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1、2023年江苏省连云港市高中段学校招生统一文化考试英语试卷说明:本试题总分值120分,考试时间120分钟。第一卷选择题共60分一、单项选择共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。1-Eric,what would you like to be when you grow up- _ actor like Jackie ChanAThe BA CAn D/2-Isnt this MP4 yours,Ben-No,its Jims_ is left at homeAMine BYours CHers DHis3-I hear your pen fri

2、end is visiting Lianyungang againIs it the _ time for him-Yes,and he will come for a third time next springAfirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth4-Look,_ dirty the water is!-Yes,we should really take some actions to deal with itAwhat a Bwhat Chow Dhow a5Timmy tells me that you have read _ on the InternetAsom

3、ething amazing Banything amazingCamazed something Damazed anything6-Hi,Tom,why so unhappy-I missed the exciting match _ the bad trafficAin order to Bsince then Cas a result Dbecause of7On the 40th Earth Day,Dr Wang gave us a talk on the importance of _ the earthApracticing Bpreventing Cpolluting Dpr

4、otecting8-Will his new novel _ in September this year-Yes,we are all looking forward to itAcome over Bcome back Ccome out Dcome from9-How do western people celebrate _-They usually make special pumpkin lanternsAChristmas BThanksgiving DayCHalloween DNew Years Day10-Is Lindas home _ away from school

5、than Millies-Yes,it isLinda lives two miles away but Millie lives nearbyAfarther Bfarthest Cfurther Dfurthest11-Is that your best friend Simon-No,it _ be himHe flew to Hong Kong yesterdayAmustnt Bmay not Ccant Dneednt12-Whats the TV news _-The Chinese Team won five gold medals at World Table Tennis

6、ChampionshipsAat Bacross Cabove Dabout13-Im afraid Ill fail in this exam-Come on,PhilipYou must believe in _Thats the secret of successAyourself Bhimself Cherself Dmyself14-We are going to visit Huaguo Mountain this weekend-Really _!ACongratulations BThats all rightCHave a good time DThanks a lot15-

7、Can you tell me _ for the 60th China National Day-A wonderful paradeAwhat is going to be held Bwho is going to be invitedChow much money will be raised Dhow long will it last二、完形填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。In New York,on a Friday night,a poor young artist stood at the

8、gate of a train stationHe was playing his _16_His music was so great that many people put money into his _17_The next day,the young artist came to the _18_ place,and played the violin as usualDifferent from the day before,he took out a piece of paper and put _19_ on the groundThe paper read,“Last ni

9、ght,a man named George Sang put an important thing into my hat _20_Please come to get it soon_21_ about half an hour,aan_22_ man ran there in a hurry,“Oh,its youYou did come here The young violinist asked _23_,“Are you Mr. George Sang “Yes! Yes! Then the violinist asked,“Did you lose something “Lott

10、ery彩票Its the most valuable lottery in my 70 years of life, said the manThe violinist _24_ a lottery ticketGeorge Sangs name was on itso the violinist _25_ it to himLater someone asked the violinist,“Since you _26_ play the violin every day to make your tuition fee学费in the university,why didnt you ke

11、ep the lottery ticket for yourselfThe violinist said,“_27_ I dont have much money,I live happily;but if I lose honesty,I wont be happy foreverThrough our liveswe can get a lot and lose so _28_But being _29_ should always be with usIf we act in a dishonest way,we may _30_ in a short periodHowever,fro

12、m the long-term view,we will be a loser16Apiano Bguitar Cviolin Dsax萨克斯17Abowl Bhat Cpocket Dhands18Asimilar Bdifferent Cstrange Dsame19Ait Bits Cthey Dthem20Aby then Bby mistake Cby the way Dby hand21AAfter BBefore CFrom DWhen22Ayoung Bold Csmall Dtall23Acoldly Bangrily Ccalmly Dsadly24Atook out Btook off Ctook back Dtook away25Asold Bbought Cgave Dlent26Acould Bhad to Cshould Dmust27A


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