1、What are you going to do#What are you going to do this weekend? =What are your plans for the weekend?not sure#Im not sure.=I dont know for sure. =Im not positive.probably#Ill probably.=Ill most likely. =Im pretty sure Ill.Have a good weekend#Have a good/ Nice weekend.=I hope you enjoy the weekend sh
2、es majoring in# is (am, are ) + + ing-ing-e-e-ing-ing-ie-ie-y-ing磺die-dying, lie-lyingtie-tying1磺She is majoring in economics. 磺Are you working hard this term? 2Come , go, leave, start, arrive塣磺They are going to Shanghai on Friday. John is coming here next week and will stay here until May. 3always, continually, constantly磺He is always asking questions.