1、2023,31(2):22310,pages 111doi:10.17520/biods.2022310收稿日期:2022-06-08;接受日期:2022-11-21基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31700469)、中央林业改革发展资金和中国科学院生物多样性监测与研究网络运行经费*通讯作者 Author for correspondence.E-mail:https:/www.biodiversity-广东车八岭国家级自然保护区独栖性胡蜂多样性空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应林木青1,2,张应明3,欧阳芳1,束祖飞3,朱朝东1,2,4,肖治术1,2*1.中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研
2、究国家重点实验室,北京 100101;2.中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京 100049;3.广东车八岭国家级自然保护区管理局,广东韶关 512500;4.中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统学(院)重点实验室,北京 100101摘要:为更好地指导自然保护区的功能分区,对自然保护地全境及周边区域的生物多样性本底资源进行科学调查和评估是必要的。独栖性胡蜂是农林业害虫的重要天敌,同时也是重要的环境生物指示类群。本研究以独栖性胡蜂为指示生物,于20182020年在广东车八岭国家级自然保护区全境及周边区域使用人工巢管技术和公里网格方案(共计100个调查网格,网格大小为1 km 1 km)对南岭典型亚热带
3、常绿阔叶林中胡蜂科昆虫多样性、分布及其影响因素进行研究,同时评估了其物种多样性的空间分布与保护区功能分区之间的关系。本研究共获得4,156根胡蜂类昆虫筑巢巢管和9,973个孵育室,并鉴定出9种胡蜂科物种,分布于89个网格,绘制了其物种丰富度和多度的分布图。结果显示,海拔、距居民点的最近距离和增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)是影响胡蜂物种丰富度、多度及分布的关键环境因子;胡蜂科昆虫的物种丰富度、筑巢量和孵育室数量均随海拔升高而显著减少,且越靠近居民点,胡蜂科昆虫的种类和数量越多,但胡蜂群落的多样性指标与EVI的关系呈先增加后减少的模式。胡蜂科昆虫群落的
5、区的关系,建议管理者加强保护区及其周边区域包括昆虫在内的各类野生动物的监测和保护。关键词:人工巢管;独栖性胡蜂;物种多样性;空间分布;海拔;增强型植被指数;自然保护地林木青,张应明,欧阳芳,束祖飞,朱朝东,肖治术(2023)广东车八岭国家级自然保护区独栖性胡蜂多样性空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应.生物多样性,31,22310.doi:10.17520/biods.2022310.Lin MQ,Zhang YM,Ouyang F,Shu ZF,Zhu CD,Xiao ZS(2023)Spatial distribution of species diversity of solitary wa
6、sps(Vespidae)and its responses toenvironmental factors in the Chebaling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Province.Biodiversity Science,31,22310.doi:10.17520/biods.2022310.Spatial distribution of species diversity of solitary wasps(Vespidae)and itsresponses to environmental factors in the Chebaling
7、National Nature Reserve,Guangdong ProvinceMuqing Lin1,2,Yingming Zhang3,Fang Ouyang1,Zufei Shu3,Chaodong Zhu1,2,4,Zhishu Xiao1,2*1 State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents in Agriculture,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academyof Sciences,Beijing 1001012 College of Life
8、Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 1000493 Guangdong Chebaling National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau,Shaoguan,Guangdong 5125004 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101研究报告林木青等:广东车八岭国家级自然保护区
9、独栖性胡蜂多样性空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应2023年|31卷|2期|22310|第2页ABSTRACTAims:In order to better guide the functional zoning of nature reserves,it is necessary to conduct scientific investigationand assessment of basic biodiversity data from each nature reserve and its surrounding areas.Solitary wasps areimportant nat
10、ural predators of agricultural and forestry pests and are also important environmental biological indicators.In this study,we aimed to assess the relationship between spatial distribution of species diversity on solitary wasps(Vespidae)and functional zoning in the Chebaling National Nature Reserve,G
11、uangdong Province.Methods:From 2018 to 2020,we investigated the diversity and distribution of Vespidae wasps and their driving factorsin a typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Nanling using artificial trap-nests and km-grid protocols(a totalof 100 survey grids with a grid size of 1 k
12、m 1 km)across the whole region and its surrounding areas in the ChebalingNational Nature Reserve.Results:In this study,a total of 4,156 wasp trap-nests and 9,973 brood cells were obtained,and 9 wasp species wereidentified,distributed in 89 grids,and the distribution map of their species richness and
13、 abundance was drawn.Theresults indicated that elevation,the distance to the nearest settlement,and enhanced vegetation index(EVI)may act asthe key environmental factors affecting species richness,abundance,and distribution of the wasp community.Speciesrichness,the nest number,and brood cells of Ves
14、pidae wasps decreased significantly with increasing elevation,andspecies richness and abundance were much higher when the sites were closer to the settlement.However,the diversityindex of the wasp community demonstrated a pattern with an initial increase and then decrease with EVI.The overall divers
15、ity,species turnover,and the nestedness of the wasp community was 0.21,0.05,and 0.16,respectively,whichindicated that the nestedness was the main distribution pattern of the wasp community in the nature reserve.Distanceredundancy analysis demonstrated that species turnover was significantly influenc
16、ed by elevation,whereas thenestedness was not affected by any environmental factor involved in this paper.The abundance of nests or brood cellsoutside the nature reserve were significantly higher than those in the other three functional zones,while all diversityindices(species richness,Shannon diversity,Simpson diversity,and Pielou evenness)indicated no significantdifferences amongst the four functional zones.This suggested that the wasp communities had similar speciescomposition and no obvious