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1、企业网络平安解决方案篇一:企业网络平安解决方案的设计摘 要计算机网络的开展和技术的提高给网络的平安带来了很大的冲击,Internet的平安成了新信息平安的热点。网络平安,是计算机信息系统平安的一个重要方面。如同翻开了的潘多拉魔盒,计算机系统的互联,在大大扩展信息资源的共享空间的同时,也将其本身暴露在更多恶意攻击之下。如何保证网络信息存储、处理的平安和信息传输平安的问题,就是我们所谓的计算机网络平安。信息平安是指防止信息财产被成心的或偶然的非法授权泄露、更改、破坏或使信息被非法系统辩识、控制;确保信息的保密性、完整性、可用性、可控性。信息平安包括操作系统平安、数据库平安、网络平安、病毒防护、访问

2、控制、加密和鉴别七个方面。设计一个平安网络系统,必须做到既能有效地防止对网络系统的各种各样的攻击,保证系统的平安,同时又要有较高的本钱效益,操作的简易性,以及对用户的透明性和界面的友好性。针对计算机网络系统存在的平安性和可靠性问题,本文从网络平安的提出及定义、网络系统平安风险分析,网络攻击的一般手段,企业局域网平安设计的原那么及其配置方案提出一些见解,并且进行了总结,就当前网络上普遍的平安威胁,提出了网络平安设计的重要理念和平安管理标准并针对常见网络故障进行分析及解决,以使企业中的用户在计算机网络方面增强平安防范意识,实现了企业局域网的网络平安。 关键词:网络平安; 路由器; 防火墙; 交换机

3、; VLANAbstractThe development of computer networks and technologies to enhance network security is a big blow, Internet security has become a new hotspot of information security. Network security is the security of computer information systems in an important aspect. Like opening of the Pandoras Box

4、, the computer systems of the Internet, greatly expanded information resources sharing space at the same time, will be its own exposure to the more malicious attacks under. How to ensure that the network of information storage, processing and transmission of information security security, is the so-

5、called computer network security. Information security is to prevent information from the property have been deliberately or accidentally leaked authorized illegal, altered, damage or illegal information system identification, control; ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability, controllable. I

6、nformation security, including the safety of the operating system, database security, network security, virus protection, access control, encryption and identification of seven areas. Design of a network security system, which must be done to effectively prevent the network all of the attacks, guara

7、ntee the safety of the system, and also have a higher cost-effectiveness, operational simplicity, and transparent to the user interface and friendly.Computer network system of security and reliability problems, the paper from the network security and the proposed definition, Network security risk an

8、alysis, network attacks generally means Enterprise LAN security design principles and disposition program some insights, and it was summed up, on the current network-wide security threats the network security of the important design concepts and security management norms and against common network f

9、ault analysis and solution to enable enterprise customers in the computer network to enhance safety, realizing the enterprise LAN network security.Key words:Network Security; Router; Firewall; Switch; VLAN目 录摘 要 . I ABSTRACT . II 目 录 . III绪论 . 11 网络平安概述 . 21.1 网络平安的概念 . 21.2 网络平安系统的脆弱性 . 21.3 网络平安模型 . 31.4 企业局域网的应用 . 42 网络系统平安风险分析 . 52.1物理平安风险分析 . 52.2网络平台的平安风险分析 . 52.3系统的平安风险分析 . 62.4来自局域网内部的威胁 . 62.5来自互联网的威胁 . 72.6网络的攻击手段 . 73 企业局域网的平安设计方案 . 83.1企业局域网平安设计的原那么 . 83.2 平安效劳、机制与技术 . 93.3企业局域网平安配置方案 . 93.3.


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