1、Eating Dumplings and Sending Greetings on the First Day of the New Year济南的旧俗春节是从初一开始。四更或五更时分,全家人要一起吃饺子,俗称“五更饺子”,取其谐音,也称“更岁交子”,象征辞旧迎新。煮饺子时,要鸣放鞭炮,驱邪恶、求吉利。有趣的是,济南过年时人们的言行也有忌讳,如饺子煮破了,要说“挣了”;如摔碎了盘子碗等家什,要赶紧说“岁岁平安”;初一当天不能扫地和倒垃圾,那样会将财气一起扫地出门。吃过了新年第一顿饺子,一大早,擦着黑,呼吸着“年味儿”,人们便穿新衣、戴新帽,旧时女人还戴绒绢花,开始每年春节的重要活动“拜年”。起
2、床后,先向自己的长辈拜年,祝福他们健康长寿,万事如意。最开心的莫过于小孩子了,早早地穿好新衣服,给长辈们拜年,长辈们便会“红包拿来”。此后,人们外出给亲朋好友、邻居街坊拜年,路上相遇时也要笑容满面地抱拳互道“恭喜发财”“新年快乐”。此后,春节的庆祝活动正式开始,祈福会、赶庙会、迎财神,进福门、走福路、敲福鼓,登高礼佛、祈福纳福一直持续到正月十五,在逛吃和祈福的节奏中,欢度整个春节假期。吃饺子 拜大年 大年初一头一天The first day of the Spring Festival is spent visiting family and friends.On the first day,
3、the oldest and most senior members will be visited,the visits serve to strengthen family ties.Bi nin refers to both,pay a New Years call as well as wishing somebody a Happy New Year.In Jinan,this festival is usually for 15 days and ends with the Lantern Festival,the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar.There is a general air of festivity and abandon during the festival period.图/刘雨文/颜阳/封面故事In-depth22CITY OF SPRINGS