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1、浅析纪录片中画面语言的运用以个人系列作品甲乙丙丁为例摘 要有人说电影是光影的艺术,有人说电影是结构线条的美学,还有人说电影是色彩的艺术,他们说的有错么?都没错!电影就是由各种美学元素所结合形成的,所以说要拍好一部电影就要合理利用好各种元素,让他们共同为影片的主题效劳。而且除了这些画面语言外,你还要把握好解说词、背景音乐与画面的结合。在各种元素的结合方面需要尤其注意,电影就是结合的艺术,画面组接艺术、声话搭配艺术等。我一直相信做片子做主要的一个东西就是节奏,节奏的艺术。被称为鬼才导演的王家卫曾说过他就是再按音乐来拍摄影片。我们也可以从他的把戏年华、旺角卡门里看出他所追求的音乐,其实他不是按音乐来


3、求创作者直面客观现实,从现实中提取素材,进行非虚构的加工制作,最大限度的复原客观现实的本来面目。1纪实纪录片最大的不同在于它独特的拍摄内容和独特的拍摄风格,而这些东西的最终表现是出现在画面中的各种语言元素。在光影的运用上它对自然光和人工铺设的光有什么选择标准?为什么自然光的运用居多?是条件限制还是场景需求?等等这些细节元素都需要我们将实践和经典理论结合,努力摸清其中的门道。下面我会和大家聊聊我眼中的经典影片中经典画面的各种表现元素,并以自己的亲身实践来说明。关键字:光影;构图;镜头运动AbstractSome people say that the film is the art of lig

4、ht and shadow, some people say that the film is the aesthetic structure of the line, there are people who say that the film is the art of color, they say there is wrong All right! Film is formed by the combination of a variety of aesthetic elements, so that to make a good film to make good use of a

5、variety of elements, so that they work together for the theme of the film. In addition to these picture language, you have to grasp the combination of commentary, background music and pictures. In combination with the various elements of the need to pay particular attention to the film, is a combina

6、tion of art, art, sound and picture connecting words collocation art etc.I have always believed that the main thing to do is to do the rhythm, rhythm art. Known as the genius director Wong Kar Wai said that he is in film music. We can also see from his mood for love, Carmen in the pursuit of his mus

7、ic, in fact, he is not by the music to shoot but he with the rhythm of the music to grasp the rhythm of the entire film. This application, especially in his mood in the performance of the most obvious, but also the most classic. For example, in the film fourteen minutes and forty-seven seconds for t

8、wo minutes and thirteen seconds of the perfect combination of music and pictures. And this piece of music has been repeated many times, so that the audience will not feel cumbersome but a very comfortable sense of inexplicable, which is undoubtedly the perfect combination of music and pictures of th

9、e classic case of Wong Kar Wai.The film will always follow a certain law, in the different elements of the expression to follow a different law. The expression has many kinds, some people are willing to use a little story, some people are willing to use strict justice logic, some people do not want

10、to use language and express action, but the common is that we all want to let others know our expression. And each of our expressions have a certain inherent law, not to mention we are going to talk about the documentary film in the language expression rules. Documentary requires creators to face th

11、e objective reality, from the reality of the material extraction, non fiction processing production, the maximum reduction of the objective reality of the true colors. The biggest difference between the 1 documentary film is its unique content and unique style of shooting, and the final performance

12、of these things is in the picture of the various language elements. In the use oflight and shade on the natural light and artificial laying of light what are the selection criteria Why is the use of natural light in the majority Is it a condition or a scene And so the details of these elements need

13、us to practice and classic theory, trying to find out the doorway. Below I will talk to you in my eyes, the classic film in the classic picture of the various elements of the performance, and in their own practice to illustrate.Keywords:Light and shadow; Composition;Lens movement目 录TOC o 1-2 h u 摘 要

14、 IAbstract II目 录 IV引 言 1一研究现状和意义 1二研究方法和创新之处 1一、纪录片画面语言中唤醒观众视觉感知的要素光影 1一光影解析 1二光影的形式 2三光影的功能 2二、纪录片画面语言中的取舍美学构图 7一三分法构图井字构图法 7二水平线构图、对角线构图 8三框架式构图 10四会聚线构图 10三、纪录片画面语言中充当观众眼睛的角色镜头运动 11一给予观众第一现场感的手持镜头 11二调节纪录片节奏的空镜头 14三给予观众反思空间的固定镜头 15四时间的特写快慢镜头 16结 语 17参考文献 19引 言一研究现状和意义在当下这个新媒体时代,各种传播方式、传播手段纵横于亿万网民




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