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1、摘 要随着世界经济一体化的形成和中国市场经济的不断开展,中小企业在中国经济和社会中发挥了极其重要的作用,在增加就业、促进经济开展和科技创新、维持社会和谐稳定等方面扮演了不可替代的角色。不过,在当今日益剧烈的市场竞争中,中小企业与国有企业,大型企业和上市公司相比存在内在的缺乏。故而,中小企业要想在日趋白热化的竞争中百战不殆,就必须加强管理机制在企业内部的落实,降低各项本钱,提高经济效益。提高市场竞争力的方法有很多,其中之一就是税收筹划。因为企业所得税是每个企业务必缴纳的税负压力较大的首要税种,并且企业所得税和其余的税种相比有很大的操作余地,企业所得税的合理合法的规划,对减少企业的税负、削减企业的


3、为实例,分析企业内外环境和经营状况,准确定位税收筹划目标,说明企业所得税筹划技术方法在MN公司中的实际应用。关键词:企业所得税 中小企业 税收筹划AbstractWith the continuous development of world economic integration and market economy Chinese, small and medium-sized enterprises play a very important role in the economic and social Chinese, in increasing employment, promo

4、ting economic development and technological innovation, maintain social harmony and stability and other aspects played an irreplaceable role. However, in todays increasingly fierce market competition, small and medium enterprises have inherent shortcomings compared with state-owned enterprises, larg

5、e enterprises and listed companies. Therefore, the small and medium-sized enterprises want to win in the increasingly intense competition, we must strengthen the implementation of management mechanism in the enterprise, reduce the cost, improve economic efficiency. There are many ways to improve the

6、 competitiveness of the market, one of which is tax planning. Because the corporate income tax is every enterprise must pay the tax pressure and primary tax, corporate income tax and other taxes compared to the operating room for a large, enterprise income tax reasonable planning, to reduce the corp

7、orate tax burden, reduce the cost of the enterprise, improve the enterprises profit after tax, enhance the enterprise market the competitiveness has obvious effect. As a result, the tax planning of enterprise income tax has been paid more and more attention. In 2023, in the face of social and econom

8、ic relations under the new situation, the Provisional Regulations on enterprise income tax and foreign investment enterprise and foreign enterprise income tax law were merged, the original enterprise income tax system and related policies for the large scale changes, upgrade the implementation of th

9、e new tax law on the promotion of economic growth and industrial structure and improve the international competitiveness of enterprises, strengthen the management of tax collection and management of extraordinary significance. In this paper, China new enterprise income tax law for the tone, the ente

10、rprise income tax planning as the main line, the first chapter and the second chapter starts from the background of tax planning and the basic theory, the third chapter studies the main content of the enterprise income tax law and policy focus at present in our country, summarizes the essentials of

11、the enterprise income tax planning. On this basis, in the fourth and fifth chapters, taking MN company as an example, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment and business status of enterprises, and accurately sets the objectives of tax planning, and illustrates the practical applic

12、ation of enterprise income tax planning technology in MN company.Key words: Corporate Income Tax Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Tax Planning目 录第一章 绪论11.1研究的背景、意义1123341.3研究的目的、方法556777第二章 税收筹划的根本理论88810112.3税收筹划的方法、步骤121213第三章 企业所得税税收筹划理论分析153.1 企业所得税税收筹划的必要性与可行性153.1.1 企业所得税税收筹划的必要性153.1.2 企业所得

13、税税收筹划的可行性163.2 企业所得税税收筹划的技术方法163.2.1 合理选择企业组织形式163.2.2 合理利用税率差异173.2.3 恰当运用固定资产折扣193.2.4 充分利用税收优惠政策19第四章 MN中小企业企业所得税税收筹划现状分析204.1 中小企业经营现状204.2 MN公司经营概况214.3 MN 公司纳税环境分析234.3.1 MN公司的外部环境分析234.3.2 MN公司的内部环境分析244.4 MN公司税收筹划目标分析254.4.1 降低税收筹划风险264.4.2 获取资金时间价值264.4.3 降低企业税收负担264.5 MN公司税收情况分析264.5.1 MN公

14、司企业所得税缴纳情况274.5.2 MN公司适用税收优惠政策27第五章 MN公司企业所得税税收筹划方案设计295.1 MN公司企业所得税税收筹划存在的问题295.1.1 总体层面-对税收筹划缺乏科学认识295.1.2 具体层面-没有建立税收筹划部门和正确的流程305.2 MN公司收入的税收筹划305.2.1 高新技术企业筹划305.2.2 资源综合利用筹划325.2.3 国债利息收入筹划325.2.4 延期确认收入筹划325.3 MN公司费用的税收筹划335.3.1 研究开发费的税收筹划345.3.2 工资薪金的税收筹划355.3.3 业务招待费的税收筹划365.3.4 捐赠支出的税收筹划36

15、5.4 MN公司固定资产的税收筹划37第六章 结论与展望406.1 对做好中小企业税收筹划工作的建议406.2 有待进一步研究的问题42参考文献43致谢45第一章 绪论研究的背景、意义研究的背景 上个世纪80年代初期,中国的局部税收理论研究学者和专家最先将注意力投向税收筹划领域,因为那时中国经济体制改革的目标尚未确立为建设市场经济体制,企业自主经济利益没有获得认可,内资企业缺乏进行税收筹划的源动力,税收征管部门甚至曾将税收筹划作为“非法舶来品看待。在特殊的时代背景下,敢于撰写关于税收筹划的“禁书的人并不多,论述税收筹划理论和实践的著作很少,这是中国法律禁止的范畴。直到中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平同志“南巡讲话的发表和“十四大的顺利召开,建立社会主义市场经济体制被确定为中国经济体制改革的目标,中国国有企业变革的方向定位在创立现代企业制度,20世纪末税收筹划进入高速开展的快车道时期。在此期间,各种税收筹划方面的研究成果相继出现。 自从改革开放以来,国内中小企业的开展日新月异,占据国内企业的绝大多数,且充满生机与活力,成为中国实体经济的重要一环。据相关


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