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1、单元写作小专题&Section B(3a3b)【单元写作目标】能用过去完成时态表达过去发生的事情。1.能用过去完成时“had done sth.表达某一时刻为止已经完成的活动;2.能正确应用“by,before,when等引导的过去时间状语;3.能正确使用“when,later,then,after that,finally等连词表达事情发生的过程;4.写作微技能:按时间顺序表达事件发生的过程。一、语言积累 (一)根据以下表格中所给的单词,写出相应的动词原形或过去分词。VerbPast participleVerbPast participleVerbPast participlerunlos

2、egettellwakenstoprushmakesoldfindleaveshowstaytakengonerungputhitfallwritecome (二)模仿例句,用by,when或before连接句子。 例: Tom fell asleep. Toms father came back home. By the time/When Toms father came back home,Tom had fallen asleep. 1. My parents left home to work. I woke up. _2. The library was closed. Mary

3、got to the city library. _3. His friends waited for him for a long time. Mr. Lin arrived at the park. _4. I realized that I didnt write my name on it. I handed in my paper. _5. The movie was on for 20 minutes. The boy reached the cinema. _6. Peter received many gifts. His birthday came. _(三) 根据汉语意思完

4、成句子,每空一词。1. 生活中充满了意外。 Life _ _ _ the unexpected.2. 刚刚我正要去买东西,他给我打 来了。I _ _ _ do some shopping when he telephoned me just now.3. 我们疑惑地盯着从燃烧的大楼里升出来的烟。 We _ _ _ _ the black smoke rising _ the burning building.4. 我从床上跳起来并直奔机场。 I _ _ _ the bed and _ _ to the airport.5. 早上当我去学校的时候,我发现我忘记穿校服了。 _ _ _ I _ _

5、school in the morning,I found I had forgotten to put on my school uniform.6. 然而,全世界最有名的恶作剧,是发生在十月而不是四月。 One of the worlds _ _ tricks,however,happened in October _ _ in April.7. 韦尔斯让它听起来如此逼真,以至于成百上千的人都相信了这个故事。因此,全国上下一片恐慌。 Welles made it sound _ real _ hundreds of people believed the story,and fear _

6、across the whole country. 二、篇章训练 同学们,还记得曾经令你觉得为难、倒霉、沮丧的一天吗?请你以“What a(n) _ Day为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,表达这段经历及当时的感受。 提示: 1. When did it happen 2. What happened first 3. What happened next 4. How did the day end 5. How did you feel about this day请在“单元写作小专题(答题页)相应位置完成。 单元写作小专题&Section B(3a3b)一、语言积累(一) run;lost

7、;got;told;wake;stopped;rushed;made;sell;found;left;shown;stayed;take;go;ring;put;hit;fallen;written;come(二) 1.By the time/When I woke up,my parents had left home to work.2By the time/When Mary got to the city library,it had been closed.3By the time/When Mr. Lin arrived at the park,his friends had wa

8、ited for him for a long time.4By the time/When I handed in my paper, I realized that I hadnt written my name on it.5By the time/When the boy reached the cinema,the movie had been on for 20 minutes.6Before Peters birthday came,he had received many gifts.(三)1.is full of2.was about to3.stared in disbel

9、ief at;above4jumped out of;went straight5.By the time;left for6most famous;rather than7.so;that;spread二、篇章训练One possible version:What an Unforgettable DayLast summer vacation I decided to visit my grandparents because I havent seen them for many years.That day when I was about to leave for the bus s

10、tation, I found I had left my ID card and mobile phone on the bed. After I got to the bus station, I found I had arrived the station two hours later. While I was waiting in the waiting room, a woman came and asked me if I could help her look after her two boys for a while. I agreed and we played gam

11、es until the woman came back. After they left, I found my wallet had been stolen. I called the police right away. They told me that the woman had cheated me. That made me really disappointed and worried. Finally, I got to my grandparents home with the help of the police. Its a lesson to me. But I think we still should keep a kind heart, although the society isnt good enough.


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