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1、目录摘要1引言3正文4一、背景4二、课题研究的目的和意义4三、高校外卖及大学生网上订餐的现状4四、研究方法5(一)思路及设计5 1. 调查问卷的设计5 2研究对象6 3研究的思路6 (1)样本的信息及网上订餐的选择与否6(2)网上订餐的原因及偏好6(3)研究方法 6(4)数据选择6(二)得出数据7(三)数据的分析7 (1)性别特征7(2)饮食习惯和性别7(3)年级特点8(4)月生活费8(5)网上订餐的偏好9 (6) 每月生活费对订餐行为的影响13(7)高校大学生偏好的网上支付方式15五、结论及建议(一)结论16 (二)高校大学生在网上订餐时受到的主要影响因素17 (三)建议17 1.给提供外卖

2、服务的餐饮店和外卖平台17 2.给进行网上订餐高校大学生19 3.给培养和管理大学生的高校19参考文献21附录22关于大学生网上订餐的消费行为分析摘要O2O指的是Online To Offline,也就是线上平台到线下商家,这种模式将线上平台与线下商家结合,让人们在网上进行消费活动,而消费的商品在线下的实体商家那里,实现了消费的网络化。1随着电子商务的崛起,各种线上线下电子商务的发展,2013年被称为“O2O元年”,大批O2O模式的电子商务公司如雨后春笋般冒了出来,O2O商业模式进入高速发展阶段,开始了本土市场的覆盖并且整合到移动设备上,于是O2O商业模式大放异彩,成为O2O模式的一类分支,新

3、兴的电商模式将方便快捷带入我们的生活。 伴随着移动支付的飞速发展,网上消费已经融入了人们的日常,而在这之中网上订餐(即外卖行业)作为一个具有代表性的分支,取得的发展和带来的改变令人咂舌,尤其是在各大高校掀起了一股外卖热风。我找出影响高校大学生网上订餐的主要因素有哪些,然后通过数据的分析和对比,得出影响高校大学生网上订餐行为的主要因素为性别和每个月的生活费,即男生网上订餐率高于女生网上订餐率,并且每个月的生活费与网上订餐率成正比(即生活费越高订餐率越高)。我对两个主要影响原因进行对比分析,发现性别对大学生网上订餐行为的影响大于每个月生活费的影响,高校大学男女生的作息规律和就餐时间是造成显著差异的

4、重要原因。通过以上结论,我在调查研究的基础上对网上订餐行业和管理大学生群体的高校给出了一些意见和建议。关键词:网上订餐 O2O模式 高校大学生 主要因素 ABSTRACT:O2O means Online To Offline (Online to Offline), usually refers to the line entity services and consumer goods combined with the network, let the Internet become a platform for the next line transactions, this conc

5、ept originated from the United states. 1 With the rise of e-commerce, e-commerce development of a variety of online and offline, 2013 was known as the O2O year, a large number of e-commerce companies such as O2O to take out like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, O2O business model has entered a rap

6、id development stage, started the local market coverage and integrated into mobile devices, so O2O business model shine and become a branch of the O2O model, new business model will be convenient to our lives. Along with the rapid development of mobile payment, online consumption has been integrated

7、 into peoples daily online, and in this ordering (i.e. takeaway industry) as a branch of the representative, the development and change of the staggering, especially set off a hot takeaway in universities. I find the main factors affecting college students online meal ordering what, then through the

8、 analysis and comparison of data, the main factors that influence online meal ordering behavior of the university students for gender and monthly living expenses, boys is higher than girls online meal ordering online meal ordering rate and monthly living expenses and online meal ordering rate is pro

9、portional to the (the cost of living is high reservation rate higher). I made a contrastive analysis of the two main factors, found that the effect of gender on College Students online meal ordering behavior than living expenses each month, and I through the study found that gender more influential

10、is male and female college dining rules and schedule decision. Through the above conclusion, based on the investigation of the online meal ordering industry and management of college students in Colleges and universities and gives some opinions and suggestions. Key words: the main factors college st

11、udents of University O2O model online meal ordering引言互联网时代的到来,电子商务异军突起,造就了一大批新兴行业和电商巨头。人们在享受互联网时代的方便快捷的同时,也在悄然地被影响甚至改变着。互联网给我们的生活带来了方便快捷,同时也拥有着巨大的商机。O2O模式的电子商务即Online线上网店Offline线下消费,商家将线下的实体店挂靠到网上的专业平台,由平台将商家的商品信息、商家资料等宣传推送给消费者,对于消费者来说,他们可以在网上进行消费行为,选择网上支付2。在O2O网上订餐这种模式,对于商家和消费者是互惠共赢的,商家可以用更低的成本达到更快、更广、更有效的宣传推广,吸引大批消费者,消费者可以


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