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1、四年级英语上册第一单元检测题班别:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_听力局部 总分值60分一、 Listen and choose. 听音,选择。每题读两遍。10分( ) 1. A. cat B. cake ( ) 2. A. rat B. rate( ) 3. A. date B. dad ( ) 4. A. hat B. hate( ) 5. A. make B. map ( ) 6. A. face B. fat( ) 7. A. lack B. lake ( ) 8. A. bag B. bake( ) 9. A. take B. tap ( )10. A. pat B. pate二、 Liste

2、n and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其字母序号填写在题前的括号里。每题读两遍。10分 1. A. classroom B. bedroom C. bathroom 2. A. come B. computer C. crayon 3. A. wall B. walk C. window 4. A. light B. night C. nine 5. A. duck B. ball C. door 6. A. picture B. pupil C. pencil 7. A. four B. floor C. foot 8. A. teachers desk B.

3、students desk C. many desks 9. A. Let me clean the classroom.B. Let me clean the windows.C. Let me clean the blackboard. 10. A. Its in the teachers desk.B. Its under the teachers desk. w W w . C. Its near the teachers desk.三、 Listen and choose.听录音内容,选择正确答案。每题读两遍。10分( )1. ( )2.图:蜡笔在桌子里. A B A B( )3.

4、( )4. A B A B( )5. ( )6. A B A B ( )7. ( )8. A B A B( )9. ( )10.A B A B四、 Listen and choose. 听录音,选择意思相符的一项。每题读两遍。10分 1A. We have a new classroom. B. We have an old classroom. 2A. My picture is near the window. B. My picture is on the desk. 3A. I can see a blackboard, a computer, many desks and chair

5、s in the classroom. B. I can see a blackboard, a TV, many desks and chairs in the classroom. 4A. We clean the classroom. B. They clean the classroom. 5A. The floor is yellow. B. The door is yellow.五、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出适宜的应答语,并将其编号填入前面括号里。每题读两遍。10分( ) 1. A. Its near the computer. B. Its in the

6、computer.( ) 2. A. Lets go and see. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Oh its beautiful. B. I see a picture.( ) 4. A. A window, a door and a blackboard.B. A pencil box, a book and a ruler.( ) 5. A. One blackboard, one computer and some desks.B. A duck, a dog, a pig and a cat.六、 Listen and match.听录音,把图片与适宜的点连线。

7、每题读两遍。10分笔试局部总分值40分七、Read and choose. 读一读,找出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A. pencil B. light C. door D. blackboard( ) 2. A. fan B. wall C. student D. floor( )3. A. near B. TV C. on D. in( )4. A. open B. close C. clean D. picture( ) 5. A. UK B. USA C. OK D. Canada八、Read and fill. 看图填空。5分Look at the pic

8、ture! Its Johns room. A schoolbag is in the 1. . A computer is near the big 2. . A book is under the 3. . A nice picture is on the white 4. . Wheres my fishbowl Oh, its on the 5. .九、Read and choose. 读一读,补全对话,将编号写在横线上。10分A. Let me clean the blackboard. B. Whats in the classroomC. Good idea! D. Lets c

9、lean the classroom. E. Let me clean the floor.(场景:教室外) w W w . Sarah: Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. Zhang Peng: Really 1. _Sarah: Lets go and see.Zhang Peng:2. _场景教室里Zhang Peng: Wow! Its so big.Sarah: Yes. But its not clean.Zhang Peng: 3. _Sarah: OK! Zhang Peng: ISarah: 5. _Miss White: Y

10、ou are great!十、Read and judge. 读一读,打对错。10分 Hi! Im Mike. We have a new classroom. Its big and nice. We have a computer in the classroom. Its on the teachers desk. A long blackboard is near the teachers desk. The door is green. The fan is blue. A picture is near the window. Many desks and chairs are o

11、range. Our classroom is beautiful. ( )1. Mike has a new classroom. ( )2. The computer is under the teachers desk.( )3. The fan is blue. ( )4. The blackboard is long.( )5. Mikes classroom is small and nice.命题:东莞市寮步实验小学 黄美园 东莞市教研室 张 凝四年级英语上册第一单元检测题听力材料听力材料:一、Listen and choose. 听音,选择。每题读两遍。10分1. cake 2. rat 3.date 4.hate 5. map6


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