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1、 上市公司会计信息失真原因分析及治理对策姓名:陶刚林摘 要上市公司对外披露各种财会信息,是上市公司对社会公众树立自身形象,介入社会经济活动的必要方式,也是满足社会各界对上市公司的信息需要的手段。公开披露信息,不仅是上市公司组建的保证,也是上市公司外部推动力的形成因素;它就如同联系公司与外界各管理机构,与投资者、潜在投资者的中介,在上市公司组建、运行中发挥着重要作用;也正是这种作用给上市公司注入了活力,促使公司不断的开展。上市公司信息披露制度由于其对证券市场的巨大影响,受到人们的广泛关注。我国证券市场开展的十多年,也是上市公司信息披露从不标准到逐步完善的十多年。上市公司信息披露从始至今取得了可喜


3、与会计信息披露的必要性。 第二局部是全文的重点,分析了我国证券市场上市公司会计信息披露存在的问题、局限性以及形成的原因。这一局部是在第一局部的根底上,对我国上市公司会计信息披露存在的问题和原因进行了分析。存在的问题如下:第一,会计制度本身缺陷而影响会计信息披露。第二,会计信息披露不全面、不充分.第三,会计信息披露不真实。第四,会计信息披露的公开程度不够。第五,会计信息披露的时效性差。第六,会计信息披露相关性差。第七,或有事项反映缺乏。接着对我国上市公司会计信息披露问题的原因进行了分析。第一,上市公司信息披露法律法规不完善。第二,行业监管制度的不完善。第三,上市公司操作不标准。第四,会计相关工作

4、人员素质不高。第三局部讨论了完善我国上市公司会计信息披露的对策。主要从四个方面来研究。第一,法律标准建设方面。第二,行业制度建设方面。第三,上市公司自身建设方面。第四,会计人员业务素质方面。关键词 :上市公司 会计信息披露 证券市场 ABSTRACTPublic list companies releasing some kinds of financial information is a necessary manner to build up good image of their own and to expand the economic activities, it is also

5、 a measure to meet all requirements of Plc establishment, but also the factor of Plc exterior force. It is just looked as the media which Plc use to connected with all departments of management and investors, and potential investors, it has great effect on the establishment and running this kind of

6、effect input energy to Plc and promote Plc developing. Because of great effect on stock market, information publishing rules be widely concerned by people.Development of stock market in our country for over ten years is also the development of information disclosure of listed companies from not regu

7、lation to perfection for over ten years. Information disclosure of listed companies have gained great achievements and formed relatively perfect system. The system information disclosure is the cornerstone on which stock market rely for existence and development. It is core content of stork law syst

8、em. However, laws and regulations which are relevant to information disclosure are not very perfect for the beginning of stock market of our country was a little late. Information disclosure of listed companies have taken on many problems, such as disclosing false information、auditing and supervisin

9、g not effectively and so on. These problems have harmed investors benefits seriously and jeopardized good development of stock market. So, regulate and perfect information disclosure is the most importment. The number of the works on the disclosure of accounting information of listed companies has b

10、ecome increasingly large in recent years. However, there are not many discussing through which measures of improvement are put forward in the light of the accounting issues of the listed companies. This thesis intends to discuss the issue of accounting information of listed companies from this angle

11、, which will be of certain realistic significance.The full text amounts to three parts: First part ,Proceed with accounting information and accounting disclosure of information mainly, explain the necessity of accounting information and accounting disclosure of information.Second part is a focal poi

12、nt of the full text, Have analysed accountants information announcing existing problem , limitation and reason formed of listed company of security market of our country. This part is on the basis of first part. To the listed company of our country Accountants information announcing existing problem

13、 and reason have been analysed The following question exists.Third part discussed consummate the countermeasure of our country listed companies information disclosure.【Key words】 Listed Company The Disclosure of Accounting Information securities market 目 录一、会计信息及其披露概述1一会计信息及其质量要求11 会计信息的内涵及其特征12 会计信

14、息的质量要求2二上市公司会计信息披露概述31 会计信息披露的内容及形式32 上市公司会计信息披露的必要性4二 我国上市公司会计信息披露的现状、问题及原因分析7一 我国上市公司会计信息披露现状及其存在问题71 会计制度本身缺陷而影响会计信息披露72 会计信息披露不全面、不充分83 会计信息披露不真实84 会计信息披露的公开程度不够95 会计信息披露的时效性差96 会计信息披露的相关性差107 或有事项反映缺乏10二原因分析101 上市公司信息披露法律法规不完善102 行业监管不完善123 上市公司操作不标准124 会计相关工作人员素质不高13三 完善我国上市公司会计信息披露体系的对策14一法律标

15、准建设方面141 统一和完善会计信息披露的立法规定142 建立和完善注册会计师审计标准体系143 强化业务检查,加大执法力度154 开展和完善会计制度规定15二完善会计信息披露体系建设161 加强会计信息披露监管162 加强对中介机构的外部监督163 建立并完善会计信息披露标准体系16三上市公司自身建设方面171 落实独立董事制度,充分发挥监事会作用172 建立公司内部运行控制体系173 对公司管理层实行市场化鼓励与约束17四会计人员业务素质方面18参 考 文 献2027一、会计信息及其披露概述一会计信息及其质量要求 1 会计信息的内涵及其特征1 会计信息的内涵会计信息是经济信息的一局部,是由会计手段反映出来的企业各种资产变化的情况和资料,以及引起这种变化原因的总称。在市场经济条件下,会计信息在企业中具有举足轻重的作用,是企业制定经营决策的重要根底和依据。现代会计信息的内容非常丰富,而按照会计内容分类,可以分为财务会计信息内容、本钱会计信息内容和管理会计信息内容。2 会计信息的特征会计信息是客观经济业务存在的一般形式,也是对会计实践活动的概括,它直接反映于资金运行、资金取得、产品本钱归类和核算、产品销售、实现利润、投资者权益


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