1、中华海洋法学评论(2023 年第 1 期)222中华海洋法学评论 稿约 中华海洋法学评论(China Oceans Law Review),国际刊号:ISSN 1813-7350,国内刊号:CN-35(Q)第 0017 号,电子刊号:ISSN 2518-6906,是海洋法领域中英双语全文对照的优秀国际学术期刊。前身为创刊于 2005 年的 中国海洋法学评论,自 2019 年起由半年刊改为季刊。本刊由厦门大学南海研究院、大连海事大学海法研究院、香港理工大学董浩云国际海事研究中心、澳门大学法学院和台湾师范大学政治学研究所联合办刊。本刊秉承“大中华、大海法”的办刊宗旨,力求刊发海内外与海洋法律、海洋
2、政策相关的一切优秀研究成果,热忱欢迎广大专家、学者不吝赐稿,兹立稿约如下:一、来稿题材和体裁不限,论文、评论、书评、译作、案例评析等均可,中文投稿每篇原则上不超过 1.2 万字,英文投稿每篇原则上不超过 2 万词(含脚注)。二、鼓励英文著述,同一学术水准的来稿,英文著述将优先录用。来稿须为单语种原创写作,且未曾在任何纸质和电子媒介上发表。三、文责自负。译作需附原文,以及原作者或出版者对于此翻译的书面授权许可。译者应保证该译本未侵犯原作者或出版者任何可能的权利,并在可能的损害产生时自行承担损害赔偿责任。编辑委员会或其任何成员不承担由此产生的任何责任。四、本刊采用中国法学会法学期刊研究会 法学引注
3、手册 的注释体例。五、来稿请注明作者姓名、单位、职务、职称、研究方向、教育背景、通信地址、电子邮箱及联系电话等。来稿一律不退,请作者自留底稿。六、本刊采用双向匿名审稿制度。来稿必复,编辑部将在收到来稿后两个月内安排匿名审稿。逾三个月未收到录用通知者,可自做他用。来稿一经刊用,即从优支付稿酬,并提供当期刊物两册。七、欢迎对本刊文章进行转载、摘登和结集出版,但应尊重原作者依照 中华人民共和国著作权法 享有的权利,并在转载时注明“转自 中华海洋法学评论20XX年第 X 期”和原作者、译校者姓名,同时书面通知本刊编辑部。八、为扩大本刊及作者的知识信息交流渠道,本刊已加入北大法宝、超星法源、读秀、Hei
4、nOnline、台湾华艺、万律、维普、中国知网等中外数据库,除非作者在来稿时特别声明,否则视为同意 中华海洋法学评论 拥有以非专有方式向第三方授予已刊作品电子出版权、信息网络传播权和数字化汇编、复制权,以及向 中国社会科学文摘 高等学校文科学术文摘 和中国人民大学 复印报刊资料 等文摘类刊物推荐转载已刊作品的权利。九、为了实现办公信息化,本刊要求作者必须以电子邮件方式投稿,不再接受纸质投稿。来稿(仅接受 Microsoft Word 文档)请发送至电子邮箱:。十、凡向 中华海洋法学评论 编辑部投稿,即视为接受本稿约。中华海洋法学评论 编辑部China Oceans Law Review Cal
5、l For Papers223Submissions InstructionsThe China Oceans Law Review ISSN 1813-7350,CN-35(Q)No.0017,ISSN 2518-6906(online)is a Chinese-English bilingual academic journal focusing on ocean-related laws and policies.Launched in 2005,the COLR changed from a semi-annual to a quarterly publication in 2019.
6、The COLR is jointly sponsored by Xiamen University South China Sea Institute,Dalian Maritime University Institute of Maritime Law and Ocean Law,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University CY Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies,University of Macau Faculty of Law,and Taiwan Normal University Gradu
7、ate Institute of Political Science.The Journal has been indexed by many well-known academic databases at home and aboard,such as HeinOnline,Westlaw China,Airiti,CNKI,Cqvip,Duxiu,and L.Papers from all academics and industry practitioners are faithfully respected and welcome.The COLR requests that con
8、tributors comply with the following standards:1.No restrictions are placed on the style,idea or perspective of the piece.The same standards of review are applied to all submissions.Although there are no minimum or maximum page requirements for submissions,submissions that are 20,000 words or less,in
9、cluding text and footnotes,are strongly preferred.2.All material submitted must be original and unpublished works.3.Authors are responsible for the content of their contributions,unless otherwise declared;however,the Editorial Board has the discretion to edit the textual details.If the submission is
10、 a translation,the original article and a written authorization issued by the original author or publisher are also required.4.Please use footnotes rather than endnotes.Footnotes should conform to the Manual of Legal Citation(2019).5.Potential contributors are expected to provide their personal info
11、rmation,including name,employer,title,position,research interest(s),education background,postal and email address,contact number etc.We regret that submissions cannot be returned;please notify the Editorial Board as soon as possible if you are withdrawing an article.6.Submissions are subject to doub
12、le-blind peer review within two months of submission.Two free copies of the Journal will be offered to each author of accepted article.7.Authors are kindly requested to submit their papers electronically by emailing to .Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format.8.The COLR is abstracted and indexed in HeinOnline,Westlaw China,Airiti,CNKI,Cqvip,Duxiu,and L.9.Submission of the piece implies that the authors have read,understood and agreed to the above statements.COLR Editorial Board