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1、互联网文案的英文简历模板2mm 1.5mm 1.5mm; min-height: 22pt; line-height: 0; Blog:XXXXXMop:XXXX(+86) 13x-xxxx-xxxx Member of XXX writers guild <Fill out your membership about writing>JOB OBJECTIVEInternet CopywriterEDUCATION 2023.09-2023.06XX UniversityBachelor of XX•<Fill out the links of your work

2、 if they are good enough , or delete this line>INTERNET COPYWRITING RELATED EXPERIENCE201X.XX-2023.XXAny relevant internship, project, organization etc. experienceXXX•<Fill out any relavant experience about planning and writing under the line>2023.09-2023.11XXXX companyPlanning Intern&

3、bull;Wrote some planning reports e.g. Consumer Preference Test of Pepsi’s Taglines and Consumer Behavior Survey of TV purchase in Shanghai•Researched topics for clients and wrote some articles like GE, i.e. Case Study of the 10 Most Successful Enterprise Weibos in China•Coordinated a

4、nd supported events or activities by senior planners and other functional departments2023.11-2023.03XX program, XX UniversityChief Planner•Planned and organized the XX activity of XX University•Responsible for writing the planning case and Propaganda manuscript(such as press release ) befo

5、re activity•Fellow up activities in process, collected all kinds of feedbacks, and wrote a summary report after the activity2023.09-2023.09XXX AssociationWriter & Editor•Launched premier issue of print and online wine magazine•Provided up to three articles per print issue and once

6、 weekly for online issue•Conducted research and interviews for articlesOTHER EXPERIENCE•Use one sentence to descrip your unrelated experience,delete this paragraph if over one pageINTEREST•Reading, Writiing, and staying in the library•Focusing on forum news / entertainment / spor

7、ts news简历制作建议(专家版)专家建议一突出学历或经验如果你是名牌大学毕业生,那就尽量突出你毕业的学校;假设是你所学的专业与应聘的工作内容非常对口,那就尽量突出你的专业背景;如果你学历背景没有优势,那就想方设法在经验上胜人一筹,好好挖掘自己的经验,比方你参与过的所有社会实践、活动、所研究过的课题等,尽量找出那些足以证明你的经验优势的信息来。专家建议二递简历时巧用心思第一,给对方简历前,要尽量多地提前做些功课,好好上网查查招聘企业的资料,并针对性地修改简历,然后再去那个企业应聘。第二,在企业招聘会现场给企业递交简历时,要选择人不是很多、很乱的时候,要争取多跟用人单位聊聊,增加对方的印象,最好能让对方把你的简历做上重点标注或者当时决定约你什么时间去公司再次面试,否那么你的简历极有可能被淹没在一堆竞争者的简历当中永无出头之日。第三,多准备一些自己觉得比较满意、能表达你的气质的近照,在给对方简历的同时也附上你的照片,这会加深对方对你印象。第四,还应该尽量选择好要应聘的职位,找把握最大的职位应聘,不要对同一个公司应聘好多个不同的职位,那样用人单位会觉得你定位不清楚,不是专业人才。


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