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1、Unit 6温故知新一、 Read and write. 把以下短语填写完整。1. _ on the light 2. _ away your books 3. _ out your notebook4. _ out the trash 5. _ up your clothes 6. _ up the room听说训练二、 Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。1. turn on 2. lose 3. find 4. give 5. pullturn off lost found gave push三、 Listen and number. 听对话,给图片标序号。1.

2、 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )四、 Listen and choose. 听短文,选择正确的答句。1. A. I lost my bag. B. He lost his bag. C. They lost their bags.2. A. Dont worry. Ill help you. B. Youre really lucky. C. Dont! 3. A. I got an apple. B. I gave an apple. C. She got an apple. 4. A. He pushed the door. B. He has

3、to push the door. C. He didnt push the door. 5. A. You have to pull! B. You have to throw it. C. You have to find them 五、 Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子对(T)错(F).( ) 1. The students cleaned up the classroom after school.( ) 2.The boys pushed and pulled the tables.( ) 3. The students were not busy.( ) 4.

4、A girl dropped the pencil box.( ) 5. A boy helped the girl clean up the floor.(It was a cleaning day at school. After school, the students stayed and cleaned up the classroom. They were busy. Some boys pushed the tables, some boys carried the desks. Some girls cleaned the windows; others cleaned the

5、 floor and the blackboard. A girl wasnt careful. She dropped the chalk box. Jenny gave her some help and cleaned it up. )六、 Speaking. 口语训练。根据上面的图片,与同桌讨论图片的内容。( have to Dont)达标体验七、 Choose and write. 选词填空。 find, lost, get, carrying, pull1. Oh, no! I _my bag!2. He lost his keys. Lets help him _ them.3.

6、 Hes _ some plates. He has to be careful.4. What did you _ from your mother - A gift.5. Dont push! You have to _.八、 Read and write. 看图,填写单词。1. Look, hes _ the door.2. He _ his money.3. The boy _ an apple to his mom.4. He wasnt careful and _ the books.5.The boy _ the snowball with his dad.九、 Read and

7、 choose. 从方框内选出最正确选项完成对话。A. Dont worry.B. Its time to go to school now.C. I forgot to do it!D. I cant find it!E. Your teacher will be very angry.A: Ben, its 7:30. _B: OK, Mom. Oh, no. Wheres my homework _A: _Ill help you.B: We have to hurry up. Well be late for school!A: Is it on your deskB: No, it

8、isnt. A: Is it in your bagB: No, it isnt.A: Did you do your homework last nightB: Oh, IA: Thats really bad, Ben. _B: I know. It wont happen again. 十、 Read, choose and write. 阅读,根据上下文选词填空。clean, full , messy, table , penBen cleaned up the living room this morning. It was very _. First, he put the cup

9、s on the _. Then he gave the_ to his father. After that, he threw away the paper. The trash bag was _. He took the bag out. At last, the living room was _ and tidy. His father was very proud of him.能力提升十一、Reading. 阅读理解。 AAnny was 11 years old. One day in her summer holiday, she sat in the garden, th

10、inking. She wanted to earn money during the summer vacation. And she had an idea! Many people had dogs. They loved their dogs. But most people were busy with their work; sometimes they didnt have the time to walk their dogs.Anny went to many houses and asked the people if she could walk their dogs.

11、Some of the people wanted to walk their own dogs themselves, but five people said yes to Anny. She was excited.Every morning that summer she walked the dogs. By the end of the vacation, Anny had saved eighty dollars.True or false. 判读句子的对(T)错(F)。( ) 1. Anny was an 11-year-old boy.( ) 2. She wanted to

12、 earn some money during the summer vacation.( ) 3. She didnt have an idea.( ) 4. She walked the dogs for five people.( ) 5. She earned 18 dollars in the summer vacation. B One day, an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired, he sat down on a bench. A young person was s

13、tanding on the other side. Look! the old man said to the person. Do you see that person with long hair Is it a boy or a girl A girl, said his neighbor. Shes my daughter. Oh! the old man said quickly. Please forgive me; I didnt know you were her mother. Im not, said the other person, Im her father.Choose the best answer. 根据短文选择最正确答案。1. The old man went to the park one day _. A. to have a walk B. to see the young persons C. to do some exercises 2. A youn


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