1、临床研究术前口服不同容量碳水化合物对腹腔镜妇科手术患者胃液量的影响李雨虹尹宁马晴任志强DOI:1012089/jca202302009作者单位:221000南京医科大学附属逸夫医院麻醉科通信作者:尹宁,Email:yinning882000 126com【摘要】目的比较术前 2 h 口服不同容量碳水化合物(CHO)对腹腔镜妇科手术患者胃液量的影响。方法选择全身麻醉下行腹腔镜妇科手术患者 120 例,年龄 1855 岁,BMI 1828 kg/m2,ASA 或级。采用随机数字表法分为四组:常规禁饮组(对照组)、口服 CHO 200 ml 组(C200 组)、口服 CHO 300 ml 组(C30
2、0 组)和口服 CHO 400 ml 组(C400 组),每组 30 例。对照组常规禁饮,C200组、C300 组和 C400 组术前 2 h 分别口服 CHO 200、300、400 ml。入手术室后,超声测量平卧位、右侧卧位胃窦部横截面积并行 Perlas 等级评分。常规全麻诱导插入 I-gel 喉罩后置入多孔鼻胃管抽吸胃液,测定胃液量。记录口服 CHO 前、口服 CHO 2 h 后的口渴及饥饿 VAS 评分、状态特质焦虑量表(STAI-Y)评分。结果与对照组比较,C400 组胃液量明显增多(P0.05)。与 C400 组比较,对照组和 C200 组 Perlas 2 级比例明显降低(P0
3、.05)。对照组、C200 组和 C300 组 Perlas 分级比例差异无统计学意义。与口服 CHO 前比较,口服 CHO 2 h 后 C300 组和 C400 组口渴 VAS 评分、STAI-Y 评分明显降低(P0.05)。与 C200 组比较,口服 CHO 2 h 后 C300 组和 C400 组口渴 VAS 评分、STAI-Y 评分明显降低(P0.05)。结论术前 2 h 口服碳水化合物 300 ml 在腹腔镜妇科手术患者中安全可靠,不引起胃液量明显改变,不增加反流误吸风险,且可显著改善术前口渴、焦虑的主观不适。【关键词】胃容量;碳水化合物;腹腔镜;妇科手术Effect of preo
4、perative oral carbohydrate of different volumes on gastric juice volume in patients un-dergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgeryLI Yuhong,YIN Ning,MA Qing,EN Zhiqiang Depart-ment of Anesthesiology,Sir un un Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 221000,ChinaCorresponding author:YIN Ning,Email
5、:yinning882000 126com【Abstract】ObjectiveTo compare the effect of oral administration of 12.5%carbohydrate(CHO)with different volume 2 hours before surgery on gastric juice volume MethodsA total of 120 patients,aged 1855 years,BMI 1828 kg/m2,ASA physical status or,were selected for laparoscopic gyne-
6、cological surgery under general anesthesia andomized number table method was used to divide the patientsinto four groups:drinking prohibition group(group control),oral CHO 200 ml group(group C200),oralCHO 300 ml group(group C300),and oral CHO 400 ml group(group C400),30 patients in each groupGroup c
7、ontrol was routinely forbidden to drink,and groups C200,C300,and C400 were given CHO 200,300 and 400 ml orally 2 hours before surgery,respectively After entering the operating room,the cross-sec-tional area of gastric antrum was measured under ultrasound in supine position and right lateral position
8、,andthe Perlas grade was scored The gastric fluid was aspirated through a porous nasogastric tube after the inser-tion of an I-gel laryngeal mask under general anesthesia,and the gastric fluid volume were measured VASscores of thirst and hunger and STAI-Y scores of anxiety were recorded before takin
9、g CHO orally and 2 hoursafter taking CHO esultsCompared with the group control,the gastric juice volume in group C400 in-creased significantly(P 0.05)Compared with group C400,the proportion of Perlas grade 2 in groupC200 was significantly decreased(P 0.05)There was no significant difference in the p
10、roportion of Perlasgrading among the group control,group C200,and group C300 Compared with before taking CHO,VASscore of thirst and STAI-Y score of anxiety in group C300 and group C400 were significantly lower 2 hoursafter taking CHO(P 0.05)At 2 hours after taking CHO,VAS score of thirst and STAI-Y
11、score of anxie-ty in group C300 and group C400 were significantly lower than those in group C200(P 0.05)ConclusionOral administration of CHO 300 ml 2 hours before operation is safe and reliable in patients un-dergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery,which will not increase the risk of aspiration,
12、and can signifi-cantly improve the subjective discomfort of thirst and anxiety before operation【Key words】Gastric volume;Carbohydrate;Laparoscopy;Gynecological surgery451临床麻醉学杂志 2023 年 2 月第 39 卷第 2 期J Clin Anesthesiol,February 2023,Vol39,No2随着加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after sur-gery,EAS)理念的发展,传统术前禁食禁
13、饮 812h 的观念逐渐被替代,目前指南12 推荐择期手术患者术前 2 h 可摄入液体。研究34 表明,术前 23 h口服碳水化合物(carbohydrate,CHO)200 400 ml不增加反流误吸风险。也有研究5 表明,择期手术患者术前口服 CHO 400 ml 2 h 后胃液量高于误吸风险阈值。胃超声评估能够无创且可视地判断床边胃内容物的性质和体积67。腹腔镜以患者创伤小、恢复快的优点被广泛应用于妇科、普外科等临床手术,但 CO2气腹导致腹腔压力大,容易导致患者反流误吸。本研究利用超声对腹腔镜妇科手术患者进行胃窦的定性及定量评估,寻求适宜的术前口服 CHO 饮用量,为临床提供参考。资料
14、与方法一般资料本研究经医院伦理委员会批准(2020-S-012-A1),患者签署知情同意书。选择2021 年 1 月至 2022 年 2 月择期行腹腔镜妇科非肿瘤手术患者,年龄 18 55 岁,BMI 18 28 kg/m2,ASA 或级。排除标准:胃食管反流和胃排空障碍,正在接受治疗的糖尿病,有沟通或认知障碍,合并严重心肺或肝肾疾病。剔除标准:胃超声显像不清。分组与处理患者术前未特殊用药。采用随机数字表法将患者分为四组:常规禁饮组(对照组)、口服 200 ml 组(C200 组)、口服 300 ml 组(C300 组)和口服 400 ml 组(C400 组)810。四组患者均禁食 10 h,
15、对照组禁饮 10 h,C200 组、C300组和 C400 组分别在术前 2 h 口服 CHO 200、300、400 ml(含 CHO 12.5 g/ml,200 ml/瓶),10 min 内饮用完毕,饮用过程中避免吸入空气。入室后由经过多次超声培训、有 2 年胃超声评估经验的同一位麻醉科医师进行两种体位(平卧位、右侧卧位)下的胃窦部超声检查,该医师对患者的禁饮情况不知晓。获取胃窦标准截面影像后,采用头尾向径法测量胃窦部横截面积(cross-sectionalarea,CSA),图像均在胃窦收缩间期获取。根据平卧位和右侧卧位的胃窦超声影像,评出 Perlas 分级6。Perlas 分级=2
16、级时评估为“反流误吸高风险”,此类患者用胃管引流胃液,测定胃液量和胃液pH 值,胃窦超声再次评估为“反流误吸低风险”(Perlas 分级2 级)时方可进行手术。麻醉方法超声检查评估为“反流误吸低风险”的患者行快速静脉诱导,依次静脉注射咪达唑仑 0.04 mg/kg、舒芬太尼 0.30.4 g/kg、顺式阿曲库铵0.15 mg/kg、丙泊酚23 mg/kg,置入 I-gel 3 号喉罩行机械通气。呼吸参数设置:VT6 8 ml/kg,1214 次/分,维持 PETCO23040 mmHg,I E1 2。于喉罩侧孔置入 16 F 多孔胃管 4555 cm,轻压胃区,上下调整胃管位置,50 ml 注射器经胃管抽吸并测定胃液量,并用 pH 测试仪测定胃液 pH值。麻醉维持:静脉泵注丙泊酚 2 mgkg1h1、瑞芬太尼 0.30.5 gkg1min1、顺式阿曲库铵0.080.1 mgkg1h1,吸入 1%七氟醚,切皮前追加舒芬太尼 10 g。手术结束前给予氟比洛芬酯50 mg、昂丹司琼 8 mg。手术结束后送麻醉后恢复室,不使用拮抗药物,待患者意识清楚,VT7 ml/kg,拔除喉罩,Stewar