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1、2023年四川省南充市高中阶段学校招生统一考试英语试卷第一局部:根底知识运用共两节,总分值35分第一节单项选择共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分从所给的三个选项中选出最正确答案。1The guitar might belong to AliceShe plays guitar very wellAthe Ba C2This isnt my dictionaryI left at homeAmy Bmine CI3 girls took part in the Super Girl Competition,but only few of them succeededAOne million of

2、 BMillions of CTwo millions4-Why are you so -I am watching an basketball matchAexcited;exciting Bexciting;excitedCexciting;exciting5-Where is my umbrella Must I take it with me,Mum-Its fine todayYou take it with youAcant Bneednt Cmustnt6It me 15 minutes to get to school on my bikeAcosts Bspends Ctak

3、es7I am not sure if Tom homeIf he ,Ill call youAwill come;will comeBcomes;will comeCwill come;comes8-Have you taught English for a long time-Well,I have only been a teacher 5 years agoAfor Bafter Csince9-You have my dictionary for two weeks-Sorry,Ill give it back to you right nowAlent Bborrowed Ckep

4、t10If your friend said about you,you could keep silentAsomething bad Bbad something Cgood something11-These foreigners have been to Tibet before-Really When thereAwill they go Bdid they go Chave they gone12You must remember Awhat your father saidBwhat did your father sayCyour father said what13After

5、 the teacher,Tan Qianqius story on CCTV,many people are learning from himAwas reporting Bwas reported Creported14The Olympics will he held in August,2008 in Beijing ChinaAtwenty-ninethBtwenty-ninth Ctwenty-nine15He could hardly believe her words, Adid he Bcouldnt he Ccould he16The boy I talked with

6、just now is my best friendAwho Bwhich Cwhere17- weather! Its too cold!-Thats terrible! We cant go climbing todayAWhat had BWhat a bad CHow bad18-Hello! May I speak to Tony,please-Sure AId love to BI am afraid notCHold on,please19There a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this eveningAis going to he Bis go

7、ing to have Cwill have20 you study, grades you will getAThe hard;the goodBThe harder;the betterCHarder;better第二节完形填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的选项中选出最正确答案。Jenny Gordon was a very kind and beautiful womanBefore she 21 ,many young men were in love with herMany of them 22 to her,telling

8、her how wonderful she was,how much they loved her and each of them wanted to be her 23 Jenny kept all these lettersShe tied them up with a red ribbon缎带and put them away in an old boxShe 24 read them because her husband took good care of her,however,they were a part of her 25 and she did not want to

9、throw them awayJenny had a 26 ,SueSue was sixOne day,a friend of hers was in hospitalJenny wanted to go to see herOf course, it was 27 to take Sue there with herSo she had to leave Sue 28 for two hours“Now be a good girl, she said“Play 29 in the yardIf you need anything,go to the lady next door and

10、shell 30 youWhen she returned homeshe asked Sue,“Have you 31 a good girl“Oh,yes Mommy, Sue said“What did you do while I was 32 Jenny asked her“I played mailman Sue told her“ 33 could you play mailman,darling Jenny asked“You didnt have any letters“Oh,yes,I did,Mommy, Sue said“I 34 some in an old box

11、upstairsThey were tied up with a red ribbonI put one in every mailbox in the 35 Wasnt I a good girl21Adied Bleft Cmarried22Awrote B1istened Ctalked23Aclassmate Bhusband Cbrother24Aalways Busually Cnever25Astudy Blife Cjob26Adaughter Bstudent Cpupil27Ahelpful Bbad Cimportant28Aasleep Baway Calone29As

12、lowly Bquietly Cclearly30Ahelp Bteach Cshow31Alearned Bbeen Cplayed32Ain Bfree Cout33AWhen BHow CWhat34Afound Bbought Cborrowed35Avillage Bpark Cstreet第二局部:阅读理解共20小题;每题2分,总分值40分阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确答案。AOn the first day of class,Smiths foreign students fill in forms and give the information about themselvesName:Claude Country:Germany德国Native Language本族语:GermanTime in the USA:9 monthsFamily:I live with my parentsWork:I used to be an art teacher in GermanyBut now Im working in a companyInterests:I love paintingI like music,tooName:Li Ming Cou


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