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1、Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.单元知识背记手册Section A重点单词1. litter 乱扔;垃圾;废弃物2. bottom 底部;最下部3. fisherman 渔民;钓鱼的人4. coal 煤;煤块5. ugly 丑陋的;难看的6. advantage优点;有利条件7. cost 花费;价钱8. wooden 木制的;木头的9. plastic 塑料的;塑料;塑胶10. cruel残酷的;残忍的11. harmful 有害的12. industry 工业;行业13. law 法律;法规14. scientific 科学上的;科学的15. a

2、fford 承当得起(后果);买得起Section A重点短语1. play a part in参与;在中起作用2. too much 太多3. cut down 减少的量;砍倒4. instead of 代替;而不是5. make a difference产生影响或作用6. cut off砍掉;切断7. not onlybut also不但而且8. be harmful to 对有害9. at the top of 在顶部或顶端10. so far到目前为止11. in danger 处于危险状态12. take part in 参加13. turn off关掉14. pay for 付费;

3、付出代价15. take action 采取行动Section B重点单词1. recycle 回收利用;再利用2. gate大门3. bottle瓶子4. president 负责人;主席;总统5. work(音乐、艺术)作品6. metal金属Section B重点短语1. throw away 扔掉;抛弃2. put sth. to good use 好好利用某物3. buildout of用修建4. pulldown拆下;摧毁5. upside down 上下颠倒;倒转6. set up建立7. bring back恢复;归还;使想起词形变换1. fisherman(复数)fisher

4、men2. wooden(名词)wood3. harmful(名词)harm4. scientific(名词)science5. creativity(形容词)creative重点句型1. Were trying to save the earth! 我们正尽力挽救地球!2. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.甚至河的底部都充满了垃圾。3. Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up! 这个城镇中的每个人都应该 参与把它清扫干净!4. 减少空气污染,我们应该

5、乘公共汽车或地铁,而不是开车。5. Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! 它对健康有益,而且不花费任何东西!6. So together,our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future!因此,我们齐 心协力就能带来变化,创造更加美好的未来!7. Do you often throw away things you dont need anymore?你经常扔掉你不再需要的东 西吗?8. She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out of rubbish.她住在英国,房子是她 自己用废弃物建成的。9. I hope people can read my book and enjoy it!我希望人们能读到我的书并喜欢它!


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