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1、142Clinical Research,Mar.2023,Vol.31 No.03作者简介:曹新杰,女,主管护师,本科。研究方向:新生儿护理。临床护理不同年龄儿童的静脉采血方法对比研究曹新杰,卢平(周口市中医院 儿科,河南 周口 466000)摘要:目的 0 6 岁不同年龄段儿童的静脉采血方法对比研究。方法 选取周口市中医院 2021 年 5 月至 2022 年8 月收治需静脉采血的 600 例 0 6 岁不同年龄段儿童,按照不同年龄分为 0 3 岁组和 4 6 岁组,各 300 例。将0 3 岁组需要采血的小儿,随机分为三组,分别采取颈外静脉、颞浅静脉和肘静脉采血,各 100 例;4 6

2、岁组需要采血的小儿,随机分为三组,分别采取颈外静脉、内踝静脉和肘静脉采血,各 100 例。比较两个年龄段各组患儿不同抽血方法一次成功率以及家属满意度和两个年龄段各组患儿不同抽血方法所用时间以及疼痛程度。结果 0 3 岁组颈外静脉采血一次成功率为 97.00%,颞浅静脉采血一次成功率为 85.00%,肘静脉采血采血一次成功率为 79.00%,颈外静脉采血一次成功率较高,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05);0 3 岁组颈外静脉采血家属满意度为 95.00%,颞浅静脉采血家属满意度为 82.00%,肘静脉采血家属满意度为 75.00%,颈外静脉采血家属满意度较高,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。4

3、6 岁组颈外静脉采血一次成功率为 73.00%,内踝静脉采血一次成功率为 87.00%,肘静脉采血采血一次成功率为 98.00%,肘静脉采血一次成功率较高,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05);4 6 岁组颈外静脉采血家属满意度为 72.00%,内踝静脉采血家属满意度为 85.00%,肘静脉采血家属满意度为 97.00%,肘静脉采血家属满意度较高,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05);0 3 岁组颈外静脉采血法所用时间及疼痛程度均是三种方法里较低的,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05);4 6 岁组肘静脉采血法所用时间及疼痛程度均低于其余两种,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论 0 3 岁儿童采用颈外

4、静脉采血法较好,4 6 岁的儿童采用肘静脉采血法较好。关键词:静脉采血;不同年龄段儿童;家属满意度;一次成功率中图分类号:R725.6文献标志码:B DOI:10.12385/j.issn.2096-1278(2023)03-0142-03Comparative Study on Venous Blood Collection Methods in Children of Different AgesCAO Xinjie,LU Ping(Department of Pediatrics,Zhoukou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhouk

5、ou Henan 466000,China)Abstract:Objective A comparative study of the methods of venous blood collection in children of different ages from 0 to 6 years old.Methods A total of 600 children aged 0 to 6 years who were admitted to Zhoukou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from May 2021 to August 2

6、022 requiring venous blood collection were selected and divided into groups aged 0 to 3 years and 4 to 6 years,with 300 cases each.The children in the 0 to 3 years old group who required blood collection were randomly divided into three groups of 100 each,with blood collected from the external jugul

7、ar vein,superficial temporal vein,and cubital vein respectively;the children in the 4 to 6 years old group who required blood collection were randomly divided into three groups of 100 each,with blood collected from the external jugular vein,internal ankle vein,and cubital vein respectively.The one-t

8、ime success rate and family satisfaction of different blood sampling methods in the two age groups were compared,as well as the time spent and pain degree of different blood sampling methods in the two age groups.Results The one-time success rate of external jugular vein blood collection was 97.00%,

9、the one-time success rate of superficial temporal vein blood collection was 85.00%,the one-time success rate of cubital vein blood collection was 79.00%,the one-time success rate of external jugular vein blood collection was higher,the difference was statistically significant(P 0.05).Family satisfac

10、tion of external jugular vein blood collection was 95.00%,the family satisfaction of superficial temporal vein blood collection was 82.00%,the family satisfaction of cubital vein blood collection was 75.00%,and the satisfaction of external jugular vein blood collection was higher,and the difference

11、was statistically significant(P 0.05).The one-time success rate of external jugular vein blood collection was 73.00%,the one-time success rate of medial malleolus vein blood collection was 87.00%,the one-time success rate of cubital vein blood collection was 98.00%,and the one-time success rate of c

12、ubital vein blood collection was higher,the difference was statistically significant(P 0.05).In the 4-6 years old group,the family satisfaction with external jugular vein blood collection was 72.00%,the family satisfaction with medial malleolar vein blood collection was 85.00%,and the family satisfa

13、ction with cubital vein blood collection was 97.00%.The family satisfaction with cubital vein blood collection was higher,and the difference was statistically significant(P 0.05).The time and pain of external jugular vein sampling in the 0-3 years old group were lower among the three methods,and the

14、 difference was statistically significant(P 0.05).The time and pain degree of cubital vein blood collection in the 4 to 6 years old group were lower than the other two,the difference was statistically significant(P 0.05).Conclusion It is better to use external jugular vein blood collection in childr

15、en aged 0 to 3 years and cubital vein blood collection in children aged 4 to 6 years.Key Words:venous blood collection;children of different ages;family satisfaction;one-time success rate静脉血液是血液标本的主要来源,血液分析在临床研究及各类疾病的诊断、治疗及预后中具有非常重要的意义,静脉采血是门诊诊疗及护理过程中的一项基本操作1。0 6 岁儿童群体较为特殊,且由于儿童血管细,143临床研究 2023 年 03

16、 月第 31 卷第 03 期且容易哭闹、配合度低的特点,加大了采血难度,且多次采血易给儿童带来不必要的痛苦2-3。为了提高不同年龄段儿童的静脉采血成功率,减少儿童采血时痛苦,本研究对 0 3 岁和 4 6 岁不同年龄段儿童的静脉采血方法对比研究:0 3 岁儿童分别采取颈外静脉、颞浅静脉和肘静脉采血的方法;4 6 岁儿童分别采取颈外静脉、内踝静脉和肘静脉采血的方法。具体如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取周口市中医院 2021 年 5 月至 2022 年 8 月收治需静脉采血的 600 例 0 6 岁不同年龄段儿童,按照不同年龄分为 0 3 岁组和 4 6 岁组,各 300 例。患儿家属均知情同意此次研究,且经医院伦理委员会审核同意。将 0 3 岁组需要采血的小儿,随机分为三组,分别采取颈外静脉、颞浅静脉和肘静脉采血,各 100 例;其中颈外静脉组平均年龄(1.480.15)岁;男 56 例,女 44 例;体质量指数(BMI)13.18 16.22kg/m2;颞浅静脉组平均年龄(1.460.16)岁;男 55 例,女 45 例;BMI13.1916.25kg/m2;肘静脉组平均年龄(1.


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