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1、第 48 卷 第 2期2 0 2 3 年 2 月Vol.48 No.2Feb.2 0 2 3地球科学 Earth Sciencehttp:/https:/doi.org/10.3799/dqkx.2022.465综合物探技术在河套盆地深层油气勘探中的先导性应用:以临河坳陷为例索孝东1,张锐锋2,石东阳1,杨俊1,杨战军1,张宇飞3,李燕丽1,王泽丹21.中国石油东方地球物理公司,河北涿州 0727512.中国石油华北油田公司,河北任丘 0625503.中油测井技术研究院院士工作站,北京 100085摘要:河套盆地勘探程度低,有利勘探层系埋藏深,40余年未获突破,为实现河套盆地油气勘探快速突破,


3、电磁勘探配套技术,快速锁定了 JHZK2井、吉华 2x及临华 1x等有利目标靶区,为河套盆地油气勘探高效突破发挥了关键先导性作用,为类似复杂区特别是盆地深层油气勘探提供了成功范例与技术方法.关键词:高精度重力多界面约束反演;时频电磁;目标层靶向采集;电磁井震联合约束反演;地球物理.中图分类号:P618.4 文章编号:1000-2383(2023)02-749-15 收稿日期:2022-12-11Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Technology in Deep Oil and Gas Exploration in He

4、tao Basin:Taking Linhe Depression as an ExampleSuo Xiaodong1,Zhang Ruifeng 2,Shi Dongyang1,Yang Jun1,Yang Zhanjun1,Zhang Yufei 3,Li Yanli1,Wang Zedan21.BGP Inc.,CNPC,Zhuozhou 072751,China2.Huabei Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Renqiu 062550,Chian3.CNLC Logging Technology Research Institue,Beijing 10008

5、5,ChinaAbstract:The Hetao Basin has a low degree of exploration and the favorable exploration strata are deeply buried.No breakthroughs have been achieved in more than 40 years.In order to achieve rapid breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration in Hetao Basin,highprecision gravity and timefrequency e

6、lectromagnetic exploration have been carried out as a whole.Aiming at the problems that the main hydrocarbongenerating areas in the basin are unclear and the structure is difficult to determine,a new 基金项目:中国石油集团公司课题:物探采集处理解释关键技术研究复杂区深层及火成岩重磁电震一体化关键技术研究(No.2021DJ3706).作者简介:索孝东(1965-),男,高级工程师,博士,主要从事重

7、磁电及化探资料处理与综合地质解释.ORCID:0000000186255351.Email:引用格式:索孝东,张锐锋,石东阳,杨俊,杨战军,张宇飞,李燕丽,王泽丹,2023.综合物探技术在河套盆地深层油气勘探中的先导性应用:以临河坳陷为例.地球科学,48(2):749-763.Citation:Suo Xiaodong,Zhang Ruifeng,Shi Dongyang,Yang Jun,Yang Zhanjun,Zhang Yufei,Li Yanli,Wang Zedan,2023.Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting

8、Technology in Deep Oil and Gas Exploration in Hetao Basin:Taking Linhe Depression as an Example.Earth Science,48(2):749-763.第 48 卷地球科学 http:/technology for deep target gravity anomaly extraction based on loose constrained multiinterface inversion based on finite well and seismic data and gravity for

9、ward stripping based on basement background density methodis applied.After these work,the geological structure of Linhe depression is re recognized and the distribution of main hydrocarbon generating sags is quickly confirmed.It s pointed out that the Naoxi deep sub sag of Bayannur sag in the north

10、of the depression is the most favorable hydrocarbon generating area.The newly discovered favorable exploration targets for near source oil and gas,such as the central Xinglong faulted horst type buried hill drape structural belt and the nose shaped buried hill drape structural belt on the east wing

11、of Jixi high,which are distributed around the Yellow River fault subsag and Naoxi deep subsag have led to targeted,rapid and efficient seismic deployment and drilling.Aiming at the problems of unclear reservoir target and difficult determination of breakthrough well location,time frequency electroma

12、gnetic exploration supporting technologies such as target layer targeted acquisition based on well seismic simulation,electricmagneticwellseismic joint constrained inversion to improve the resolution of deep exploration and the prediction accuracy of oil and gas reservoirs have been proposed and app

13、lied.The resolution of deep exploration and the prediction accuracy of oil and gas reservoirs are improved.Favorable target areas such as well JHZK2,well Jihua 2x and well Linhua 1x are quickly locked.It has played a key leading role in the efficient breakthrough of oil and gas exploration in Hetao

14、Basin and has provided successful examples and technical methods for deep oil and gas exploration in similar complex areas and special basins.Key words:high precision gravity survey;loosely constrained gravity multi interface inversion;timefrequency electromagnetic survey(TFEM);target layer targeted

15、 acquisition;electricmagneticwellseismic joint constrainted inversion;geophysics.河套盆地油气勘探始于 20 世纪 70 年代末期,历经 40余年油气勘探历程,经历了石油普查勘探阶段、油气探索阶段(张以明等,2018).由于目的层埋藏较深,钻探困难,地震资料少、品质差、测网密度稀,加之对石油地质条件的认识不够全面,钻井部署缺乏依据,未取得油气实质性发现,勘探一直未获突破.临河坳陷位于河套盆地的西部,东北方向长约320 km,西北方向宽约 70 km,面积为 22 400 km2(图1).勘探工作者认为河套盆地临河坳

16、陷具备形成规模富集油气藏的良好地质条件,始终坚定找油的信念,为此做了大量的研究工作.赵重远等(1984)、郭忠铭等(1990)基于地面地质及早期地震资料对河套盆地弧形构造特征和演化机制进行了研究,认为河套弧形地堑是新生代断陷盆地,具有油气生成、聚集和保存的构造环境,其中吉兰泰坳陷的石炭-二叠系和侏罗-白垩系及临河坳陷的下白垩统和渐新统是有勘探前景的层系;门相勇等(2006)、付锁堂等(2018)利用钻井、地震资料对河套盆地临河坳陷石油地质特征及勘探前景进行了分析研究,认为临河坳陷具备有利的石油地质条件,北部深凹陷生烃条件相对有利,勘探目的层以下白垩统和渐新统为主.孙六一等(2018)根据露头、钻井和地震等资料,通过地层对比、地震相和烃源岩展布等综合图 1河套盆地构造单元分布图Fig.1Structural unit division map of Hetao Basin750第 2 期索孝东等:综合物探技术在河套盆地深层油气勘探中的先导性应用:以临河坳陷为例研究,认为河套盆地吉兰泰凹陷有利生烃和勘探区应位于埋深较大的北部深凹带.杜晓宇等(2019)采用 Hubbert 流体势模型,对河


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