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1、Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.单元知识背记手册Section A重点单词1. humorous 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的2. silent 不说话的;沉默的3. helpful有用的;有帮助的4. score 得分;进球5. background 背景6. interview 采访;面试;访谈7. Asian 亚洲(人)的;亚洲人8. dare 敢于;胆敢9. ton吨;大量;许多10. private私人的;私密的11. guard 警卫;看守;守卫;保卫12. require 需要;要求13. European 欧洲(人)的;欧洲人14. Afr

2、ican 非洲(人)的;非洲人15. British 英国(人)的16. speech 讲话;发言17. public民众;公开的;公众的Section A重点短语1. from time to time时常;有时2. take up 开始从事(某事)3. deal with 应对;处理4. all the time总是;一直5. tons of 许多;大量6. be careful about 对小心7. hang out 闲逛8. give up 放弃9. in public公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前Section B重点单词1. ant 蚂蚁2. seldom不常;很少3. infl

3、uence影响4. absent 缺席;不在5. fail 不及格;失败;未能(做到)6. examination 考试;审查7. exactly 确切地;精确地8. pride 自豪;骄傲9. proud 自豪的;骄傲的10. general 总的;普遍的;常规的;将军11. introduction 介绍Section B重点短语1. be nervous about 对感到紧张2. be absent from 缺席3. make a decision 做决定4. in person 亲身;亲自5. even though 即使6. be proud of/take pride in 为

4、感到骄傲;感到自豪词形变换1. silent(名词)silence2. helpful (动词)help3. Asian (名词)Asia4. European (名词)Europe5. African (名词)Africa6. speech (名词)speaker (动词)speak7. absent (名词)absence8. exactly (形容词)exact9. pride (形容词)proud10. introduction (动词)introduce重点句型1. I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去害怕黑夜。2. Its been three y

5、ears since we last saw our primary school classmates.距离我们上次见到小学同学已经三年了。3. Its interesting to see how people have changed.看到人们发生的变化太有趣了。4. As she got better,she dared to sing in front of her class,and then for the whole school.当她状况变得好转的时候,她敢于在全班同学面前唱歌,后来直至在全校同学面前唱歌。5. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.你无法想象成功的道路有多么难。6. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有很少一局部人能到达成功的顶峰。7. Its very important for parents to be there for their children.父母随时陪在孩子身边是很重要的。


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