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1、同仁堂子品牌 品牌概念TRT Sub brands logo concepts,2015年7月24日,总统Empereus,身与心的升华 Elevating body and health,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 3,总统牌犹如一座殿堂,在这里我们用最精纯的原料升华您的身体与心灵,助您达成与您身份匹配的生活状态。这精纯的原料更是生活灵感的源泉。President is the temple where the purest of ingredients elevate your body&health to the lifestyle you have ach

2、ieved.The purity of the ingredients is the source of inspiration.,通过颜色和材质体现精致与稳重Sophisticated modesty in the color palette and materials,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 4,色板Color palette,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health,标识方向一Logo direction 1,标识方向一 Logo direction 1,身与心的升华-Elevat

3、ing body&health 7,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 8,包装 Packaging,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 9,礼品盒 Gift box,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 10,邀请卡 Invitation card,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 11,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 12,标识方向二Logo direction 2,标识方向二 Logo direction 2,身与心的升华-

4、Elevating body&health 13,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 14,包装 Packaging,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 15,礼品盒 Gift box,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 16,邀请卡 Invitation card,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 17,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 18,标识方向三Logo direction 3,标识方向三 Logo direction

5、3,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 19,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 20,包装 Packaging,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 21,礼品盒 Gift box,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 22,邀请卡 Invitation card,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 23,标识总缆 Logo overview,身与心的升华-Elevating body&health 24,同仁堂TRT Brand,小药

6、材,大能量 The big effect of the small ingredients,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 26,每一味“栽种”在你体内的配方都会每天赋予你温和且持久的能量。今日事,今日毕。请开始种下这些“种子”吧,让他们“生根发芽”,你会惊讶于日后它显现的效果。Every small ingredient“planted”in your body will give you great effect day by day,little by little.Dont put off until tomorrow what

7、you can do today.Start planting“seeds”,make them“grow”,you will be surprised by the effect that it brings in the future.,通过颜色体现家庭的健康活力 Family freshness and health,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 27,色板Color palette,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 28,以小见大The big effect of the s

8、mall ingredients 29,标识方向一Logo direction 1,标识方向一 Logo direction 1,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 30,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 31,包装 Packaging,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 32,电子 Digital,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients

9、33,产品展示 Product display,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 34,TRT Health-Inspiration of life 35,标识方向二 Logo direction 2,标识方向二 Logo direction 2,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 36,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 37,包装 Packaging,以小见大The big effe

10、ct of the small ingredients 38,电子 Digital,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 39,产品展示 Product display,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 40,TRT Health-Inspiration of life 41,标识方向三Logo direction 3,标识方向三 Logo direction 3,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 42,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo

11、in color,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 43,包装 Packaging,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 44,电子 Digital,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 45,产品展示 Product display,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredients 46,标识总缆 Logo overview,以小见大The big effect of the small ingredi

12、ents 47,悦活力Motiv,潜能立见 Switch on your potential,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 49,新的品牌犹如健身房,在这你可以最大程度的释放你的潜能。新的品牌是以性能为驱动,它旨在让你时刻保持最好自己。你身体的潜能就是灵感的源泉。New brand is the gym where you maximize your bodys potential.The brand is performance driven and its goal is for you to be always at your best.The potent

13、ial of your own body is your source of inspiration.,通过颜色体现活力与潜能 Energetic potential in the color palette,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 50,色板 Color palette,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 51,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 52,标识方向一 Logo direction 1,标识方向一 Logo direction 1,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 53,

14、标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 54,包装Packaging,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 55,包装 Packaging,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 56,手提袋 Tote bag,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 57,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 58,标识方向二 Logo direction 2,标识方向二Logo direction 2,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 59,标识在不同颜色中的应用 Logo in color,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 60,包装 Packaging,潜能立见-Switch on your potential 61,


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