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1、.单项填空1Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great privilege_introducing our speaker for tonight.AinBofCabout Don2High interest rates_people from borrowing money.Adiscourage BprotectCsave Ddisturb3The frequent terrible coal mine accidents killed more than 1,000 people in China last year._.AQuite OK BCertai

2、nlyCThats the case DI agree4Every day the boy,together with his classmates,_to go to the sports ground and_football,_themselves.Aare noticed;play;enjoyingBis noticed;plays;enjoyingCare noticed;plays;enjoysDis noticed;play;enjoying5The importance of saving gas_be stressed too much.Automobiles use up

3、some 70 billion gallons of gas a year.Acant BmustntCshouldnt Dmay not6No other salesmen could know how to increase sales,but soon Tim_a good solution.Acame up with Bcaught up withCkept up with Dput up with7Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may_run down by a car.Ahave BgetCbe

4、come Dturn8Our family makes it a_to turn off the television at mealtime and try to speak as little as possible.Aprivilege BpressureCprocedure Dprinciple9_in the iron box,the tiger got angry.ATo trap BTrappingCTrapped DTo be trapped10All three teams_different approaches to the problem.Aadapted Badopt

5、edCattached Dadjusted11_is necessary for you to lock the car when you dont use it.AWhich BThisCThat DIt12_gene,intelligence also depends on an adequate diet,a good education and a happy family environment.AIn spite of BIn terms ofCIn case of DIn addition to13Can Jay Chou be considered as one who_amo

6、ng young musiciansAstands up Bstands outCcomes out Dcomes up14I dont like vegetables,Mum._on a balanced diet,you should try to eat some.AKeep BTo keepCKeeping DHaving kept15Perseverance is a kind of quality and thats_it takes to do anything well.Awhat BthatCwhich Dwhy.句子翻译16这个小偷被抓后,不得不向警方详细供述所干之事。(d

7、etail)_17一般来说,女性比男性寿命长5至7年。(average)_18这个小男孩并非总是向父母撒谎。(not.always)_19他们没有提出任何切合实际的解决方法。(fail)_20Reading English novels can improve our English level,and whats more,it can help us learn about foreign cultures._.完形填空I was coaching girlstrack in Iowa and there was a young discus (铁饼) thrower on the tea

8、m with_21_potential (潜力)Here goes her story.At the end of our training_22_the district track meet,this discus thrower,Lucy,asked me if she_23_come to the school on Sunday for a little_24_training.I agreed.The year before,she had placed second at the district meet and_25_missed going to the state mee

9、t.She had won every discus event,_26_that district meet!And,her throws in the competitions had_27_been between 1061 and 11010.Something began to_28_me.Why couldnt Lucy_29_to get the discus to 111 feet?I wondered if it was more a psychological barrier (心理障碍)_30_a physical one.I decided to try somethi

10、ng_31_.I made up my mind to_32_to Lucy.On Sunday,after her drills,I said,“Why dont you throw five or six good ones for me to_33_?She began to throw again,but_34_were farther than what she had already thrown.But,I didnt tell Lucy.As I was measuring the_35_one,I pulled out some more tape (卷尺) and yell

11、ed out to her,“Come to see this!This one is_36_! It wasnt.Lucy,thinking that this was a personal best,jumped wildly into the air in_37_.The next afternoon,at the district meet,Lucy_38_with a personal best throw of 11410!Just 24 hours after I had lied to her.However,this time she had_39_thrown the di

12、scus four feet further than she had ever thrown it before.Sometimes we_40_our own barriers in our mind.So learn to take control of your mind.21.A.little BlargeCno Dlimited22A.after BduringCsince Dbefore23A.could BmustCshould Dwould24A.helpful BextraCreal Dregular Bcompletely Cnarrowly Dprobably26A.except BincludingCdespite Dwith BalwaysCnever Dseldom28A.frighten BpleaseCshock Dbother29A.seem BpretendCneed Dask30A.apart from Brather thanCbecause of Daccording to BfamiliarCnew


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