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江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping reading课件 .ppt

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江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping reading课件 .ppt_第1页
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江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping reading课件 .ppt_第6页
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1、Going shopping Reading(I),Unit.7,Studying aims,学会用英语购物展开对话。从对话中了解关于购物的信息。Important points Sentences:Can I help you?/What can I do for you?How much do they cost?They are Ill take them.,Lets review,翻译:1.沿街有一个新的购物广场2.我没有钱3.这是我的钱包,Theres a new mall the street.,down,I dont have money.=I have no money.,an

2、y,Heres my wallet,Here are your pens,4.随我来,5.我需要你拎所有的包6.为Simon买一个礼物/为他买一些邮票7.我不能确定8.或许他对音乐不感兴趣,Come with me,I need you to carry all the bags.,buy Simon a present=buy a present for Simon,Im not sure,Maybe he isnt interested in music,9.喜欢集邮,10.那是一个好主意11.你有一些注意吗?,like collecting stamps,Thats a good ide

3、a=Good idea,Do you have any ideas?注:I dont know=Ive no idea,The Spring Festival is coming.,What presents do you want to buy for your family?Where to buy?,Look at the following pictures.What do we call it/them?We can call it/them.What are they/is it called?They are/It is called,supermarket,Shopping m

4、all,clothes shop,shoe shop,bookshop,sports shop,clothes shop,shoe shop,What do you want to buy for your parents?Where?,How much is the coat?It isHow much does the coat cost?It is.,¥900.00,¥200.00,pretty,words,match,cap,match的用法?你知道吗?,The cap matches her coat.“match sth”not“match sb”,¥600.00,not chea

5、p=expensive,enough money,How much is it?How much does it cost?,pr ttmanot ch p penc st,e y,tch,ea,ex sive,o,Word guessing,having a low(低)price _ very beautiful _very _go well with _have a price of _,quite,cheap,pretty,match,cost,What is Amy doing?,She is looking for Christmas presents for Simon and

6、Sandy.,Listen to the tape and answer the question?,Simon,Sandy,What presents does Amy want to buy for Simon and Sandy?,Task 2 Fill in the blanks,¥2,¥1,¥9,Task 3 Write T or F according to the text 1.Amy wants to buy some basketball cards for Simon._2.This years cards cost 2 yuan each_3.Amy buys last

7、years card.,F,basketballfootball,T,F,Last years cardthis years card,TRUE or FALSE,4.Amy wants to buy some hair clips for Sandy._5.The hair clips match Sandys skirt._6.Amy has enough money for the hair clip._,F,T,T,skirt-coat,1.Amy wants to buy Simon _.,4 Amy takes _as Sandys present.,Choose the corr

8、ect letters according to the dialogues.,2.This years football cardsare_each,3.Amy bought Simon _.,5.The hair clips costs _.,6.Amy bought Sandy _.,a.,b.,c.,a.,a.,a.,a.,a.,b.,b.,b.,b.,b.,c.,c.,c.,c.,c.,c,c,b,b,b,c,¥2,In the first shop,Amy wants to buy some football cards for _.The _ of the football cards is _ yuan.Amy thinks theyre not _.The shopkeeper says there are some last _ cards.Theyre only 1 yuan.But Amy _to buy new cards.At last,she bought five new cards.They _her 10 yuan.,Fill in the blanks according to the dialogues.,Simon,price,2,cheap,


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