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1、Tim WardFriendsth CD-ROMOXFORDTim WardFriendsOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESS2Complete the sentences.Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.1 Dad watches(watch)TV most evenings.2 You(play)with your friends most days.3(Grandma and Grandpa(Listen)to the radio at the moment.4 She(d

2、o)her homework now.5 He(be)in the football team this year.6 Mum(write)an email right now.7 They(have)homework at weekends.8 My sister(stick)pictures in her book at the moment.9 We(go)on a summer holiday every August.10I(Learn)to play tennis in school at the moment.3 Look at exercise 2.Write sentences.Use the past simple and the time expression.1 yesterday eveningDad watched TV yesterday evening2 yesterday3 last night4 at the weekend5 last year6 two hours ago7 last weekend8 this morning9 last year10 this weekStarter5


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