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1、民族宗教局履行党风廉政主体责任情况报告_0 民族宗教局履行党风廉政主体责任情况报告 今年,我局任务重,反恐反渗透复杂,隐蔽路线斗争,舆情压力重的情况下,党风廉政建设和惩防体系建设建设紧抓不放,确保政治不犯错,廉政建设不放松,作风上不松懈,确保任务圆满完成。一、党组履行党风廉政建设责任制主体责任情况一加强组织领导,明确责任分工。年初,民宗局领导班子就将党风廉政和反腐败工作纳入党的建设和民宗领域具体工作总体部署,并明确了今年我局党风廉政建设责任制和反腐倡廉工作重点。局党组按规定制定完善党风廉政建设责任制主体责任清单、第一责任人清单、班子成员个人责任清单并将清单内容向局机关人员公开,主动接受单位内部




5、督。局党组认真执行民主集中制,健全集体领导与个人分工负责相结合的制度,根据集体的决定和分工,切实履行自己的职责。发扬民主,集思广益,充分发挥班子成员的积极性和创造性。认真落实 三重一大事项规定,切实加强对重大决策、重要人事任免、重大工程安排和大额度资金使用等情况的监督,坚持重大问题集体讨论、集体决策、民主管理。积极推行党务、政务公开工作,局党组定期召开领导班子民主生活会,认真总结工作,针对自身存在的问题和缺乏,提出整改措施,开展积极健康的批评与自我批评,大家开诚布公,坦诚相见。严格落实党内监督条例,认真开展民主评议党员活动,严格按照党员自评、党员互评、民主测评、书记综合评价、上级点评逐项进行;

6、严格落实谈心谈话、关爱提醒、诫勉谈话等制度,严格执行领导干部重大事项公开制度,常态化执行领导干部报告个人有关事项制度,按规定开展领导干部廉政公示和述职述廉工作。202x年,我局在党风廉政建设方面虽然取得了一定的成绩,但和上级要求仍有一定的差距。202x年,我们将深刻把握党的十八大以来关于反腐倡廉建设的新思想、新部署和新要求,全面落实从严治党要求,切实履行党风廉政建设主体责任,狠抓党风廉政建设,不断提高党员干部廉洁自律意识,全力维护民宗领域和谐稳定。daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline

7、inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the national flag sp

8、eech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week two exercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, a

9、t least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in

10、 each term:1, at the end of each semester to form three good student, outstanding student cadres, civilized student.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the

11、 same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bicycle in the campus, bicycle according to the specified location;2, no time to school, had to leave school. A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on

12、release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, lock the door;6, keep

13、the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and windows, walls, etc. The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the cla

14、ss to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively. Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant. Standing in the doorway shouting repor

15、t, raised by the teacher agreed to in classroom;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the exam;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute

16、. The national anthem, the original should be standing.15, exercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, applause to appropriate moderation.D, campus health177, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstick;18, do not pour from u


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