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1、机器损坏险保险合同1.机器损坏险投保单machinery breakdwn insurance applicatin保单号plicy n.本投保单由投保人尽可能如实地、详细地填写并签章后作为向本公司投保机器损坏险的依据。本投保单为该机器损坏险保险单的组成部分。the applicant is required t fill in the fllwing items with utmst faith and as detailed as ps-sible. and affi signature t this applicatin, which shall be the basis f appli

2、catin t the cmpanyfr machinery breakdwn insurance and cnstitute an integral part f the machinery breakdwn in-surance plicy.-1.被保险人名称和地址name and address f the insured:|-|2.营业性质nature f business:|-|3.被保险机器所在地lcatin f machinery t be insured:|-|4.保险期限:个月,某年某月某日零时起至某年某月某日二十四时止|perid fnths, frm 0:00 f t 2

3、4:00f |-|5.被保险项目及保险金额insured items and sum insured |项目保险金额每次事故免赔额|insured items sum insured deductible fr any ne accident|5.1保险财产(详见背面)|prperty insured(lk verleaf)-|5.2附加费用additinal epenses |清除残骸费用|debris remval epenses -|灭火费用|fire etinguishment epinses -|专业费用|prfessinal epenses -|其他费用|ther epenses

4、-|-|6.总保险金额ttal sum insured:|-|7.保险费率premium rate:|-|8.保险费premium:|-每次事故指不论一次事故或一个事件引起的一系列事故the wrds any ne accident chall mean any ne accident r series f accident arising ut f ne event.被保险机器的详细说明specificatin f machinery t be insured项目型号数量主要技术参数制造商制造年份保险金额维护及保用期情况item mdel qty. majr tech. manufactur

5、er year f manu. sum insured maintenanceun-epiredparameter guarantee perid-|-被保险机器的详细说明specificatin f machinery t be insured项目型号数量主要技术参数制造商制造年份保险金额维护及保用期情况item mdel qty. majr tech. manufacturer year f manu. sum insured maintenanceun-epiredparameter guarantee perid-|-说明:(1)主要技术参数指机器的输出功率、速度、容量、负荷等,如属电

6、器设备,应说明电压、电流量、转速,如属蒸气设备,应说明燃料、压力和温度。(2)维护情况指自行维护(a)、由指定厂家维护(b)、由生产厂家维护(c)。nte:(1)majr technical parameter:utput, speed, capacity, lading etc. and fr electrical equipment, vltage, amperage,cycles. and fr steam equipment, fuel, pressure and temperature.(2)maintenance: by insured(a), by cntractr(b), by

7、 manufacturer(c).-9.以前这些机器发生是否发生过损坏?(以往5年)-是-否|previus lsses eperience(last 5 years)|yes |n |-|项目item |损坏时间breakdwn timed |损失金额lss amunt |-|10.有无制定操作规程?-是-否|any perating system? if yes, please state.|yes |n |-|-|11.操作人员peratr:|11.1新员工上岗前是否进行岗位教育和培训?-是-否|were the new peratr trained befre taking up ne

8、w pst?|yes |n |-|11.2操作人员是否持证上岗?-是-否|are the peratr wrking with qualiticatin certificate?|yes |n |-|11.3平均上岗时间the average time f emplyment in this pst |-|12.维修情况cnditin f maintenance?|12.1有无配置专业维修人员?-是人数-否|any trained maintenance wrker?|yes numbers|n |-|12.2是否进行日常的维修和保养?-是-否|any daily maintenance?|y

9、es |n |-|12.3大修每隔个月进行一次vrhaul everymnths |12.4是否按照生产厂家的要求和规定进行维修和保养?-是-否|prcedures cmply with the requirement f manufacturer?|yes |n |-|-|13.特别条款specila prvisins:|-|14.备注remarks:|-|投保人及被保险人兹声明所填上述内容属实,对贵公司就安装工程一切险条款及附加内容(包括责任免除部|分)的说明已经了解,同意按照该条款和附加内容投保安装工程一切险。|i/we(the applicantthe insured) t hereb

10、y declare thntents are truly filled in, and that i/we |have understd the cmpanys eplanatin n the clauses f erectin all risks insurance and its additinal |cntents (including eclusins), and that i/we agree t apply fr erectin all risks insurance subject t the |abve-mentined clauses and its additinal cn

11、tents.|投保人及被保险人(签章)电话|signatures f the applicantthe insured telephne |地址日期|address date|以下内容由保险公司填写fr ffice use nly |经办人及日期核保人及日期|-2.中国太平洋保险公司机器损坏险条款一、责任范围在本保险期内,若本保险单明细表中列明的被保险机器及附属设备因下列原因引起构成突然的、不可预料的意外事故造成的物质损坏或灭失(以下简称“损失”),本公司按本保险单的规定负责赔偿。(一)设计、制造或安装错误、铸造和原材料缺陷;(二)工人、技术人员操作错误、缺乏经验、技术不善、疏忽、过失、恶意行为;(三)离心力引起的断裂;(四)超负荷、超电压、碰线、电弧、漏电、短路、大气放电、感应电及其他电气原因;(五)除本条款中“二、除外责任”规定以外的其他原因。二、除外责任本公司对由于下列原因直接或间接引起的损失、费用和责任不负责赔偿;(一)机器设备运行必然引起的后果,如自然磨损、氧化、腐蚀、孔蚀、锅垢等物理性变化或化学反应;(二


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