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1、奋进新征程 展现新作为全市外事工作再上新台阶2022年全市外事工作综述 市委外办主任,市政府外办党组书记、主任 王雯Wang Wen,Director-General of the Office of Foreign Affairs Work Commission of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee,Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and Director-General,Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government

2、Forging Ahead on A New Journey and Presenting New Accomplishments Foreign Affairs Work of Chongqing Making Progress from Strength to Strength-Summary of Chongqings Foreign Affairs Work in 20222022年10月,市政府外办党组理论学习中心组专题学习党的二十大精神。特稿Special Article 8 The World and Chongqing 在砥砺奋进中彰显初心使命,在奋楫笃行中再创外事佳绩。刚刚过

3、去的2022年,全市外事系统坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,学习宣传贯彻落实党的二十大精神,认真践行习近平外交思想,按照市第六次党代会确定的路径,立足外事资源禀赋,深化地区多双边合作,深入推进中西部国际交往中心建设,加快构建立足中西部、面向东盟、联通世界的对外交往格局,积极服务国家总体外交和全市高质量发展,推动全市外事工作再上新台阶。坚持党管外事,深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神。我们始终把政治建设放在首位,切实将党对外事工作的集中统一领导全面落实到工作的各方面、全过程,确保外事工作始终沿着正确的政治方向前进。通过宣讲会、微讲堂、专刊专栏等多种方式深入学习Manifesting the

4、 Original Aspiration and Creating New Achievements Through Diligent Work.In 2022,Chongqings foreign affairs system adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinpings Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,studied,publicized and implemented the guidelines of the 20th National Congress of

5、 the Communist Party of China,earnestly practiced Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy,deepened regional multi-bilateral cooperation based on the roadmap of foreign affairs resources in accordance with plan set in the 6th Chongqing Municipal Congress of the Communist Party of China,and further promoted t

6、he construction of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China.We accelerated the construction of a pattern of foreign exchanges based on the central and western China,facing ASEAN and the world,actively served the countrys overall diplomacy and the citys high-quality develop

7、ment,and promoted the citys foreign affairs work from strength to strength.Adhering to the Partys Guidance of Foreign Affairs Work and Thoroughly Studying and Implementing the Guidelines of the 20th CPC National Congress.We put political building in the first place,earnestly implement the centralize

8、d and unified leadership of the Party in foreign affairs work in all aspects,and ensure that foreign affairs work advancing in the correct political direction.In-depth study of the guidelines of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China through various ways such as teach-in,the micr

9、o-lecture hall,and the special column etc.,were carried out to profoundly understand of the era mark of diplomacy of a major country with Chinese characteristics,lofty mission,principles and policies,enhance strategic self-confidence and strategic strength,and further strengthen the centralized and

10、unified leadership of the Party in foreign affairs work.Chongqings foreign affairs system studied Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy.As the only subnational representative of the country,it was selected into the diplomatic section of the exhibition on the theme of“Forging Ahead in the New Era”.Focusing

11、 on the new tasks and 特稿Special Article 党的二十大精神,深刻领悟中国特色大国外交的时代坐标、崇高使命和方针政策,增强战略自信和战略定力,进一步加强党对外事工作的集中统一领导。重庆外事系统学习习近平外交思想图片,作为全国地方外办唯一代表入选“奋进新时代”主题成就展中央综合展区外交单元。围绕党的二十大关于外交外事工作新任务新要求,认真谋划实施重庆对外工作重点项目,高质量助推西部陆海新通道建设,推动成渝地区双城经济圈国际合作,奋力抓好高水平对外开放,更好融入国内国际双循环。服务全局发展,积极主动融入国家总体外交。我们始终坚持从全局谋划一域,以一域服务全局,紧密

12、对接国家重大区域发展战略和全市重点工作,切实找准外事工作定位、深挖特色外事资源,更好服务The World and Chongqing 9全局发展。立足中央对重庆战略定位,高质量办好2022年智博会、第四届西洽会、2022陆海新通道国际合作论坛等重要外事活动,乌拉圭、匈牙利、新加坡、墨西哥等国政要和上海合作组织秘书长分别线上出席有关活动。精心筹备地方外事活动,举办重庆市市长与蒙古国乌兰巴托市市长、韩国仁川市市长系列线上交流活动,积极宣传重庆对外开放良好态势。聚焦东南亚、中东欧、拉美等重点方向,积极参与中国东盟、中国中东欧、中国拉美、澜湄合作等多双边合作机制,参与制定中新互联互通项目西部陆海新通


14、力克服疫情影响,全面提升对外交往基础设施硬实力和城市形象软实力。高起点谋划顶层设计布局,精准组织实施重庆市建设中西部国际交往中心“十四五”规划,持续提升国际事务参与度、经济发展外向度、城市品牌知名度、开放环境舒适度、国际交往功能保障度。高效能助推对外合作项目,助力提升通道优势,深化与西部陆海新通道、中欧班列沿线重点国家交往,深入实施重庆与东盟合作行动计划,联合四川省外办举requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on foreign affairs,we carefully planne

15、d and implemented Chongqings key foreign work projects with high quality,promote the construction of a new land and sea channel in the west,promote international cooperation in the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region,and strive to open up to the outside world at a high level and better integrate

16、into dual circulation of home and abroad.Serving the Overall Development and Actively Integrating into the Countrys Overall Diplomacy.We always insist on planning one section from big picture thinking,serving the overall development with every section,closely connecting the countrys major subnational development strategy and the key work of the city,effectively identifying the positioning foreign affairs work,digging deep into characteristic foreign affairs resources,and better serving the overa


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