1、2014年英语四六级口语考试2014年10月30日9时至11月10日17时报名,2014年11月23日考试。下面是四六级考试网搜集整理的英语四六级口语考试练习素材,供各位考生学习参考。第一题:Free-choice Independent Tas这道题完全照搬TSE的Recommending places题型,扩展到People, Activities(Events)和Objects。准备15秒,说45秒。1、要言之有物,不要空喊口号,客观表达!2、要扣题评述,表达主观意见(正面)。3、要以面带点,不可纵向深入,因为:(1)铺开表达可以灵活搭配事先背诵的小点,不被具体题目限定。(2)可以在句式
2、结构上套用模板,沉着应对,并给人逻辑清晰的印象。(3)可避免纵向层面语汇短缺所引起的错误表达。(4)可避免不经意间走题。Ex: Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.第二题:Paired-choice Independent Task这道题完全照搬TWE题型。准备15秒,说45秒。1、同样建议以面代点,不要纵向深入。2、四种Reasoning:(1) Core Node
3、Reasoning(2) Devouring the Opposition Reasoning(3) Counter-example Illustration Reasoning(4) Blocking (Declining to give opinion)Ex: Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why.第一、二题Self-Assessment Checkli
4、st:1. I read the question carefully.2. I used careful planning to outline my response.3. I began with a topic statement.4. I used strong supporting ideas.5. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.*第三题:Dialogue-based R-L-S Integrated Task这道题通常是关于university policies, rules or procedures; u
5、niversity plans; campus facilities or quality of life on campus的一些新的变化,对话中的一个人支持或者反对这个变化,并且给出理由,题目的要求就是复述其中一人的观点并且列举出这个人的理由(注意:不能说自己的观点!)。问题类似于“State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion”。读40-45秒(75-100 words),听60-80秒,准备30秒,说60秒。1、对话题型重要原则:只听一个人!2、基本上对话结构是Q&A,总是针
6、对A来设计题目。3、概括记录,以最佳复原效果为准。(1)可用符号甚至中文,但确保不会换用“关键词”。(2)省纸,正反四折,一张搞定。(3)关键句阅读时可预见,内容预先记下,态度非正即反,不要靠当时具体去听,只标+, -号。(4)Supporting points可标上数码,至少可以心理安慰。(5)细节列举可放过,特别不要在细节列举遇到生词时懊恼抓狂。第四题:Lecture-based R-L-S Integrated Task读和听一段学术方面(life science, social science, physical science, and the humanities)的文章,the
7、reading passage一般是概括和抽象的学术语言,the lecture给出具体的例子、反例或者应用。题目一般是要求“apply the more general information you have learned in the reading to the examples discussed in the lecture”。读40-45秒(75-100 words),听60-80秒,准备30秒,说60秒。1、Lecture题型其实只要求在阅读预见内容的前提下复述讲话框架。2、记录内容取舍很有弹性,下面两者取其一:(1)对数字敏感的记录数字及准确的相关含义,用以占据篇幅,避免连
9、定,则在听力中迅速判断,从两句中选中一句。(4)整合阅读与听力笔记,套用句型,准备答题。第三、四题Self-Assessment Checklist:1. I noted the main points of the reading passage.2. I noted the main points of the listening passage.3. I read the question carefully.4. I used careful planning to outline my response.5. I began with an overall topic stateme
10、nt.6. I used strong supporting ideas.7. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.*第五题:Practicum for L-S Integrated Task这道是Problem and Solution(P&S)题。一般是关于campus-related situation,两个人讨论a problem and two possible solutions. The problem一般是关于scheduling conflicts, unavoidable absences, unav
11、ailable resources, student elections, financial difficulties, and so forth. 题目要求是“briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer, and finally to explain why you prefer that solution”,其中的reason可以是材料中提到的,也可以是自己的类似经历。听60-90秒,准备20秒,
12、说60秒。1、Problem往往不是单纯的,而是复杂矛盾的,分几个回合说完。2、Solutions针对Problem不同层面提出,注意提炼中心句。关切性的话可以略去。3、问题不用听!每次都一样!省下10-15秒整理笔记。4、答题时不要忘记给出自己的Solutions,想不出来就选择一个S提出的方案或把S提出的各种办法按照轻重缓急排序,形式上不可缺少!第六题:L-S Integrated Task这道题是Summary题。听一段学术方面(life science, social science, physical science, and the humanities)的lecture,问题一般
13、是“explain the main concept or issue of the lecture, using points and examples that were given in the lecture”。听60-90秒,准备20秒,说60秒。1、捕捉每一层次中心句的能力非常重要。记录要简要清晰,便于复原。2、文章结束,可以考问题整理笔记,问题本身具有纲要性,特别当听到数字时。3、关键学术语汇的听辨和记录复述是答题的重要挑战。第五、六题Self-Assessment Checklist:1. I noted the main points of the listening passage.2. I read the question carefully.3. I used careful planning to outline my response.4. I began with an overall topic statement.5. I used strong supporting ideas.6. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.本文来自:可可英语