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7、误船或滞留装运应承担责任。c.在货物装运之前,卖方应承担货物的全部费用与风险,而在货物装运之后,货物的全部费用则由买方承担。(2)到岸价条款(不包括保险):a.卖方在装运时间内应将货物从装运港运至目的港,不得转运。合同货物不得交由悬挂买方不能接受的国旗之船舶运输。n.2国际贸易进出口英文合同范本sales cntract ( riginal )cntract n. date: signed at:sellers:address:tel: fa: e-mail:buyers:address:tel: fa: e-mail:约首: this sales cntract is made by and

8、 between the sellers and the buyers whereby the sellers agree t sell and the buyers agree t buy the undermntined gds accrding t the terms and cnditins stipulated belw:name f the cmmdity, specificatins, packing term quantity unit price ttal amuntwhite rice, lng-shapedbrken grains ( ma.)% admiture ( m

9、a.).% packed in gunnybags f 50 kils each 1000 m/t usd 200 per m/t cif new yrk tw hundred thusand us dllars nlyshipment 3% mre r less at sellers ptin and the price shall be calculated accrding t the unit price唛头: shipping markt be designated by the sellers / at the sellers ptin.保险条款: insurance在fb, cf

10、r 合同下,保险条款可订为:insurance t be cvered by the buyer.在cif 合同下,保险条款可订为:insurance t be cvered by the sellers fr % f the invice value against w.p.a / all risks / war risk including shrtage in weight as per and subject t the cean marine carge clauses f the peples insurance cmpany f china dated jan.1,1981. i

11、f ther cverage r an additinal insurance is required, the buyers must have the cnsent f the sellers befre shipment, and the additinal premium is t be brne by the buyers.装运条款: shippmenttime f shipment: during feb./mar. nthly ltsprt f lading / shipment :prt f destinatin :lndn. transhipment at hngkng al

12、lwed.the carrying vessel shall be prvided by the sellers. partialshipment and transshipment are allwed. after lading is cmpleted, the seller shall ntify the buyers by cable f the cntract number, name f cmmdity, name f the carring vessel and date f shipment.付款条件: terms f paymentthe buyers shall pen w

13、ith a acceptable t the sellers an irrevcable sight letter f credit t reach the sellers 30 days befre the mnth f shipment, valid fr negtiatin in china until the 15th day after the mnth f shipment.( eprt )by irrevcable letter f credit fr % the ttal invice value f the gds tb be shipped, in favur f the

14、sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the sellers draft at sight accmpanied by the shipping dcuments stipulated in the credit. the balance f % f the prceeds is t be paid nly after the gds have been inspected and apprved at the prt f destinatin.( nfirmed, irrevcable letter f credit in favr 9f

15、the sellers payable at sight against presentatin f shipping dcuments in china , with partial shipments and transshipment allwed. the cvering letter f credit must reach the sellers 15 days befre thenth f shipment6 and remain valid in the abve lading prt until the 15th day after shipment , failing which the sellers reserve the right t cancel the cntract withut further ntice and t claim against the buyers fr any lss resulting there frm.t be effeced by dcumentary draft under d / a terms.payment shall be made by dcumentary draft t be payable under d / p terms.交货条件: delivery termscertificates f q


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