1、2023 年 2 月第 44 卷第 1 期河南工业大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Henan University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)Feb.2023Vol.44 No.1收稿日期:2022-04-29基金项目:“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD2100903);河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划(2020GGJS082);河南工业大学青年骨干教师培育计划(HAUT2020QG)作者简介:杨玉玲(1990),女,河南许昌人,博士研究生,研究方向为谷物加工理论与技术。通信作者:卞科,教授,博导,E-mail:。作用
2、力形式对不同筋力小麦粉面团水分分布、应力松弛特性及面条品质的影响杨玉玲,关二旗,李萌萌,卞科河南工业大学 粮油食品学院,河南 郑州 450001摘要:为明晰手工面条品质变化的原因,以 3 种不同筋力小麦粉为原料,采用和面机、传统手工、按压和擀制(分为单一方向和双向)等方式制作面团和面条,采用低场核磁共振分析仪和质构仪测定不同制作方式下面团水分分布和应力松弛特性,并分析其所制面条的品质。结果表明:外力作用对面团和面条品质具有显著影响,并因小麦品质不同而变化,其中,按压和擀制均可促进高筋小麦粉制作的面团中水分的结合,而对弱筋小麦粉制作的面团中水分向结合态转变具有不利影响;此外,手工和面导致面团黏弹
4、73-2383.2023.01.001Effects of different force forms on water distribution,stress relaxation characteristics and noodle quality of wheat flour dough with different gluten strength YANG Yuling,GUAN Erqi,LI Mengmeng,BIAN KeCollege of Food Science and Engineering,Henan University of Technology,Zhengzhou
5、 450001,ChinaAbstract:The process of making dough by hand allows one to feel it by touching while avoiding over-mix-ing,resulting in a process that is more flexible and controllable than that of making dough with a mixer.However,the complex relationship of forces involved in manual dough processing
6、severely impedes the dough formation process.But perhaps this relationship gives the handmade wheat flour products mysterious and attractive qualities.In order to understand the characteristics of handmade noodles and dough,the flour milled by three wheat varieties(XM26,ZM30,ZM103)was used as raw ma
7、terials to make dough and noodles by dough mixer,general manual,manual pressing and rolling(including one-direction pressing or rolling,and two-way pressing or rolling).The low-field nuclear magnetic resonance analyzer and texture analyzer were used to measure the moisture distribution and stress re
8、laxation characteristics of doughs pre-pared in different mixing methods,and the quality of noodles was further analyzed.The results showed that the external force had a significant effect on the quality of doughs and noodles,and it changed with different wheat quality.Both pressing and rolling coul
9、d promote the combination of water in dough made of 河南工业大学学报(自然科学版)2023 年strong gluten wheat flour(XM26),but had adverse effects on the transformation of water into combined state in dough made of weak gluten wheat flour(ZM103).In addition,manual dough kneading led to a decrease in the viscoelastici
10、ty of dough,and the ability of dough to resist external pressure was weakened.For XM26,the viscoelasticity of pressed and rolled dough was lower than that of traditional manual dough kneading;For ZM30,there was no obvious difference between doughs made by pressing and rolling meth-ods;For ZM103,the
11、viscoelasticity of pressed and rolled doughs was greater than that of traditional manual mixing dough.By analyzing the noodle quality,it was found that the traditional manual mixing led to an increase in water absorption rate and cooking loss of noodles,while a decrease in tensile properties of noo-
12、dles and the hardness,adhesion and chewiness.Two-way pressing and one-way rolling resulted in a better performance in viscoelasticity of doughs and the quality of noodles.Therefore,differences in the form of forces applied during manual mixing led to variations in dough and noodle quality,with diffe
13、rent expres-sions depending on the source of wheat flour.Key words:dough;different force forms;water distribution;stress relaxation;noodle quality小麦是最重要的谷物之一,磨成面粉后可制成面包、饼干、蛋糕、馒头、面条等数千种食品1。采用不同的加工工艺改变小麦粉的质量或面团的性能,提高最终产品的质量始终是小麦粉及面制食品研究的热点2-3。面团制备是面制品加工制作的关键步骤,在混合过程中,随着转矩的增加面团逐渐发展到一个最佳状态,并因过度混合导致面筋网络发
14、生分解4。面团的形成伴随着面筋环列结构的断裂和重新形成,并最终沿剪切流动的方向排列5-6。大量研究表明,在外力(剪切、拉伸、压缩等)作用下面团中的组分(主要是蛋白质和淀粉)会发生各种相互作用,使面团的应力-应变关系极为复杂,严重阻碍了对面团力学行为的探索7-8。传统的小麦粉产品如面条和馒头通常是手工制作的,其口感更能满足人们几千年来形成的饮食习惯。手工制作面团的过程依赖于双手对面团的感知,同时避免面团的过度混合,与 机制面团的 加工相比更 加灵活 可 控。Yang 等9-10对面粉与水的接触形式进行探讨,发现简单的水与面粉的添加顺序及比例均会引起面团和面条品质的变化。关于手工和面过程中力的作用
15、缺乏深入探究。在搅拌过程中,面团的结构和硬度发生实时变化11,搅拌是否充分取决于操作者的经验,不利于面粉产品的工业化和自动化生产。如果混合过程可以自动控制,面团品质会更加可控。因此,作者将手工和面行为进行分解,利用按压和擀制两种简单形式制备面团,并将其作用方向分为单向和双向,以探讨不同作用力形式在面团和面条品质上的表现,为手工面条的加工提供新的探索方向。1材料与方法1.1材料与试剂新麦 26(高筋小麦,XM26)、周麦 30(中筋小麦,ZM30)、郑麦 103(低筋小麦,ZM103):秋乐种业有限公司;食盐:市售。1.2仪器与设备布勒实验磨:瑞士布勒集团;JHMZ-200 针式和面机、JXFD
16、-7 醒发箱:北京东孚久恒仪器技术有限公司;DZKW-S-4 电热恒温水浴锅:北京市永光明医疗仪器有限公司;MicroMR-CL-I 变温型核磁共振食品农业成像分析仪:苏州(上海)纽迈电子科技有限公司;TA-XT Plus 质构仪:英国SMS 公司;CR-400/410 色彩色差计:日本柯尼卡美能达公司。1.3方法1.3.1面团制备选取高、中、低筋 3 个小麦品种,磨粉后对其基本组成、粉质和糊化特性进行测定,结果如表 1所示。以面粉总质量为基准,称取约为粉质吸水率 60%的水,加盐量 2%,将盐水分 3 次(质量比为 3 3 2)加入面粉中混合 7 min 形成面团9。最终制得 6 种类型的面团和面条,其中,针式和面机制得的面团和面条为 1;传统手工面团和面条为 2;单一方向按压制得的面团和面条为 3;双向按压制得的面团和面条为 4;单一方向擀制的面团和面条为 5;双向擀制的面团和面条为 6,样品 26 可归为手工和面制得的面团和面条。为了控制力的均匀性,压面团和擀面团都用擀面杖完成。单向制面时,擀面杖的作用力始终是同一2第 44 卷第 1 期杨玉玲,等:作用力形式对不同筋力小麦粉面团