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1、三年级英语一听力局部40分一、听辨单词,选出正确的选项。此题10分,每题2分 1. A. class B. rice C. Maths 2. A. today B. Monday C. Sunday 3. A. shopping B.sleep C. skip 4. A. very B. they C. we 5. A.school B. do C. cool二、 选择与你所听到内容相符的图片。此题1 0分,每题2分 A B C D E三、 选出你所听到的句子。此题10分,每题2分 1. A. What does he do in the morning? B. What does he ha

2、ve in the morning 2. A. I have PE and Maths. B. I have English and Art. 3. A. Daming likes football. B. Daming plays football. 4. A. Its warm and sunny today. B. Its warm and raining today. 5. A. We go swimming in summer. B. We go skating in winter. 四、判断正误,对T错F。此题10分,每题2分 ( ) 1. Its warm and raining

3、 in spring. 2. We go skating in summer. 3. Its snowing today. Its very cool. 4.We play basketball in autumn. 5. She has English , Art and PE. 二笔试局部60分五、单项选择,选出正确的选项填入括号内。此题10分,每题2分 1、She basketball on Mondays . A .play B .plays C .does play 2、What does she at school A .has B .have C .having 3、Do you

4、 play football in the morning . A .No ,I do. B .Yes , I does. C .No ,I dont 4、Does Xiaoyong like basketball A .No ,he dont B .Yes ,he does C .Yes .he do 5、I have in the afternoon . A .Music ,art B .Maths and Art C .maths and art六、 连词成句。此题10分,每题2分 1、 does Linging at school have What ( ) 2、 Marths and

5、 PE in the morning He has ( . ) 3、 do you on Sundays What do ( ) 4、 in winter We go skating ( . ) 5、 hot and sunny Its today ( . ) 七、选择与句意相符的图片。此题10分,每题2分 A B C D E 1. Its hot in summer. 2. Its warm , but its raining. 3.We play football in spring. 4. Its windy, but its not cool. 5. Its very cold in

6、winter. 八、情景交际。从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。此题10分,每题2分 A:Hello,Lingling. What do you do at school B: 1 A: Do you have Art in the morning A.What do you have in the afternoonB: 2 I have Chinese. B.No, I dont.A: 3 C. Yes, she does.B: I have English , Music and PE in D.I have classes. the afternoon. 4 E. Do you have

7、 PE in the afternoonA:Yes , I do. Does Amy have Maths in the afternoon B: 5 And she likes Maths very much. 九、从II栏中找出I栏问句的答语。此题10分,每题2分 I II 1. What do you do on Sundays A. I have Music. 2. What does xiaomei have in the morning B. I watch TV. 3.Do you sleep in the morning C. Theyre monkeys. 4. What d

8、o you have at school D. Yes, I do. 5. What are they E. She has PE in the moring. 十、阅读理解。此题10分,每题2分 My name is Sam. I like football. I play football on Saturdays. Daming likes football, too. He plays football on Saturdays. And he rides his bike on Sundays. Amy likes watching TV. She watches TV in the

9、 afternoon.阅读上面短文,根据内容,判断以下句子的对T或错F。( ) 1. Sam likes basketball.( ) 2. Sam plays football on Sundays.( ) 3. Daming likes football.( ) 4. Sam rides his bike on Sundays.( ) 5. Amy watches TV in the afternoon. 附加题: 根据汉语意思完成句子。此题10分,每题2分 1、Its _ (温暖的) in spring . 2、Summer is a nice _ (季节) . 3、We play in

10、 the _(雪 ) in winter. 4、I have _ (课程). 5、I _(骑) my bike in the morning . 听力材料一、听辨单词,选出正确的选项。此题10分,每题2分1. Maths 2. Monday 3. sleep 4. very 5. cool二选择与你所听到内容相符的图片。此题1 0分,每题2分1.I have Music in the afternoon.s warm ,but its raining today. 3 Do you watch TV in the moring 4.I sleep in the morning. 5. Its cool in autumn.三 选出你所听到的句子。此题10分,每题2分 1. What does he have in the morning 2. I have English and Art. 3. Daming likes football.4. Its warm and sunny today. 5. We go skating in winter.


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