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1、2002年上海高考英语真题及答案本试卷分为第 I 卷(第 112 页)和第 II 卷(第 1316 页)两部分。全卷共 16 页。满分150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。第 I 卷(共 110 分)考生注意:1. 答第 I 卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用铅笔正确涂写准考证号和校验码。2. 第 I 卷(1-85 小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题纸上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题纸编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择,答案不能写在试卷上,写在试卷上一律不给分。I. Listenin

2、g ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you w ill hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of eachconversation, a question w ill be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions w illbe spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and

3、the question about it, read the four possibleanswers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. $ 1.50B. $2C. $3D. $4.502. A. The weather was miserable all dayB. The weather was fine in the afternoonC. The trip was on Sunday afternoonD. She made a tri

4、p with heavy luggage.3. A. JapanB. ChinaC. CanadaD. France4. A. She is popular with children B. She has always been popular C. She had a surprise party D. She was surprised by the party5. A. In a restaurantB. On a trainC. At a bus stopD. At the airport6. A. He needs some changeB. He seldom counts hi

5、s moneyC. He doesnt have that much cashD. He owes the woman twenty dollars7. A. Jack is cleverB. Tom is reliableC. Tom is honestD. Jack is dependable8. A. Brother and sisterB. Boss and secretaryC. Interviewer and interviewee.D. Pop star and fan9. A. Heavy jackets are now on saleB. She is waiting for

6、 winter to arriveC. Its hard to get a heavy JacketD. She needs a warm jacket10. A. He will continue his work on vacation B. Papers piled w hile he was on vacationC. He has too much work to doD. He has made his vacation plansPart B Longer ConversationsDirections: In Part B, you w ill hear two longer

7、conversations. After each conversation, you w ill beasked two questions. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions w ill be spoken only once.When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one wouldbe the best answer to the question you have hear

8、d.Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation.11.A. He was driving beyond the speed limitB. He was going 25 in a school zoneC. He went through a red lightD. He was driving his fathers car.12. A. He was worried about his driving record B. He couldnt pay for the speeding ticketC. He ha

9、d too many speeding tickets alreadyD. His father would be angry w ith himQuestions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation13. A. To urge John to talk more w ith his father B. To help John forget his troubleC. To help John get rid of his lonelinessD. To share her feelings w ith John14. A. P

10、arents nowadays are too busyB. The generation gap always existsC. Family problems are hard to solveD. Communication is necessary at homePart C PassagesDirections: In Part C, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on eachof the passages. The passages w ill be read twi

11、ce but the questions will be spoken only once. Whenyou hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be thebest answer to the question you have heard.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.15. A. Last nightB. At the age of 20C. At the ag

12、e of 9D. a couple of weeks ago16. A. Because she liked it at their ageB. Because it was a story about animalsC. Be c ause it was a fun storyD. Because it was a Disney film17. A. Romeo and Julie tB. A love story between two dogsC. Different lives of two dogsD. Children and dogsQuestions 18 through 20

13、 are based on the following news .18. A. The students planted treesB. The students helped the litter controlC. The students had little control over the eventD. The Forest Park was green and clean19. A. Schools have access to the World Wide Web B. Students paintings are on show C. The Minister visite

14、d the painting exhibition D. The government reached a decision last month20. A. Low payB. Long work hoursC. Little respectD. Fear of losing jobsII. GrammarDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the se

15、ntence.21. One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basicword formation. A. / B. the C. a D. one22. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.A. by B. at C. to D. from23. He w ill have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the univer

16、sity nextyear.A. will graduate B. w ill have graduated C. graduates D. is to graduate24. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame25. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run compani

17、es arestriving _ their products more competitive.A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made26. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _ .A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life you are equipped for D.

18、 you are equipped the more for life27. It has been announced that candidates _ remain in their seats until all the papers havebeen collected.A. can B. w ill C. may D. shall28. Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?A. is he B. isnt he C. doesnt he D. does she29. Will

19、 you go skiing with me this winter vacation ?It _ .A. all depend B. all depends C. is all depended D. is all depending30. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster _ if a mirror was broken.A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struckC. was sure to be struck D. was sure to strike31. Al

20、e c asked the policeman _ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.A. with him B. who C. w ith whom D. whom32. You forgot your purse when you went outGood heavens, _ .A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did33. Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. la

21、cked B. la c king of C. la c king D. lacked in34. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people w ith specific knowledge.A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known35. Theres a feeling in me _ w ell never know what a UFO is not ever.A. that B. which C. of which D. what36.

22、He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.A. as B. until C. w hile D. when37. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallenC. should fall

23、D. were to fall38. _ to sunlight for too much time w ill do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. after being exposed39. _ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should40. Persevera

24、nce is a kind of qualityand thats _ it takes to do anything well.A. what B. that C. which D. whyIII. VocabularyDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.41. Sugar is not an important element

25、in bread, but flour is _ .A. unique B. essential C. natural D. adequate42. Mary finally _ Bruc e as her life-long companion.A. received B. accepted C. made D. honoured43. The secret of his success is that he does everything _.A. efficiently B. curiously C. anxiously D. sufficiently44. Go and join in

26、 the party. _ it to me to do the washing-up.A. Get B. Remain C. Leave D. Send45. To regain their _ after an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.A. force B. energy C. power D. health46. According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is notnecessarily _ and effect.A

27、. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause47. Every new _ has the possibility of making or losing money.A. event B. venture C. adventure D. expectation48. Whatever rank you may be in, it would be wrong to _ the law into your own hands.A. bring B. hold C. take D. seize49. The shopkeeper gave us _ _ weight:

28、we got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos. A. scarce B. short C. light D. slight50. Can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase? A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take in IV.ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, Cand D. Fill

29、in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A) Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldnt have done or something you didnt dowhich you should have? At one time or another we probably all have. Theres no 51 in gettingdepressed about it nowit s no 52 crying over spilt (

30、溢出的) milk. However, there may besome gain in thinking about exactly what happened and why 53 we might be able to draw someconclusions for the future. One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 54 w ith a friend or close relative. The oddthing is that we more often display great 55 towards some

31、one we are fond of than towards56 . The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunityto 57_ a bit of steam in a safe environment, while the consequences (后果) of 58_ a strangercould be far more serious.Being honest is usually thought of as a virtue (美德)a

32、nd undoubtedly this is the 59_ . On theother hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, tellingthem exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves filled w ith feelings of 60 . Perhaps weshould have kept our mouths shut?51. A. reason B. purpose C. point D.

33、 result52. A. use B. help C. value D. benefit53. A. so B. because C. but D. though54. A. mind B. memory C. manner D. temper55. A. anger B. interest C. love D. respect56. A. strangers B. friends C. relatives D. colleagues57. A. run through B. throw away C. give up D. let off58. A. inviting B. insulti

34、ng C. speaking to D. believing in59. A. issue B. case C. event D. factor60. A. excitement B. happiness C. pride D. guilt(B)Several factors make a good newspaper story. Firstobviouslyit must be new. But since TVcan react to events so quickly, this is often a problem for 61 . They usually respond to i

35、t in one ofthree ways. By providing 62 detail, comment or background information. By finding a new 63 on the days major stories. By printing completely different stories which TV doesnt broadcast. What else? Wellit also has to be 64 . People dont want to read about ordinary, everydaylife. Because of

36、 this, many stories 65 some kind of conflict or danger. This is one reason whyso much news seems to be 66 news, “Plane lands safelyno-one hurt” doesnt sell newspapers.“Plane 67 200 feared dead!” does. Next, theres human interest, People are interested in other 68 particularly in the rich,famous and

37、powerful, Stories about the private lives of pop singers, actors, models, politicians, 69 ,all appear regularly in certain newspapers. Finally, for many editors, 70 is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people,places and events which their readers know. Thats why the stories in Toky

38、os newspapers are oftenvery different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairo, New York or Buenos Aires.61. A. newspapers B. publications C. reporters D. broadcasters62. A. extra B. available C. inaccessible D. memorable63. A. direction B. look C. angle D. section64. A. tragic B. dramatic C. profes

39、sional D. sensitive65. A. quote B. neglect C. increase D. involve66. A. good B. bad C. exciting D. informative67. A. crashes B. bumps C. strikes D. drops68. A. places B. people C. things D. news69. A. in addition B. in any case C. for example D. after all70. A. personality B. similarity C. uniquenes

40、s D. familiarity V. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. Choose the one that fitsbest according to the information given in the passage you ha

41、ve just read.(A)The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel. The bride and her father arrived in a new blackAmerican sports car. Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras. The bridewore a silk wedding dress. She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to a r

42、oom onthe first floor where she met her future husband for the very first time.Carla Germaine and Greg Cordell were the winners of a radio stations competition. The aim ofthe competition was to find two strangers prepared to marry without having met each other. MissGermaine, 23, is a model. Mr. Cord

43、ell, 27, is a TV salesman. They were among the two hundredpeople who entered for a peculiar “experiment” organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham, England.Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on radio. They took a liedetector (测谎仪)test and the station also spoke to their

44、friends and family about their personalities .The competition judges included an astrologer (占星家) who declared that they were suited.The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in theevening, but not everyone shared their joy. Miss Germaines mother looked

45、anxious throughout thewedding and Mr. Cordells parents are reported to be less than delighted.Organizations, including the marriage guidance service Relate, have criticized the marriage. Asone person put it, “we have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously withoutthis. Marria

46、ge should always be about love.”The couples are now on a Caribbean honeymoon followed by journalists. Their other prizesinclude a year s free use of a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham, and a car. But will itlast?71. How did the couples parents react to the wedding? A. The brides mothe

47、r shared their joy. B. The brides father felt uncomfortable about the wedding. C. The bridegrooms parents were quite delighted D. The bridegrooms parents were not that joyful.72. Some experts believe that _ . A. marriage without the couples meeting each other first ends up in divorce. B. young people nowadays are too careless about marriage C. taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems D. most young people take marriage seriously except this couple.73. One of the prizes f


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