

13、lege degree or technical secondary school degree.Conclusion:It is suggested that the administrative depart-ments should carry out classified and hierarchical training according to the practicing field,practicing category and educational level of li-censed pharmacists,scientifically design and innova

14、te the training methods,strengthen assessment,so as to ensure the quality of continuingeducation,improve the professional competence and quality of licensed pharmacists,and serve the public for rational drug use Key Words Licensed pharmacists;Continuing education;Pharmacy;Professional competence;Ass

15、essment and evaluation执业药师在药品生产、经营、使用单位注册执业,承担着加强药品质量管理、指导公众合理用药的重要职责。执业药师按照规定参加继续教育,对提升执业药师专业能力和职业素质,持续保持岗位胜任力有重要的意义和作用。执业药师注册管理办法1 规定:执业药师注册申请人应按规定参加继续教育学习,未按规定完成继续教育学习的,药品监督管理部门不予注册;执业药师每年应参加不少于 90 学时的继续教育培训,每 3 个学时为 1 学分,每年累计不少于 30 学分,其中专业科目学时一般不少于总学时的三分之二;承担继续教育管理职责的机构应当将执业药师的继续教育学分记入全国执业药师注册管理

16、信息系统。“十四五”国家药品安全及促进高质量发展规划2 也对加强执业药师队伍建设,规范继续教育提出要求。本研究对 2021 年全国执业药师继续教育实施情况进行调研分析,并结合“十三五”末我国执业药师注册情况及分布特点,提出加强执业药师继续教育的建议,旨在为“十四五”期间持续提升执业药师专业素质和执业能力提供参考。1资料和方法2022 年 4 月,对全国 31 个省(自治区、直辖市)药品监督管理局和新疆生产建设兵团药品监督管理局(以下简称“省级药监局”)2021 年执业药师继续教育工作开展情况进行调研,收集开展执业药师继续教育的管理机构、专业科目施教机构、课程设置、学习方式、培训人数等情况并进行分析。执业药师数据来源于 药品监督管理统计年度报告(2020 年)3 发布的 2017 年 12 月至 2020 年 12 月期间全国执业药师注册数据,重点选取执业药师注册执业领域、执业类别、学历分布等数据进行统计分析。2结果2.1各省执业药师继续教育工作开展情况2.1.1管理机构本次调研结果显示,9 个省和新疆生产建设兵团(占比为 31.25%)的执业药师继续教育管理机构为省级药监局,6 个省(


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