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1、4A总复习练习2023.12一选择填空。 1、This boy is Tom._a good boy. A.He B. She C. Hes 2、_bag is that Its Toms. A.Whose B. Whos C. What 3、_ .Its a pear. A. Who is this B. Whose pear is this C. Whats this 4、_boys and girls in your class A.How much B. How many C. How old 5、_would you like An apple pie. A. What B. How

2、 C. Who 6、_we go to the theatre by planeA. What B. How C. Shall 7、_shirt is that Its my sisters. A. What B Who C. Whose 8、_is it Ten yuan. A. How much B. How many C. What 9、_her mothers name Wang Tao. s B. Whats C. What 10、_a new teacher Yes,I am. A. Are your B. Are you C. Is he 11、_ _ free now Yes,

3、she is. A. Are you B. Is he C. Is she 12、Who is_student over there A. a B. the C. / 13、Can I _two apples Yes, please. A.have B. has C. look ( )14. Jack is _ student. Hes _ English boy. A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an ( )15. _ Nancy and David Theyre in the cinema.A. Wheres B. Who re C. Wherere( )16. _eat

4、_class. A. dont ; in B. Dont ; at C. Dont ; in( )17. _ that pair of gloves on the bed Sorry,I dont know. A. Are B. Is C. Do( )18. This picture of the monkeys _ Mr Reads. A. Is B. Are C. Am( )19. How many _ can you see I can see twelve. A. watch B. watchs C. watches( )20. His teacher _ tired now. Pre

5、haps shes ill. A. looks B. look C. are二句型转换1.Su Yangs tape is over there. 一般疑问句:_肯定答复:_.否认答复:_.对划线局部提问:_2. They are my friends desks. 一般疑问句:_肯定答复:_.否认答复:_.对划线局部提问:_3. Whose crayons are they 同意句:_4. I come to school at seven thirty.对划线局部提问:_5. He is twelve.对划线局部提问:_6. Open your pencil box , please.否认

6、句: _.7. What time is it同意句:_8. Its time to have a class.同意句:_9. Whats wrong with you 同意句:_三从栏中选出能对栏中句子作出正确反响的答语。 ( ) 1、 Are you sleepy A. How pretty.( ) 2、 Good night. B. Yes ( ) 3、 Shall we watch TV C. Thats all right. ( ) 4、 Whats eleven and thirteen. D. OK,a good idea. ( ) 5、 What time do you go

7、home E. See you. ( ) 6、 Whats that over there F. Good night. ( ) 7、 Look at my new dress. G. At four thirty. ( ) 8、 Wheres my father H. Hes in the TV room. ( ) 9、 See you in the evening. I. A new dress.( ) 10、Im sorry. J. Twenty-four.四连词成句。1.monkey, nice, a ,thats . _2.notebook, you, heres, for, a (

8、 . )_3.rubber, this, big, for, brother, your, is( )_4. this , you , long , can , have , one ( . ) _ 5. now , why , you , go , to , dont bed ( ) _ 6. pencil case, whats, his, in( )_7. toy, I, have, may, that, panda( )_8. water bottle, is, Yang Lings, where( )_9. think, Su Hai, classroom, in ,the, I,

9、is ( , . ) _10. under, desk, that, whats, the( )_11. like, puzzle, the, do, bear, you( )_12. look, her, over, dress, at, there ( . ) _13. pair, big, so, of, shoes, that, is ( . ) _14. they, gloves, excuse, whose, are, me( )_15. nice, very, cap, is, Liu Taos ( . ) _16. too, your, short, pencil, is ( . ) _17. home, do, time, come, what, you( )_18. the, evening, you, see, in ( . ) _19. TV, what, you, watch, time, do( )_20. lunch, time, to, its, have ( . ) _21. we, by, park, to, shall, bus, go, the( )_22. c


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