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1、苏州大学苏州大学2010年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题2010年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题专业名称:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学考试科目:翻译与写作(A卷)专业名称:英语语言文学,外国语语言学与应用语言学考试科日:翻译与写作(A)卷I.Translate the following passage into English.(40 pts)Work therefore is desirable,first and foremost,as a preventive of boredom,for the boredomthat a man feels when he is doing

2、 necessary though uninteresting work is nothing in中国的普通话与方言的关系与很多西方国家的所谓“标准话”及其方言的关comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days.系不仅不等同,而且有很大的差异。比如,在欧洲,方言是指语音、词汇方面虽有明显差异、但仍然可以互相理解的不同地区或群体的人们使用的语言,III.Write a comment of no kess than 250 words in English on the foll

3、owing news report.在中国,不同地区或群体所谓的“方言”之间一般很难相互沟通,有些方言(30 pts)之间差异之大绝不亚于欧洲某些独立语言之间(比如英语和德语之间)的差异。由于这个原因,中国语言学家中有些人认为,究竞是把汉语定性为一个“偷菜”原先是“开心农场”的一个娱乐游戏,却在很短的时间内成为网络的时髦用由许多不同语言组成的语族,还是把它看成由不同方言构成的同一种语言,语,走进了网民的生活。“今天你偷了吗?”也随之成为大家见面时常用的招呼语。数确是一个很有争议的问题。在实际生活中,有人把汉语这个词用来表示一个百万都市人是“偷菜大军”中的主力。他们天天在“偷菜”与“防偷”中乐此

4、不疲,语言族群,而把汉语中不同地区有重大差异的方言看成不同的语言。但是,为之耗费了大量的业余时间。许多人甚至定好闹钟,半夜起床“偷菜”。还有些人在上中国绝大多数语言学者一致认为汉语是一种语言,而不是一个语族,理由是班时间忙于“偷菜”中国不同区域的人们所讲的口头语言虽然难以相互理解,但同时都使用统一的文字作为记录符号,在实际生活中,我们也确实可以看到,不同方言区的中国人确实在互相难以通过口头语言进行交流时暂时借助于书写的文字。II.Translate the following passage into Chinese.(40pts)There are in work all grades,fr

5、om mere relief of tediousness up to the profoundest delights,according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker.Most of the work that mostpeople have to do is not in itself interesting,but even such work has certain great advantages.IV.Write an essay of no less than 400 English word

6、s under the following title.(40 pts)To begin with,it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what oneshall do.Most people,when they are left free to fil their own time according to their ownDo we need English literature?choice,are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently p

7、leasant to be worth doing.And whateverthey decide on,they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have beenpleasanter.To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization,and atpresent very few people have reached this level.Moreover the exercise of choice is in

8、 itselftiresome.Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what todo at each hour of the day,provided the orders are not too unpleasant.Most of the idle richsuffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.At times,they mayfind relief by hunt

9、ing big game in Africa,or by flying round the world,but the number of suchsensations is limited,especially after youth is past.Accordingly the more intelligent rich menwork nearly as hard as if they were poor,while rich women for the most part keep themselvesbusy with inmumerable trifles of whose earthshaking importance they are firmly persuaded.试卷编号:828第(1)共(2)试卷编号:828第(2)页共(2)


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