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滑雪技术与滑雪安全分析研究 运动训练专业.doc

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1、目录 滑雪技术与滑雪安全目录目录I摘要IIAbstractIII1 绪论11.1 滑雪技术与滑雪安全11.1.1 滑雪起源地中国阿勒泰12 滑雪技术22.1 滑雪技术双板入门22.1.1 滑雪进阶22.2 本章小结23 滑雪安全33.1 滑雪安全了解33.1.1 安全因素33.2 本章小结3结论4致谢5参考文献6附录7毕业论文(设计)开题报告8II摘要 摘要 2014年的俄罗斯索契冬奥会,当时北京还在申请冬奥会的准备期,习近平总书记看望身在索契的中国代表团时,提到了他对北京冬奥会申办的畅想和期盼。“我国冬奥项目的情况是冰强于雪,要让强项更强,再去补短板。”对于我国冬奥会项目的优势和劣势,习近平



4、来,其他的都是虚的,只要动起来,这个任务就完成了百分之八十。可见滑雪技术普及的重要性,要让人民爱上滑雪,会滑雪。关键词:普及;大众;滑雪IIIAbstract AbstractIn the 2014 Russian Sochi Winter Olympics, when Beijing was still applying for the Winter Olympics, General Secretary Xi Jinping, referring to the Chinese delegation in Sochi, mentioned his imagination and expect

5、ations for the Beijing Winter Olympics. The situation of our Winter Olympics project is that the ice is stronger than the snow, so you have to make your strengths stronger and then you have to fill the short plates. On the advantages and disadvantages of Chinas Winter Games, General Secretary Xi Jin

6、ping of the Chinese ice and snow sports competitive level. The snow movement does not come out Shanhaiguan! If can promote in the inside, will be able to bring up the two 300 million people, the Olympic movement is to promote mass sports, enhance peoples physique. Hosting a Winter Olympics will play

7、 the role of lighting the ice and snow sports torch. General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about competitive sports, but is more concerned about the popularity of sports in the private sector, Mr. Xi Jinping, general secretary. In 2017, when President Xi Jinping visited the 2022 Winter Olympics,

8、 he ran into the small athletes trained there at five Pine sports centers. When they learned that figure skating players had been trained for more than three years, General Secretary Xi Jinping said, Thats an old athlete. When visiting a little hockey player, the total number of Xi Jinping has also

9、been affectionately used with special greetings on the pitch, hitting his shoulders to encourage the children to grow up, to see that President Xi Jinpings popularity of the ice and snow movement and the determination of Chinas sports competition, Chinas bid for the Olympic Games is not only the com

10、petitive level of gold seized silver More important is to allow more people to benefit from the ice sports, especially the youth groups, through the ice and snow sports, physical and mental can be more comprehensive development, and then relatively developed countries, Chinas ice and snow sports the

11、re is still a big gap to occupy a larger proportion of the snow sports in the proportion of skiing. Data show that in 2016, Chinas ski population of 11.33 million, against some ice-rich developed countries, the United States ski population total population of 4.3, Japan and France, ski population of

12、 about 10 of the total population, then how to change the status quo, 300 million people on the ice to help it? Member of the International Olympic Committee, Yang, the first gold medalist of the Chinese Winter Olympics, gave the answer. One of the important characteristics of sports is to make ever

13、yone move, the other is virtual, as long as the movement, the task was completed 80%.Key words: universal;the public;skiing千万不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印。在目录上点右键“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。VEnglish Catalog 千万不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印。在目录上点右键“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。1 滑雪技术普及大众滑雪了解1.1 滑雪技术与滑雪安全随着北京携手张家口成功申办2022年冬奥会,我国冰雪运动迎来了前所未有的机遇。2月24

14、日,习近平总书记来到北京市五棵松体育中心、首都体育馆考察了北京冬奥会的筹办工作。一个月前,他还来到了河北省张家口市,考察北京冬奥会张家口赛区,一直以来习近平总书记一直对中国冰雪运动非常关心,他说北京举办冬奥会将会带领中国3亿多人参加冰雪运动。他指出申办北京冬奥会的一个重要的目的就是推广我国冰雪运动快速进步,推广全民健身广泛开展。在全民健身全民上冰雪的目的下,我们冰雪运动训练的学生需要做的是将滑雪技术大众普及,还有在技术普及的重点下更重中之重的问题就是滑雪安全的了解。1.1.1滑雪发源地中国阿勒泰 中国的阿勒泰地区是人类滑雪运动的发源地,世界雪坛很多人把挪威称为滑雪的故乡,根据日本札幌市的冬季运




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