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160 km_h市域铁路装配式浮置板轨道过渡段优化研究.pdf

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1、第 20 卷 第 7 期2023 年 7 月铁道科学与工程学报Journal of Railway Science and EngineeringVolume 20 Number 7July 2023160 km/h市域铁路装配式浮置板轨道过渡段优化研究李秋义1,2,周智强3,黄绮淇3,王品皓3,李勇江3,孙渊冰3(1.中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430063;2.铁路轨道安全服役湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430063;3.西南交通大学 高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,四川 成都 610031)摘要:对于时速160 km,轴重17 t运营条件下的市域浮置板轨道列车平稳过渡

2、问题,设计人员提出一种设置钢轨预拱值的钢弹簧浮置板新型过渡段方案。本文建立三维列车轨道过渡段耦合模型来验证该设计方案下列车通过时的轨面平顺性,研究在160 km/h速度下车辆和轨道结构的动力响应规律,并对过渡段预拱值、合理长度以及扣件垂向刚度过渡方案进行分析。结果表明,在市域铁路非减振地段至浮置板地段的轨道过渡段设置预拱值可以有效提高列车通过时的轨面平顺性,降低列车和轨道动力响应,提高列车运行舒适性。本文过渡段长度设置无过渡段,13.2,19.8,26.4和33 m共5种工况。通过计算可知,设置过渡段后能有效降低列车动力响应,降低钢轨轨面变化率。随着过渡段长度的增加,钢轨轨面变化率逐渐减小,轨

3、面平顺性增加。在19.8 m工况下,车体垂向加速度、轮轨垂向力及预拱过渡段和钢弹簧浮置板段交界处的钢轨垂向加速度均达到最小值,为4种工况的较优解。通过高斯函数拟合,对浮置板过渡段扣件垂向刚度过渡方案进行优化设计,从线性过渡改为非线性过渡,非线性过渡方案下的钢轨轨面变化率降低效果显著,比线性过渡更能保证列车通过过渡段时的轨面平顺性。关键词:装配式浮置板;预拱值;过渡段;动力学响应;扣件刚度优化中图分类号:U239.5 文献标志码:A 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7029(2023)07-2479-09Structural optimization of transi

4、tion section of 160 km/h urban railway fabricated floating slab trackLI Qiuyi1,2,ZHOU Zhiqiang3,HUANG Qiqi3,WANG Pinhao3,LI Yongjiang3,SUN Yuanbing3(1.China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430063,China;2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Railway Track Security Service,Wuhan 430

5、063,China;3.Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering,Ministry of Education,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)Abstract:For the smooth transition of urban floating slab track trains with a speed of 160 km/h and an axle load of 17 tons,the designers proposed a new transition se

6、ction scheme of steel spring floating slab with rail pre camber value.In this paper,a three-dimensional train track transition coupling model was established to verify 收稿日期:2022-07-12基金项目:中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司科研课题(2020K028);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978584)通信作者:李秋义(1972),男,吉林怀德人,正高级工程师,博士,从事城市轨道交通减振降噪技术研究工作;E-mail:D

7、OI:10.19713/ki.43-1423/u.T20221390铁 道 科 学 与 工 程 学 报2023 年 7月the smoothness of the rail surface when the train passes under the design scheme.The dynamic response law of the vehicle and track structure at the speed of 160 km/h was studied.The pre camber value,reasonable length and vertical stiffness

8、transition scheme of the transition section was analyzed.The results show that setting the pre camber value in the transition section of the track from the non-vibration-damping section to the floating slab section of the city railway can effectively improve the smoothness of the track surface when

9、the train passes,reduce the dynamic response of the train and the track,and improve the comfort of the train.In this paper,the length of transition section is set without transition section,13.2,19.8,26.4 and 33 m.The calculation shows that the dynamic response of the train and the change rate of ra

10、il surface can be effectively reduced after setting the transition section.With the increase of the length of the transition section,the rail surface change rate gradually decreases,and the rail surface smoothness increases.Under the working condition of 19.8 m,the vertical acceleration of the car b

11、ody,the vertical force of the wheel rail and the vertical acceleration of the rail at the junction of the pre camber transition section and the steel spring floating plate section all reach the minimum value,which is the better solution of the four working conditions.Through Gaussian function fittin

12、g,the vertical stiffness transition scheme of fasteners in the transition section of floating plate is optimized,which is changed from linear transition to nonlinear transition.The rail surface change rate under the nonlinear transition scheme is significantly reduced,which can better ensure the rai

13、l surface smoothness when the passing train passes through the transition section than the linear transition.Key words:assembled floating slab;camble;transition section;dynamic response;fastener stiffness optimization 与城际铁路和高速铁路相比,市域铁路穿过城市中心,沿线有许多振动敏感点,因此对减振降噪提出了更高的要求。目前,轨道减振主要依赖设置减振扣件、减振轨枕以及减振道床等措施



16、因素。刘笑凯等16利用车轨耦合动力学原理,建立了车轨过渡段的动力学分析模型,研究了浮板过渡段的合理设置方式,考虑采用“加密钢弹簧支架+阻尼扣件”为过渡段的设置方式。王润丰等17建立了列车-橡胶浮置板轨道的耦合动力学模型,分析了橡胶浮置板轨道系统过渡段数量和相邻过渡段刚度比的影响,提出了变刚度比过渡段设计方案的可行性,并通过试算进行了验证,认为变刚度比的过渡段比固定刚度比的过渡段具有更好的过渡效果。目前,国内对钢弹簧浮置板过渡的研究较少,2480第 7 期李秋义,等:160 km/h市域铁路装配式浮置板轨道过渡段优化研究特别是将预拱值应用于非减振段和浮置板段之间的过渡。由于非减振段、过渡段和浮置板段之间的支承刚度设置通常为阶梯式变化布置,导致车辆通过浮置板过渡段时会产生较大的轮轨冲击,增加该地段的动态响应。本文通过建立车辆轨道过渡段耦合模型,计算设置预拱值后不同预拱过渡段长度下的车辆及轨道动力响应,提出多级扣件垂向刚度非线性过渡方案,对160 km/h及以下运行速度下的浮置板过渡段设计提出建议。1 过渡段设计方案与模型1.1过渡段设置方式轨道过渡段设置的目的是为了使轨道刚度能够连续地变化


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