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1、科级干部培训班结业典礼发言 科级干部培训班结业典礼发言 尊敬的领导、同志们: 大家下午好! 7天前,我们192名学员带着组织上的嘱托,暂时离开工作单位,满怀热情、迎风踏雪,共同来到这里“充电加油。今天是11月22号,此时此刻,我们这些来自不同单位、不同系统、不同岗位、不同年龄的192名学员内心里,都有着同样的感受?这一周过的太快了!幸福时光的脚步总是显得那么的匆忙。 感受二:幸运。 第一天的开班典礼上,xx亲自到会,与我们全体学员面对面。他既讲意义,又提要求,更教方法,使我们明确了这期乡科级干部培训班的重大意义,把握了目标要求,更感受到了组织的关心和保护。在学习讨论xx开班典礼讲话时,许多学员

2、反映,听到xx讲“县委决定从现在起到明年上半年,要对全县科级干部全部培训一遍时,大家都为之一振?因为大家都心里清楚,能不能实现xx经济社会又好又快开展,能不能把xx全面建成“花木名县、生态美县、旅游强县、工业大县、宜居花城,决定性的因素是干部?是一大批眼界开阔、胸怀宽广、本领过硬的高素质干部。所以大家普遍认为,县委下大力气抓干部培训,真正是抓住了xx加快开展、科学开展、和谐开展的“牛鼻子。能成为全县科级干部培训的第一期学员,是我们荣誉和自豪。 感受三:真学。 我们每个人静心学习、深入思考、团结合作、遵守纪律的强大动力。没有人用学习“装点门面,而是自愿学、比勤学、赛真学、求深学、讲善学。课上,大

3、家专心听,用心记;课下,大家反复交流、相互探讨;论坛上,大家踊跃发言,努力用理论来指导工作实践;晚会上,大家歌舞戏曲热情洋溢,尽力用各自的才艺换来快乐共享;练拓展,大家团队合作,战胜挑战的同时超越自我。每个人,都将自己的全部热情奉献给了这个和谐的集体;每一天,都将自己的所有精力投入到了这次求知的历程。 应该说,第一期乡科级干部培训班以良好的精神风貌,严格的组织纪律,标准有序的团队表现,赢得了组织部领导和党校老师们的肯定,为第一期乡科级干部培训班争得了荣誉,也为以后的乡科级干部培训班树立了“标尺。 7天学习培训一晃过去了。值此总结培训历程,盘点学习收获,筹划下步工作之际,作为培训班里的一名代表,

4、我也有三点体会。 体会一是:自豪,有魅力了! 能成为全县科级干部培训的第一期学员,是我们荣誉和自豪。我们这192名学员,没有人不珍视这次难得的学习时机。我们感到精神振奋、信心倍增。不管听报告、不管练拓展、也不管是晚会和论坛,我们每个人脸上都绽开着荣誉和自豪的花朵。特别是王雨教授用他图文并茂方式讲授的中国传统文化美学欣赏,王蓓教授用她娓娓道来的悦耳音调讲授的领导干部社交礼仪等,强化了我们的美学修养和个人素养,提高了我们的审美鉴赏能力和待人接物能力,一定会在我们今后的工作岗位提高人格魅力,增强影响力,对周围群众的行为方式产生良好的示范效应。 体会二是: 自信,有能力了!作为乡科级干部,直接与基层群


6、、依法执政的能力、总揽全局的能力,从而提升我们在实际工作中的执行能力、开展能力、创新能力、和谐能力。 体会三是:健康,有活力了! 对常年忙碌在工作岗位的乡科级干部而言,生理和心理健康是良好执政能力的前提和必要条件。这次培训班把乡科级干部生理和心理健康建设纳入培训学习内容,通过申临渊专家充满关切的健康知识讲座和充满挑战的野外拓展训练,加强对我们的心理疏导和健康教育,提高了大家的心理调适能力、抗压能力和自我保健意识,促使每个学员发挥潜能,激发出浑身朝气和工作活力。在今后的工作中,一定会催生出我们积极的心态、快半拍的行动、创新性的思路,在团结紧张、严肃活泼的气氛中,开创我们xx招商引资和工业开展、三

7、大创业工程和平安建设的新局面。 第一期培训班能这么圆满成功,我们每个学员能有这么多收获,我们该感谢的人很多。在此我特别向给予我们这次培训时机的组织部xx等领导,特别向给予我们精彩讲座的各位专家教授,特别向给予我们关爱和照顾的张校长等党校老师表示由衷地感谢! 祝愿xx县第一期乡科级干部培训班全体学员,回到岗位后身体更健康、工作更顺心!祝愿xx县乡科级干部培训班一届比一届更圆满成功、更成果丰硕! 借此时机,我也代表宣传部我们三位学员,欢送各位抽空莅临宣传部指导工作! 谢谢大家! city Municipal Party Central work, and strive to improve the

8、 decision-making ability, comprehensive coordination ability, writing ability, supervision ability, logistics ability, innovation ability, continuously consolidate and maintain the education on Party membersadvancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievem

9、ents, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to resea

10、rch information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work requirements, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistan

11、t role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision ser

12、vice as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the citys youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementa

13、tion of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the spec

14、ific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of sci

15、entific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide fi

16、rst-hand information. To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an impor


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