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1、学校传染病疫情报告制度 学校传染病疫情报告制度 一、组织教教职员工认真学习传染病防防治法,必须人人重视,加加强预防。各班每天要进行晨晨、午检。班主任对早晨、中中午到校的每个学生进行观察察、询问,了解学生出勤、健健康状况。对因病缺勤的学生生,班主任要追查病因并进行行登记。二、班主任和教师师发现疫情应该立即报告学校校领导,学校发现疫情要在11小时内上报 1、法定定传染病 (1) 甲类传传染病:鼠疫、霍乱。 (2) 乙类传染病:传染性性非典型肺炎、艾滋病、病毒毒性肝炎、脊髓灰质炎、人感感染高致病性禽流感、麻疹、流行性出血热、狂犬病、流流行性乙型脑炎、登革热、炭炭疽、细菌性和阿米巴性痢疾疾、肺结核、伤

2、寒和副伤寒、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、百日咳咳、白喉、新生儿破伤风、猩猩红热、布鲁氏菌病、淋病、梅毒、钩端螺旋体病、血吸吸虫病、疟疾。 (3) 丙类传染病:流行性感冒、流行性腮腺炎、风疹、急性性出血性结膜炎、麻风病、流流行性和地方性斑疹伤寒、黑黑热病、包虫病、丝虫病,除除霍乱、细菌性和阿米巴性痢痢疾、伤寒和副伤寒以外的感感染性腹泻病。 (4) 卫生部决定列入乙类、丙类类传染病管理的其他传染病。2、其他传染病 3、不明原因因肺炎病例和不明原因死亡病病例等重点监测疾病。4、在同一班级,天内有例例或者连续天内有多个学生生例以上患病,并有相相似病症如发热、皮疹、腹腹泻、呕吐、黄疸等或者共共同用餐、饮水史时,学

3、校疫疫情报告人应当在1小时内报报出相关信息。1小时内报出相关信息。1小时内报出相关信息。1、报告方式 2、 一一旦发生传染病事件,疫情报报告人及时向校领导汇报,召召集传染病应急小组成员,做做好专册登记,统计人数。患者名单、发病日期、班级级分布、主要病症、目前状况况、接触史等10分钟内校校领导30分钟内组织排排查疫情报告人1小时内内当地疾控中心和教育行行政部门。3、重大疫情由由疫情报告人于1小时内上报报疾控中心、教育、卫生行政政部门。industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological environmen

4、tal protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two is the key to implement talent support in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of talent at th

5、e same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement work in youth labor employment; three is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the service for the Th

6、ree Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution.Five, continue to consolidate the work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural grassroots

7、 league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen the sense of Youth League activities, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League.(a) to strengthen the co

8、nstruction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work demonstration town construction of 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rural educa

9、tion activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government relying on the activities of the village Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city each vi

10、llage has a room.(two) to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction industry ideas, flexible set of key links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professional

11、 associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of company + the youth , base + + + capable members of youth , Youth League Organization + + rich hotshot Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the associat

12、ion, branch (group members) + members (members) approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group the organization, to achieve the flow of youth Consistent with the organizations settings.(three) to promote a strong construction of rural you

13、th center. The rural youth center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county to implement target assessment system. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of reso

14、urce group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth services, youth achievement function. The rural youth cultural activities, the new century reading plan, youth employment and Entrepreneurship Program, the youth volunteer service group into the youth ce

15、nter, to promote the healthy development of grassroots work. Combined with the University Three rural social practice, carry out to the youth center , youth center stage theme activities and volunteer service plan. The combination of selected outstanding college graduates to rural youth center engag

16、ed in daily work. At the same time, guide the conditional counties to take a variety of forms of recruitment of young volunteers, so that each center is equipped with at least 1 volunteer workers, establish and perfect the volunteer recruitment and selection, relay mechanism.Attachment 7:Communist Youth League XX municipal Party school work points(part of the higher school)


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