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1、初三上Unit 1元同步练习题听力局部(20分)I. 听句子,选择适当的答语。(5分)1. A. Its Marys. B. The policeman did. C. Tom had it.2. A. Reading. B. By bus. C. On June 11th.3. A. In No. 10 Middle School. B. Nineteen. C. Shes very kind.4. A. With his American friend. B. America. C. A museum.5. A. Not very heavy. B. She bought it herse

2、lf. C. Just some books.II. 听对话, 根据对话和问题选择最正确答案。(5分)1. When is the woman going to leave BeijingA. On Saturday. B. On Sunday.C. On Friday. 2. Whats the womans home telephone numberA. 6562828 B. 5562828C. 6652828 3. Where is the woman nowA. In hospital. B. At home.C. In her office. 4. What does the man

3、 do A. He is a worker.B. He is a teacher. C. He is a shop-assistant.5. What will the weather be like A. Warm. B. Cold. C. Hot.III 听短文,补全所缺的单词。(5分)A library used to be just a_ (1) with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me. I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a _(2)

4、place for a child. Since I became a senior middle school student, I have more _(3) that requires me to find the latest _(4) on a topic or some good ideas. I have got into the habit of_(5) to the library, and I cant tell you how _(6) it is! There are so many interesting books Ive never read, includin

5、gnovels and books about science and_(7). Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very_(8). Now I also have something else to do when Im in a library: studying.Studying _ (9) with a lot of people is a good experience. Im never bored when Im in a library now. Do

6、you want to see how _ (10) fun it is Come with me to a library today!IV. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5分)1. Which sentence is correct according to the textA. Peter is often late for school. B. Sometimes Peter hands in his homework late. C. Peter never goes to school late or hands in his homework late. 2. Fred

7、asked Peter and some other friends_. A. to play B. to have dinnerC. to have lunch3. Peter _ the next morning. A. didnt get up lateB. got up early C. got up late4. Peter saw _ near the classroom.A. some students B. no oneC. all of them5. Freds birthday was on _. A. Friday B. SaturdayC. Sunday笔试局部(共80

8、分)I. 词汇。(5分)A. 词语释义。(从右栏中找出与左栏意思相近的词语)l. return A. about2. think of B. in all places3. everywhere C. give back4. several D. come up with5. on E. a fewB. 用所给词的适当形式填空。6. They havent found the_child yet. (lose)7. I got up late this morning and what was _(bad), my bike was broke on the way to work.8. I

9、think books can make people_. (happy)9. Jane came up with a good idea a few days_. (late)10. Mr Green_to be a teacher when he was younger. (use) II. 单项选择。(20分)1. There is something on the floor. Please _. A. pick up it B. pick up themC. pick it up D. pick them up2. She has many ways to encourage her

10、 students_English. A. learn B. to learnC. learning D. learned3. Have you got any books_sport A. for B. to C. on D. at4. Lilys visited many places of great interest in China. _. A. So is her twin sisterB. So her twin sister is C. So her twin sister hasD. So has her twin sister5. Have you had your lun

11、ch_ Yes. Ive_had it.A. already; already B. yet; yet C. yet; already D. already; yet6. Tom, where is your father Im not sure. He_in his office. A. is B. may beC. maybe D. may7. Our mother_us stories when we were young. A. was used to tellB. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling8. I lo

12、st my pen. I_it everywhere have but I cant_it. A. looked for, findB. have looked for, findC. found, looked forD. have looked for, found9. The film_for fifteen minutes. A. have been on B. has been onC. has begun D. has started 10. Would you please_me your bikeA. borrow B. lendC. to borrow D. to lend1

13、1. Hi, Allan. Your father has_ good news for you. A. an B. a pieceC. many D. some 12. I arrived_Qingdao_the afternoon of December 30, 2022. A. at, in B. at, onC. in, in D. in, on13. _I finish it today No, you_. You_ finish it tomorrow.A. Can, neednt, mayB. Must, cant, need C. Must, may not, needD. M

14、ust, neednt, can14. Is that bike yours No, its not_. Its_. A. mine, hers B. mine, hisC. my, his D. my, yours15. Its_useful book. Will you please buy it for me, dad Yes. But in_hour, OKIm busy now. A. a, a B. a, anC. an, a D. an, an16. You will have to_one thousand yuan for the computer.A. spends B. takesC. uses D. pay 17. This T-shi


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