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3、促进和政府的关系,获得更多的政策补贴和资源优惠,进而推动社会资源的合理分配,推动社会稳定发展。本课题的分析还能够为企业社会责任对公司筹资决策的影响这一课题的研究提供新的研究方向,同时为后来者的研究提供经验和证据。关键词:企业社会责任;企业融资决策;影响 Abstract:With the continuous development of Chinas market economy, a number of social problems have been caused by the enterprises development model which has been maximized

4、 as the goal. For example, the quality of the products is not qualified, the use of resources is not properly wasted, the gap between the social stratum and the rich and the poor are gradually widening. Every year, consumer associations will expose many problems related to consumption. These are the

5、 specific manifestations of corporate social responsibility in social life activities. With the continuous improvement of the peoples quality and the continuous progress of the society, as well as the continuous emergence of the media and media, the public demand that the enterprises continue to pur

6、sue the economic benefits, while also actively taking on social responsibility. In recent years, under the impact of media and public opinion, more and more enterprises begin to realize the importance of social responsibility. Since the present stage of Chinas market economy is not mature, the alloc

7、ation of resources is unreasonable and the information of enterprises and all walks of life are asymmetrical, which has formed the situation that the enterprises in our country are generally faced with difficulties in financing decision-making and difficult to develop. In order to reduce the difficu

8、lty of financing decisions, it is a good breakthrough to solve it from the perspective of information asymmetry. And the enterprise actively assumes social responsibility, and strengthens the information publicity in this respect. On the one hand, it can transfer more enterprise information to the m

9、arket, and to some extent mitigate the degree of information asymmetry between the two sides of the financing. On the other hand, it also transfers good corporate reputation to the market and attracts more investors. Therefore, if we want to solve the difficulty of financing decisions, we can start

10、from the perspective of corporate social responsibility. The significance of this research is that it can provide a new angle to solve the problem of the difficulty of financing decision of the enterprise, especially for the private enterprises which have the financing difficulties, and the positive

11、 social responsibility can effectively reduce the information asymmetry between themselves and the community, and can deliver a good one to the banks and the investors. The enterprise information and image, at the same time, promote the relationship with the government, obtain more policy subsidies

12、and resource preferences, and then promote the rational distribution of social resources and promote the sustainable development of the society. This study also provides a new direction for the research on the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate financing decisions, and provides e

13、xperience and evidence for later research.Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility; Enterprise financing decision;;influence 18目 录摘要IAbstractII一、引言1二、文献综述1三、企业社会责任内涵与企业融资现状分析3(一)企业社会责任3(二)企业融资决策4(三)企业社会责任对融资决策的影响分析5四、企业社会责任与企业融资的相关性7(一)、企业社会责任体现的责任感有利企业融资7(二)、企业社会责任塑造的企业形象有利企业融资7(三)企业社会责任有助于打破融资困境



16、。在发展中国家,我国的企业在客观上面临着严重的融资决策困难问题。2012年世界银行的投资环境调查称,80个样本的国家中,中国融资决策困难最严重的国家,非国有企业的80%的企业发展的主都面临这企业融资苦难的尴尬境遇。除了存在广义上的金融抑制外,还存在与公司所有制相关的信用借贷歧视,即国有企业能够很容易的获得稳定持续的资金注入,但是民间企业却难以获得与其相对应的经济地位,中小零细企业的影响更加的大,我国的金融系统信用借贷分配仍然存在政治上主从的顺位问题。综合来看,国内宏观的经济环境和学术性对企业社会责任的重视度也在逐渐提高,根据不同的发展地区的发展水平的差异,不同性状的企业面临着不同的融资决策的困难,而这样的差距结果,与企业自身的信息公开,企业社会责任的承担也有很大关联。三、企业社会责任内涵与企业融资现状分析(一)企业社会责任1. 企业社会责任内


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