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1、2023学年度吉林省第二实验学校毕业年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷一、听力局部根据所听到的内容,选出与描述相符的图片,其中有一幅是多余的。5分 A B C D E F1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _II情景反响听句子,选答语,每个句子读两遍。6 AThe sitting rooms are over there BSure, what size do you need CHow about this one7A Very well, thanks BYes I did CThe weather is beautiful8 ASorry, Im terribly busy at the mom

2、ent BYes, I stayed there for two weeksCNo, I dont mind it, 9 AThats all right BYou can see the Peking Cinema there CGo down this street and turn left10 AYes, I willBCan I help youCYoure welcome 对话理解听对话,选择正确答案。你将听到五段对话及五个问题,每段对话和问题读两遍。 11 AWhite BBlue CBlack12 AJack B Jim CJohn13 AHe has broken the w

3、indowsBHe has cleaned the windowsCHe has opened the windows 14 ASpringBSummerCAutumn15 A10 B5 C3听对话并根据对话内容完成表格。每空一词。5分The films name Cold 16 _The type of the film 17 _ story Awards for best 18 _The first show time tomorrow 19 _Ticket price 20 _ yuan V短文理解听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。21 Whats the matter with the

4、 farmer AHe had a sore backBHe had a coldCHe had a headache22 How many kinds of medicine did the doctor give the farmer AOneBTwoCThree23 What did the doctor tell the farmer to drink Ahot teaBcolaCmilk24 How many sons does the farmer haveAoneBtwoCthree25Who will take two pills instead of the farmerAt

5、he elder sonBthe younger sonChimself 二、根底知识 共25分VI在以下各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确5分26My bike is _ Would you like to help me repair it27I would _ clean up the restroom than do the dishes28I have good _ to tell you Shenzhou VI was sent up into space successfully29-I have a _ -Why dont you see the denti

6、st30The parrot is a lovely _ and it can even talkVII 选择适合的词,并用其适当形式填空。 5分 31She writes_ than any other girl in her class32On his _ birthday, he got a special presenthis wife33Is Lu Xun alive or _34My parents were_ of me, because I won the first prize in the contest35It only _ me 100 yuanVIII 选择填空 15

7、分36Mrs Li is _ woman with many problems She never laughsAan Ba Cone D/37-What do you think_my new product-Pretty goodAof Bover Cup Dlike38 One of the students _ late for school this morningAhad Bis Cwas Dwere 39 That boy _ be Peter He has gone back to English with his parentsAmay not Bmustnt Ccant D

8、neednt40 -I hear a new film is on these days Shall we go to the cinema together ,Lucy and Lily-_ Lily _ I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the gardenAEither; nor BEither; or CNeither; nor DBoth; and41 The Changjiang River isnt the longest river in China, is it

9、AYes, it is BNo, it isnt CNo, it is DYes, it isnt42 The air pollution makes people _ badAfeel Bfelt Cto feel Dfeeling43 -_ is it from our school to Jingzhu Mall- About half an hours walk Shall we go thereAHow far BHow long CHow often DHow many times44Tomorrows meeting is very important, please ask t

10、hem _ there on timeAgo Bto go Cgoing Dwent45A_ boy can sing this English song very wellAten years-old Bten years old Cten year-old Dfifth years old46 Will you please _me your math book this afternoonAlending Bborrow Cto borrow Dlend47 My father _ on business for two weeksAleft Bhas been away Chas go

11、ne Dhas left48 You cant pass the exam _ you study hardAif Bof Cunless Dand49 We are glad to see our hometown is developing _ these years than ever before Aless quickly Bmore quickly Cmost quickly Dleast quickly50 The thief _by the policeman alreadyAis caught Bhas been caught Chas caught Dcaught三、交际运

12、用 15分IX从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两个选项是多余的。A The early show or late showB Id rather go to KFCC What are you going to do this weekendD Thanks Thats very kind of youE When and where shall we meetF What time will it beginG Why do you go thereTom: 51 Mary Got any plansMary: Nothing special WhyTom: Want to see a movie “Thunderstorm is on at the Friendship Cine


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