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1、学海无涯青年节英语作文篇一:初中英语话题作文中考作文本卷须知一、石老师的忠告:近几年中考英语作文以看图写话的方式为主,重点调查学生运用一般过去时态讲述过去故事的书面表达才能。 因而,be 动词一律使用 was , were; 行为动词一律用动词的过去式方式;重点经历不规那么动词的过去式;留意故事的书写要自始至终使用过去时态;不倡导使用直截了当引语;不倡导使用没见过和没把握的句子;为提高句子水平,尽量使用几个主从复合句,像宾语从句、定语从句、时间状语从句或缘故状语从句,并列句和感慨句也会为你的文章增色,但不能由于上难度而出语法错误,得不偿失,看本人的才能而定;怕出错,就全使用小短句子,正确无误是

2、第一追求;留意每张图片的内容都要有专门的句子表达,要点不能漏掉;每个单句句子都要符合简单句的五种根本类型之一:主系表;主语谓语;主谓宾;主谓宾宾;主谓宾宾补;留意主谓一致;留意防止标点符号、大小写、拼写错误等低级失误;字数要足;打草稿是个拿卷面分的好方法,也防止低级失误。将草稿上的作文抄到试卷上之后,再对照一下,不要漏掉字或出现书写单词不完好的现象。二、中考作文评分标准:1) 本大题共10分。2)卷面书写潦草不工整,可酌情从总得分中扣1分。3)拼写错误每两个扣0.5分。同样错误不重复计算。4)书面表达可分为四个等级:(1)9-10分语句通畅,内容完好,书写工整,无语法错误, 字数符合要求。(2

3、)7-8分 内容较完好,书写较工整,语法错误较少(1-2处),字数根本符合要求。(3)5-6分语句尚通畅,书写较工整,3-4处语法错误,字数在60词左右。(4)5分以下 作文内容不完好语句不够通畅,语法错误较多,书写一般,字数在50词以下。三、类型举例:1. 做好事Tom is a good boy who likes helping others/who is always ready to help others. One day , onhis way to school/ on his way back home, he found an old man who looked worr

4、ied. He went upto him and asked him what was wrong./if he could help him. The old man said that he didnt knowhow to get back home. Tom helped him to ask the policeman for help. Then Tom took him to hishome by bus. He took good care of the old man . At last/In the end, the old man got back homeand me

5、t his family. They thanked Tom very much. Tom got to shool late/got home late but he wasvery happy. What a good /kind boy! We should learn from him./ Helping others is to helpourselves.2. 节日:Childrens Day 儿童节;Teachers Day 老师节;April Fools Day 愚人节 NationalDay 国庆节 ;New Years Day 元旦;Spring Festival 春节;M

6、id-Autum Day 中秋节;May Day 五四青年节Christmas Day 圣诞节;Thanksgiving Day 感恩节;Mothers Day母亲节;Fathers Day 父亲节Tom is a good boy who loves his parents. Yesterday was Womens Day. He wanted to dosomething for his mother. He told his father what he thought and his father agreed with him. Theybegan to work. Tom swe

7、pt the floor and his father did some washing/ washed the clothes. Whilehis father was cooking, he put the dishes onto the table. When his mother came back home, hefound some delicious food on the table. How happy she was! She had a wonderful WomensDay.类似一篇:I have a good friend named Jim. He is a fif

8、teen-year-old boy. Yesterday was WomensDay, and his mother was busy outside. He made up his mind to do something for her.So he cleaned out the house in order to make his mother happy. At first, he cleanedthe floor and made it as clean as possible. He listened to the music that was writtenby Xu Lang

9、, one of the most popular singers in China. Then he did the dishes afterlistening. It took him a little time to do it. At last, he cooked something nice.After fifteen minutes, his mother came back home .He said “Happy Womens Day! Hismother was very happy to see some food on the table. Jim didnt feel

10、 tired in theslightest. What a good boy!One day,Xiao Ming and his father went to Zhong Shan Park. Xiao Ming wasvery happy. While they were walking, Xiao Mings father found a fence and decidedto jump over the fence so that they could get to the zoo quickly . Xiao Ming didntagree with his father, but

11、his father jumped over the fence. Xiao Ming was veryworried. Then a policeman came to his father and told him that he broke the trafficlaw. Xiao Mings father felt very embarrassed and bowed to the policeman,“Sorry,I wont do it again.Its dangerous to break the traffic law./rules.另一篇:Last Sunday, my f

12、ather and mother took me to the zoo. It was a very interestingzoo. We took a walk and enjoyed the beautiful sights /flowers in the zoo the wholemorning. At noon, we had a picnic on the grass. Finally, I couldnt finish the cakewith cream. I wanted to throw it away. But my mother told me not to do it.

13、 Then, Iwanted to give it to the monkeys. My mother said it was a good idea. At that time aworker at the zoo came up to us and told us not to do it .Then we realized ourmistakes. We should obey the rules and try to protect the animals.Tom is a good boy who likes playing soccer. Last Tuesday, he was

14、very busy. In the morning ,he got up at six thirty and then had breakfast. He went to school on foot because his house wasvery near to the school. After he had four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon, he wasvery tired. After school , he played soccer with his friends. They had a good

15、time. Aftersupper/dinner, he had to do his homework. It took him two hours to finish it. He watched TV andread newspapers. He didnt go to bed until ten oclock. He was tired but happy. What a busy day!(假设是周末或假期活动,只需要改变时间和活动内容即可)另一篇:Xiao Mings Busy DayLast weekend, Xiao Ming had a very busy day. In the morning, his fathertold him to get up to read English. After that, he had to practise playingthe piano. His mother stood behind him and made him play again and again.In the afternoon, his father took him to an art school. He learned howto paint there. The whole day, Xiao Ming had no time to

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